1 Бердянськ 2010 (06)

Tetyana Belcheva. Educational task as a common object of teacher and students’ activity at primary school

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10. Tetyana Belcheva. Educational task as a common object of teacher and students’ activity at primary school.

Educational task as a common object of teacher and students’ activity at primary school is considered by the author in he article.

Key words: learning objectives, the object of activity, elementary school.

11. Olena Malyar. The mane factors of the development of junior school pupils’ emotionality.

In the article the development of the emotionality of junior school children have been characterized. There have been described the infuse of the psychological factors on the emotional sphere of junior school children.

Key words: junior school children, family, school, television, informative technologies.

12. Liliya Tomich. The complex system of correction and rehabilitation work in preschool establishment for children with speech disorders.

The article deals with systemic-structural approach to content and organization of correctional and rehabilitation work. In the context of this work the model of integrated system of correctional and rehabilitative care to children at school with improved content and innovative technology has been developed

Key words: children with impaired, complex system of correctional-rehabilitation work, model of complex system.

13. Oksana Bukovska. Organization senior pupils’ differential independent educational activity in Geometry at extracurricular time.

Different approaches to organization of differential independent educational activity and methodological recommendations of its realization are characterized. Perspective of idea of wide usage of independent educational activity accordion to in depth thorough study of Geometry is grounded.

Key words: independent activity, geometry, recommendation educational, deep study.

14. Natalya Prokopenko. Semantic synopsis in the vector algebra.

In the article general questions of the student’s modelling have been considered. The five components of the subject model have been described. The principles of building the semantic component are given. The structure and types of the semantic facts are analyzed. The examples from the semantic synopsis in the vector algebra are given. The methods of the semantic synopsis building has been described.

Key words: the student modelling, the subject model, the semantic component, the semantic synopsis, the vector algebra.

15. Volodymyr Sergienko, Sofiya Dembitska. Realization of intersubject communication “physics-economy” during study of physics at high educational establishment of the 1st and 2nd grade of accreditation.

Realization of intersubject communication “physics-economy” during study of physics at high educational establishment of the 1st and 2nd grade of accreditation are considered. Basic methods of study and using of economy knowledge in physics are also considered.

Key words: activization of educational cognitive activity, studying physics, molecular physics, thermodynamics.

16. Volodymyr Burak. Opening the integral notions about electromagnetic field and electromagnetic induction in basic school.

The methodology of opening the integral notions about electromagnetic field and electromagnetic induction in basic school (inclusive on qualitative level) on basic of generalization the teaching material of electromagnetism has been offered.

Key words: electromagnetic, integral.

17. Tymur Khachyrov. Modern Internet services as a component of general education of graduating student in field of communication technologies.

This article covers questions of modern services which offered by Internet and problems of covering theme "Basics of Internet" in modern course of information technologies in comprehensive school. It is proved that expansion of Internet services predetermines necessity of modernization of the school education content taking into account versatile influences on the schoolboy and its person.

Key words: computer technologies, Internet services, computer networks, communication technologies.

18. Oleksandra Guryevskaya. Methods of inventor tasks’ projects as a factor of forming of student’s creative personality in the process of Physics study.

The problem of using of project study technology in credit-module system at organization of educational process is considered in the article. The expedience of using of inventor tasks, as a base for the method of projects is also grounded.

Key words: system of organization of study, method of projects, inventor task, personality oriented studies, creative capabilities, differentiated approach, independent work.

19. Olena Nagaychuk. The development of pupils’ intellectual capabilities in the process of project-technological activity.

The essences of notions ability, intellectual abilities, aspects that determine the types of intellectual capabilities of personality are characterized in the article; the possibilities of development of intellectual capabilities of students by means of project-technological activity are analysed.

Key words: abilities, intellectual abilities, the ability to study, mind convergentionai and divergentional abilities, perseptions styles, creativity.

20. Olga Lazutina. Conceptual apparatus features of Organic chemistry.

It is explained the necessity of study of organic chemistries according to alternative scheme which takes into consideration professional direction account of future teachers of labor and professional education.

