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Key words: cloud computing, SaaS, learning process, programming training, improving training. Түйін

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Наука и жизнь Казахстана №3 (59) 2018

Key words: cloud computing, SaaS, learning process, programming training, improving training.
Түйін: Мақалада болашақ информатика мұғалімдерін даярлауды жетілдіруде, оқу үдерісінде бұлт-
тық есептеулерді қолдану тәжірибесі сипатталады. Бұлттық есептеулердің программалауға оқытуда 
ұсынатын қосымша мүмкіндіктері көрсетіледі. Бұлттық ресуртар негізінде студенттерді оқыту бары-
сында нәтижелі қолдануға болатын педагогикалық кешен қалыптастыру мүмкіндігі талқыланады.
 Кілт сөздер: бұлттық есептеулер, SaaS, оқыту үдерісі, программалауға оқыту, даярлықты жетіл-
Резюме: В статье описывается опыт использования облачных вычислений в учебном процессе при 
совершенствовании подготовки будущих учителей информатики. Показано, что облачные вычисления 
предоставляют дополнительные возможности при обучении программированию. Обсуждается возмож-
ность формирования на основе облачных ресурсов педагогического комплекса, который может продук-
тивно использоваться при обучении студентов. 
Ключевые слова: облачные вычисления, SaaS, процесс обучения, обучение программированию, совер-
шенствование подготовки.
1 Introduction
Cloud computing is an information processing model in which both hardware and software resources 
which are involved in the task of problem solving are provided to users as an online service. The main 
advantage of using the cloud is concealing a complex infrastructure which ensures the availability of 
information and the means of its processing (software) from the end user. This allows them to focus on 
the performance of their functional duties, without thinking about the nuances of information processing 
Cloud resources can be effectively used for educational purposes, allowing rationally organize the 
learning process for both, students and active employees of companies. Examples of the use of cloud 
technologies in education include electronic diaries and journals, private classrooms for students and 
teachers, etc. Cloud technologies allow you to organize access to various types of social software using 
all the advantages of this type of information technology in the learning process, they can serve as a 
platform for organizing mobile learning [1], [2]. At the same time, the use of cloud technologies can 
reduce the costs of the training process, improve the quality of training due to the rapid change of 
curricula, the formation and provision of shared access to teaching materials.
Researchers distinguish the following advantages of cloud computing in education [3]:
- Backup (data is stored in the cloud even if a computer crashes);
- Storage (the cloud allows users to store all data of all types);
- Availability (data from the cloud is available, including from mobile devices);
- Collaboration (the cloud allows several users to work simultaneously, this function can create group 
projects and optimize plans for cooperation between teachers and students in the classroom);
- Conscious attitude to resources and time (teachers do not need to spend time and resources on 
copying teaching materials, and students get access to educational materials online);

- Assignments (students can store their assignments in the cloud, and a teacher has access to them at 
any convenient time).
Cloud computing is implemented in the form of the following models [4]:
Storage as a Servis (SaaS) - the service of providing disk space on demand.
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) - providing access to software that is deployed on remote servers, 
configured and managed by the provider's staff.
Platform as a Servis (PaaS) - a set of services implemented at the user level in the form of access to 
software for various purposes [5].
Infrastructure as a Servic (IaaS) is a set of physical devices (servers, hard disks, etc.) for processing 
data on the basis of which a platform is built
An example of the educational cloud service PaaS is the portal "Educational cloud" (http://ooblako.
ru/). Educational Cloud (Cloud) is a means of creating e-learning resources (ESM) for networking and 
distance learning. The main purpose of the Cloud is to provide users with the opportunity to carry 
out educational activities without the need to use additional hardware and software tools and attract 
specialists in the field of information technology.
Cloud Capabilities:
1. Creation of electronic training resources;
2. Creation of training courses on the basis of electronic training modules (EUM);
3. Implementation of educational activities using EUM, ESM;
4. Teaching students and pupils with the use of developed elements;
5. Exchange of experience between teachers.
Rules for the use of the Cloud allow its use in the educational process in any educational institutions 
for free. The basis for the Cloud is the educational process management system (LMS, Learning 
Management System) Moodle.
Promising for solving the problems of education are also models of cloud technologies SaaS. This 
article describes the experience of using cloud computing to solve problems on the topic under study, at 
the lessons at L.N. Gumilvov Eurasian National University.
2 Formation of educational space on the basis of cloud services
The use of online services in education led to the growing popularity of the SECI (Socialization, 
Externalization, Combination, Internalization) model developed by Ikujiro Nonaka and co-authors [6] 
in studies of information creation in innovative companies.
Within the framework of the model, four phases of knowledge transformation were identified:
Socialization is an exchange of implicit knowledge, which can be acquired only through the exchange 
of experience.
Externalization is the process of updating implicit knowledge into explicit knowledge that becomes 
the basis for new knowledge.
Combination is the process of transforming explicit knowledge into more complex and systematic 
combinations of explicit knowledge.
Internalization is the process of translating explicit knowledge into implicit knowledge. Through 
internalization, the created explicit knowledge through the organization is converted into individual 
implicit knowledge.
The condition for the development of new knowledge within the SECI model is existence.
SaaS services provided by cloud computing can be used in the educational process.
Using the disk space of cloud services creates an educational environment:
- The possibility of sharing access for participants in the learning process: a teacher and students.
- The possibility of co-editing text allows you to transform information as it accumulates and develops.
- The access to personal information resources of students and teachers (social networks, e-mail) 
allows you to make the resource personally oriented for each participant of the educational process.
- Internet access provides access to all necessary information resources in the necessary context.
Thus, cloud services can become a tool for creating a contextual educational environment in which 
conditions for the formation of new knowledge can be created. Since the creation of subjectively new 
for students knowledge occurs when performing creative tasks, we used cloud services, including when 
managing the execution of creative assignments.

