Кілт сөздер: Абылай хан, Құлсары, Күлеке, ар хивтер,
Ресей Федерациясы, архив құжаттары, Пет ропавл бекінісі,
батырлар, жайлау, қазақ-орыс сауда қа рым-қатынасы, жеке үй
салып беру, дипломат, әулие, жалпы ұлттық киелі жер, тарихи-
мәдени ескерткіш.
The implementation of this instruction of the Head of State
was carried out under the leadership of the Ministry of Culture
and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Within the framework
of this project. An expert-analytical council was formed, which
included well-known scientists engaged in research in this field –
historians, culturologists, ethnographers, archaeologists, and local
historians. On the basis of the National Museum of the Republic
of Kazakhstan was opened a center for the development of local
lore “Sacred Kazakhstan”, which carried out the work of collecting
materials about the sacred objects of the republic.
“Sacred objects of Kazakhstan” are understood - especially
revered monuments of the natural landscape and cultural heritage,
secular and religious architecture, mausoleums, as well as places
associated with historical and political events that have enduring
value in the memory of the people of Kazakhstan. In this regard,
we present a list of sacred objects of the North Kazakhstan region.
Keywords: Abylai Khan, Kulsary Batyr, Kuleke Batyr, archives
of the Russian Federation, archival documents, Peter and Paul
fortress, batyrs, nomads, development of Kazakh-Russian trade
relations, construction of a house, Batyr, diplomat, Aulie, a sacred
place of national significance, a monument of historical and cultural
1.Казахско-русские отношения в ХVІ-XVIII вв. А-Ата. 1961. С.222.
2.Государственный архив Омской обл. (ГАОО). Ф.1. Д.55. Л.60.
3.Российский государственный архив древних актов (РГАДА).
Ф.248. Оп.1. Д.867. Л.7-8
4.Казахско-русские отношения в ХVІ-XVIII веках. Алма-Ата.
1961. С. 668
5.Международные отношения в Центральной Азии в ХVІІ-
XVIII вв. Книга 2. «Наука» Москва. С.163.
6.Архив внешней политики Российской империи (АВПРИ).
Ф.1760. Д.3. Л.60.
7.ГАОО. Ф.1 Д.31 Лл. 162-163.
семенов А.И. Исторический очерк «Город Петропавловск
за 200 лет» С.35, Там же. С.36
9.РГАДА.Ф. 248. ОП.113. Д.867. Л. 5.
10.РГАДА. Ф. 248. ОП.113. Д.867 Л. 13-13
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