Key words: organic chemistry, alternative scheme, training future teachers of labor.

21. Mykola Skrypytsyn, Oleksandr Kharyh. Studing of transiental process in the electrical circuit with using of system of modeling “Electronics Workbench”.

Advantages of mathematical design methods used in EWB programm in the study of transiental process have been expounded in the article. The most attention has been spared to the problems of experimental confirmation of transiental process theory including laws of commutation.

Key words: capacity, impulse, circuit, matrix, model, voltage, potential, order, current.

22. Natalia Gay. Recommendations as for teaching practice in Physics at 7th form.

Recommendations as for teaching practice in Physics at 7th form is given in the article by the author.

Key words: recommendations, educational practice, planning, examples of tasks, students, physics.

23. Stella Khazyna. Objectives and content of teaching computer simulation to prospective physics teachers

The article substantiates the advisability of teaching computer simulation to prospective teachers of physics through various software environments with the purpose of forming components of the system of the information and communication competencies of the specialist. Main objectives are defined and an approximate content of the Computer Stimulation course for Physics and Informatics Students is proposed.

Key words: model, computer simulation, the competence approach, the information and communication competence.

24. Sergey Stetsyk. The forming of informative competence of future physics teacher in the process of study the discipline “Methods of physics teaching”.

The subject of the article is the analysis of scientifically pedagogical literature in the context of forming of informative competence of the future teacher of physics; different approaches in relation to determination of levels of the informative competence are considered. The author gives the example of using of traditional and new educational technologies.

Key words: informative competence, teacher, method, studies, technology.

25. Iryna Podorozhna. Structure of future teachers natural profile’s creativity.

On the basis of the analysis of works of leading scientists, structural components of creativity of future teachers of natural profile are defined.

Key words: creativity, creativity of future teacher of natural profile, scientists.

26. Georgiy Kashkarev. Competent approach in the system of professional training of future law study teachers.

Competence approach in the system of professional training of future law study teachers has been considered in the article.

Key words: competence, pedagogical skills, integrated courses.

27. Viktoria Rakhmanyna. Modern problems of art-aesthetic teenagers’ education.

Some features of art-aesthetic teenagers’ education, caused by specific characteristics of teenagers are defined in the article. Basic problems of art-aesthetic education in modern society are considered in the article.

Key words: art-aesthetic education, teenage, aesthetic consciousness.

28. Viktoriya Tusheva. Values in the structure of future teacher’s professional culture.

The author considers understanding of future teacher’s professional culture and values which are basic structural component. On the basis of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature notions “values”, “pedagogical values”, “professional pedagogical trend of teacher” have been analyzed.

Key words: factors, notions, values, abilities, self-development.

29. Liana Burchak. Factors of forming of future teacher’s research competence in the conditions of higher education.

The article is devoted to the problem of preparation of future teacher in the conditions of higher education. The factors of forming of research competence of future teacher are grounded.

Key words: factor, regionalization, environment, capabilities, creation, personification, self-development.

30. Olena Yevseyeva. The five component object model of technical university student.

In the article the five component object model of technical university student in high mathematics is given. This model is represented on an example of the vector algebra. The model is compound from thematic, operational, procedural, functional and semantic components. The object student model is used to project and organize teaching of the high mathematics in Donetsk National Technical University.

Key words: model of student, five component subject model, high mathematics teaching.

31. Olga Bratanych. Teacher’s personalization as a condition of Advanced English learning.

The necessity of lecturer personalization as the condition of Advanced English learning personalization has been substantiated and the levels of lecturer personalization have been characterized in the article.

Key words: lecturer personalization, personalization of learning, foreign language, level of personalization, technology of personalization.

32. Tetyana Serdyuk. Arts synthesis as a means of forming of choreography students’ emotional and value attitude to prospective professional activities.

The article proves the pedagogical potential of arts synthesis in artistic and aesthetic activities on the basis of modern science and choreographic practice. The author gives practical recommendations as for applying the methods of complex interaction of different arts in the forming of emotional and value attitude to prospective professional activities on the basis of V.Verhovinets’s Ukrainian musical outdoor games.