3 Using integrated processing environments in teaching programming
For educational institutions, the content and functionality of the virtual learning environment (VLE) 
management systems are becoming increasingly important. VLE-systems are criticized for the weak 
possibilities of generation and storage of user-created content and low level of integration with social 
networks. Some teachers try to avoid the restrictions that these systems impose on users. By combining 
various publicly available Internet tools, they form more modern conditions for students to collaborate, 
create and share their own learning content. In the context of training, this is possible with small groups 
of students, assisted by teachers with a high level of training in the IT field. There are also a lot of 
problems when each student creates his own personal learning environment (PLE), especially when the 
electronic training course includes tools for teamwork and evaluation.
As an example of the use of cloud technologies in education, it is possible to name thematic forums 
where students can discuss code of programs in any programming language, exchange interesting 
algorithms for solving various problems, and search for information for self-preparation for classes.
In the age of mobile technology, when the compiler is not at hand, you can use integrated programming 
systems in the cloud to test the students' remaining knowledge of programming, for example in C ++, 
using tablets or smartphones. In this article laptops and computers are not considered, because their 
characteristics allow you to install the appropriate software for programming and compiling the code 
of any programming language. Most tablets or smartphones are not suitable for this job. They work 
on different platforms and have "weak" characteristics for installing a "serious" program for editing 
and compiling code. However, all these devices have access to the Internet and allow using cloud 
Here is an example of working with the Web-service, which allows creating and debugging training 
programs in any programming language using the cloud service of the http://ideone.com site. To date, 
ideone is one of the popular specialized integrated development tools (IDE - Integrated Development 
Environment). The IDE ideone provides syntax highlighting and the ability to store and share code 
However, unlike many other IDEs, the ideone supports more than 20 different languages, including 
C, C ++, C #, Java, JavaScript, Go, Groovy, Objective-C, Perl, Python and Ruby. The ideone aims to be 
a universal tool for testing code snippets. Figure 1 shows the ideone integrated processing environment 
in the debugging (editing) mode of the program code.
Fig.1: The window of the ideone integrated processing environment in debugging (editing)
mode of the program code

Another example of an integrated processing environment is compileonline.com. compileonline.
com is a site that allows you to compile and run a simple program (http://www.wikireality.ru/wiki/
Compileonline.com). The site supports a huge number of different programming languages, compiled (C 
and similar, Java, Asm, Erlang, Forth, etc.) and interpreter (Perl, Python, PHP, etc.), markup languages 
(CSS, HTML) and other specific languages (such as the famous Verilog hardware description language). 
There are more than 80 languages in total. For each language there is a page where you can enter your 
code on the left side, and the right displays the results of compilation and execution. In addition to 
the code, you can also set the contents of the input.txt file into which the input data for the program is 
entered (Fig.2).
The IDE considered allowed to consider tasks with arrays, create and process linear lists, queues, 
stacks, use subroutines, create classes, yet you will not be able to connect your libraries. Values of 
variables are entered not from the console, but from the selected "text" file input, the output of the result 
is made in the output window.
Fig. 2: Integrated processing environment compileonline.com
The user can register in integrated programming systems or use their account on Facebook or Google. 
This possibility is extremely valuable when organizing the educational process. With the help of the 
Facebook social network and the possibility of team work in Google, a teacher will have the opportunity 
to make the process of working with the program collective, it is possible to send students a link to get 
acquainted with the result of the demonstration program, or the students themselves can send such a link 
to the teacher as a report on the work done. Registered students can carry out discussions on the code of 
programs, exchange interesting algorithms for solving tasks. Thus, it is possible to jointly develop and 
debug the program in a manner that is convenient for all participants in the learning process.
Using integrated processing environments in teaching programming:
- creates additional opportunities for interaction for all participants of the educational process;
- students learn to work together with cloud applications, not only store data, but also create new 
products in the cloud, mastering new technologies;
- allows teachers to use various forms of learning activities within the classroom;
- allows more efficient organization of independent work of students, using the merits of mobile 
learning [7].
4 Using the SaaS cloud computing model to form a context-specific educational environment
In the "Basics of cloud technology” course for students studying Computer science with the direction 
in education, we used the Google Drive cloud resource (https://drive.google.com/). In addition to 
providing disk space, Google Drive is a tool that allows you to create, edit and save documents without 
resorting to desktop tools. You can open documents in Google Drive using the Google Docs app. In 
order to work with Google Docs, you do not need a text editor, just a browser and an Internet connection. 