Key words: arts synthesis, a choreography student, a musical outdoor game.

33. Yuriy Silohin, Ludmila Lodyagina. Students’ Project Activities at Workshops.

The author suggests introducing the special course “The foundation of project activities of secondary school pupils” for the students on speciality 7.010103. The article contains the thematic plan, plans and contents of lectures, laboratory works and individual assignments.

Key words: project activity, engineering project, work project, bank of projects, verbal methods of teaching.

34. Tetyana Sadova. Professional competence and readiness for pedagogical activity: essence and interrelation.

On the basis of scientific analysis of the pedagogical literature the various approaches to definition essence of concepts “readiness for professional pedagogical activity” and “professional pedagogical competence” are covered, the character of their interrelation is opened.

Key words: readiness, competence, readiness for pedagogical activity, professional-pedagogical competence.

35. Elena Dobreva. Aspects of future educator professional competence.

Concepts “competence”, “professional competence”; maintenance are examined; basic components of professional competence is characterized; terms of the successful forming of professional competence of future educator of children of preschool have been defined.

Key words: competence, professional competence, professional competence of educator children.

36. Olga Goncharova. The innovative activity of future preschool teacher as an element of educational system modernization in the context of Bologna realities.

Different approaches to the innovative activity definition are considered in the article. The author gives own definition of the innovative pedagogical activity. The structure of the future preschool teacher innovative activity is characterized in the article.

Key words: innovative activity, innovation, structure, future preschool teacher.

37. Julia Rudenko. Competence hike to preparation of future preschool educatio teachers at the study of course “Culture of speech and expressive reading”.

In the article different looks to determination of concept “competence’’ are analysed. The necessity of application of competence approach in preparation of future educators at the study of course “Culture of speech and expressive reading” is grounded.

Key words: competence, jurisdiction, communicative jurisdiction, competence approach, abilities, skills.

38. Larisa Dobrovolska, Svetlana Tatarynova. Informational technologies in the future pre-school teacher training.

In the article the practicability of new informational technologies use in educational environment is shown. The main peculiarities of author’s electronic textbook on geranial psychology for future preschool teachers are given in the article.

Key words: informational technologies, electronic textbook, education, activity studies.

39. Tetyana Lisovs’ka. The problem of differentiated approach in the musical education of senior preschool age children.

In the article the author reveals the essence of a differentiated approach and its importance in the musical education of senior preschool age children.

Key words: differentiated approach, the musical education, children of preschool age.

40. Oleksandr Kurok, Volodymyr Zinchenko. Using of information technology in the preschool specialist’s training.

The article deals with the system of information technologies using in pedagogical conditions in organizing the future preschools specialist’s education pedagogical project activity for raising the students learning efficiency. The methods of using such technologies on the examples of some subjects are described.

Key words: pedagogical technologies, information technologies, pedagogical conditions, pedagogical project activity.

41. Galyna Barsykovska. Using of technologies of development of creative personality during preparation of future teaches for making physical training of preschool age children.

The article is devoted to the using innovation technologies of development of the creative personality in the preparing of future tutors to accomplishment of physical training of children of the preschool age. Methods and ways of using the innovations in process of teaching the theory and methodic of physical training of children of the preschool age and special disciplines are characterized.

Key words: the technologies of development, innovation, innovation methods, innovational technologies, activity games, figurative scheme, modul technology.

42. Lyudmyla Zagorodnya. The teaching of the course The Basics of pedagogical skills with interactive training methods.

The teaching of the course “The Basics of pedagogical skills” according to the credit-module system of training is described in this article. The great attention author pays to the content of practical and labour classes, student’s self-sufficient and individual works, system of the estimation their knowledge. There is a characteristic of interactive training methods for studying this course in the article.

Key words: credit-module technology of training, self-sufficient student’s work, rated estimation system, pedagogical skills, interactive training methods.

43. Julia Shevchenko, Larisa Zhuravleva. Levels of future educator’s pedagogical competence.

Different approaches to determination of competence, pedagogical abilities and skills are characterized. The levels of pedagogical competence of future educator are grounded.

Key words: competence, pedagogical abilities, pedagogical skills, pedagogical competence, levels of pedagogical competence.

44. Olga Sidelnikova. Мicrosoft power point multimedia presentations as a means of preschool pedagogic learning.

The peculiarities of computer technologies introduction into the learning process of higher educational establishments are considered. The characteristics of conditions and opportunities of multimedia presentations usage in the teaching process of preschool pedagogic are presented, its opportunities for cognition and development are defined.

Key words: the discipline ‘Preschool Pedagogic’, multimedia presentations, opportunities for cognition and development, students’ activization.

45. Larisa Kazantseva, Olena Telcharova. The credit and module system in pedagogical education: experience of establishing.

The article deals with the analysis of four-year experience of credit and module system’s establishing at Social and Pedagogical department where the training of specialists in the branch of Pre-school education, social pedagogy and defectology is dedicated. The attitude of the main subjects of pedagogical process to the studying on the base of Bologna system is characterized. The advantages and disadvantages of the new technologies of studying and their reasons are described.

Key words: Bologna declaration, the credit and module system, range system of marks, system of management quality.

46. Alla Omelyanenko. Forming of professional communicative culture of future pre-school education specialists.

In this article the author proves possibility of using such speaking genre as “story-thinking” by prospective pre-skhool education specialists in order to develop their professional speaking skills. The author proves that professional speaking skills are ground of teacher’s communicative culture.

Key words: сommunicative culture of speaking, speaking genre as “story-thinking”, professional speaking skills.

47. Nadiya Kot. Program and methodical support of the course “Health technologies and diagnostical methods of pupils’ physical development”.

Program and methodical support of the course “Health technologies and diagnostical methods of pupils’ physical development” is given in the article.

Key words: diagnostic methods, physical development.

48. Eduard Vil’chkovs’kyj, Anastasiya Vil’chkovs’ka. Training of teachers of pre-school educational establishments in polish HEE in the context of Bologna process.

Training of teachers of pre-school educational establishments in polish HEE in the context of Bologna process is considered in the article.

Key words: pre-school education, Bologna process.

49. Mykola Fedorov, Olena Fedorova. Pecularities of european system of credits’ transferring (ЕСТS) and students’ achievement quality estimation.

The peculiarities of ЕСТS system’s basic conceptual statements in the Ukrainian institutions of higher learning are theoretically stated. Some approaches of students’ professional preparation evaluation according to the Bolgna system requirements are given in the article.

Key words: system of ЕСТS, credit-module system, rating, transfer system.

50. Kateryna Shcherbakova, Helen Brezhneva. Realization of the Bologna convention terms in teaching of methods of forming of mathematical elements to pre-school specialty’s students.

Problems of role of pedagogical education in a modern world are discussed in the article. Necessity of high-quality changes in the high pedagogical education is grounded. The authors propose their own variant of teaching complex of forming of mathematical elements of pre-school children (MFEM).

Key words: module teaching, European Credit Transfer System, teaching complex, individual teaching, researching task.

51. Lyubov Gaydarzhyyska. To the problem of students’ Independent work according to the credit-module system at higher educational establishment.

This article is devoted to the problem of organization students’ independent work according to the credit-module system at higher educational establishment. As an example the author uses some subjects of the chair of pre-school education at Berdyansk State Pedagogical University.

Key words: independent work, credit-module system, educational establishment.

УДК 37.01(06)

ББК 74я5

З 41

Збірник наукових праць Бердянського державного педагогічного університету (Педагогічні науки). – Бердянськ : БДПУ, 2010. – № 1. – 308 с.

Головний редактор – Костянтин Олексійович Баханов – доктор педагогічних наук, професор Бердянського державного педагогічного університету.
Відповідальний редактор – Вікторія Федорівна Дороз – кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри теорії та методики навчання мов Інституту філології Бердянського державного педагогічного університету.
Технічний редактор та комп’ютерна верстка – Катерина Назімова.

Адреса редакції:

71100 м. Бердянськ, Запорізька обл., вул. Шмідта, 4.

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