Print text, create a spreadsheet, perform formatting and save the file in one of the many formats (PDF, 
DOC, ODF) - all this can be done without the help of third-party applications.
Using a cloud resource allowed:
- To organize the total disk space, which access is free for the teacher and students, which then 
allowed to organize new forms of work in class:
-To organize free exchange of documents necessary for conducting classes, in particular, educational 
resources and student reports on the implementation of practical assignments.
- To organize a common context environment for performing creative tasks.
An example is the assignment, in which students were invited to conduct creative practical work on 
the "Using the capabilities of cloud services in the teaching of academic disciplines” topic.
The purpose of practical work is to choose how to use the cloud service to teach the discipline. The 
tasks were formulated as follows:
1. Before performing the work, select the cloud service that you will use in the training process.
2. Find tools in the cloud service that can be useful for teaching the discipline.
3. Determine what forms of learning activity you can organize with the help of these services:
1. Independent work of students
2. Individual work
3. Group training
4. Collective interaction
5. Extracurricular Activities
4. Create a report, which describe the types of training activities selected in the cloud service that can 
be organized with their help.
The students placed the reports in a shared folder, so that each student could read the reports of their 
classmates, use their ideas to solve the problem, develop them and offer their options. As a result of 
the work, students were offered various options for using the resources of cloud services for teaching 
specific topics in informatics. Students offered to use different types of information presentation (audio 
and video clips, tables, diagrams), relevant news in the relevant areas of science for organizing various 
forms of learning activities in classrooms (control, independent work, studying theoretical material, 
performing practical tasks).
Analysis of the results of creative work of students allows us to conclude:
1. By offering students creative assignments, a teacher in the class can act as a moderator of the 
formation of new knowledge;
2. The cloud resource is a prototype of the space of contextual knowledge, possessing all the properties 
of such a space;
3. Using their communication skills in social networks, as a result of the work the students formed 
new knowledge about the methodology of using their resources for teaching specific topics of the school 
curriculum. The existence of a common disk space allowed them to share their findings with other 
members of the group. Thus, a new intellectual product was created, which can be used, developed and 
changed by all the participants of the group.
Students participating in the use of cloud services in training sessions, appreciated their merits, such 
- the opportunity to organize various types of student activities (individual, group, collective, 
- the use of visual sources of information (drawings, audio and video files), including the possibility of 
presenting unique information materials in a multimedia form (paintings, manuscripts, video fragments, 
sound recordings, etc.);
- the ability to work with models of studied objects and processes (including those that are difficult 
to get to know in practice), the ability to represent and interact with virtual three-dimensional images of 
the studied objects;
- the teacher's ability to monitor the timely performance of independent work, the possibility of 
automated control and more objective assessment of knowledge and skills, the ability to create interactive 
- students can create presentations, videos, edit them, ask questions and discuss various topics in the 

public mode, it is possible to determine the best work by voting;
- teacher has the opportunity to follow the steps of improving each task as students complete 
assignments and analyze the results.
- ease of use, the ability to enter the cloud resource from any computer, tablet, mobile phone;
- storage of any amount of information without external storage;
- user-friendly interface, the ability to share files, view them at any time and from any device.
To give some of their estimates:
"The use of cloud technologies in performing creative work is simply essential, in addition, joint 
editing makes it possible to make the process of performing tasks more fun and interesting";
"Cloud resources become a convenient tool for the development of students in the educational 
"I think that it is convenient for teachers. If I go to work in school, I will definitely work with cloud 
technologies. "
5 Conclusion
The effectiveness of using cloud services in the educational process depends on two components: 
technical and organizational and pedagogical. The technical component is related to the advantages and 
disadvantages of the cloud computing themselves, which are listed below.
Advantage of cloud technologies:
- Access to information from any computer connected to the Internet
- Ability to work with information from various devices (including mobile devices)
- Ability to work in any operating system
- Sharing data between users located at large distances from each other
- Reduction of costs for the acquisition, use and updating of software
- Higher level of relevance of information.
The disadvantages of cloud technology include:
- The need for a permanent high-speed Internet connection
- Restrictions on software that can be deployed on the cloud in terms of its customization and 
functionality for users
- Difficulties in ensuring confidentiality of information
- Dependence of customers on the price and marketing policies of the cloud services provider.

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