Алшымбеков саяхат қанағАТҰлы болашақ туризм мамандарын қазақ этнопедагогика материалдарын кәсіби іс-әрекетте пайдалануға даярлау

Практическая значимость исследования

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Практическая значимость исследования: В исследовании были разработаны:

- Учебное пособие «Экскурсиятану негіздері» для студентов специальности туризм высших учебных заведений;

- спецкурсы «Қазақ этнопедагогикасы материалдарын экскурсия үдерісінде пайдалану негіздері»;

- методические разработки этнографических экскурсии «Армысың әз Наурыз», «Қазақ халқының шежіресі», «Қазақ халқының салт дәстүрлері», «Қазақ халқының әдеп-ғұрыптары», «Қазақи дәстүрлі баспана», «Қазақтың ұлттық дастарханы», «Қазақ халқының ұлттық қол өнер туындылары.(Шеберлер аулына саяхат)» для иностранных и отечественных туристов;

Результаты исследования могут быть использованы в подготовке будущих экскурсоводов в высших учебных заведениях и на курсах подготовки,переподготовки и повышения квалификации туристских кадров.

Основные положения,выносымые на защиту:

- выявить теоретические и научно-методическое основы методической подготовки будущих специалистов экскурсоводов к использованию материалов казахской этнопедагогики.

- разработать модель готовности будущих экскурсоводов к использованию материалов казахской этнопедагогики в экскурсионном процессе, определить ее критерии,показатели и уровни сформированости.

- разработать методику подготовки будущих экскурсоводов к использованию материалов казахской этнопедагогики в экскурсионном процессе и экспериментально проверить ее эффективность.

- разработать содержание системы этнографических экскурсии с использованием материалов казахской этнопедагогики (для отечественных и иностранных туристов).

Результаты исследования:

- разработана учебное пасобие,спецкурсы и методические рекомендации, этнографических экскурсии для бакалавриатов и магистрантов специальности туризм.

- разработана методика организация освоения будущих экскурсоводов казахской этнопедагогической материал,основанного на реализации практико-орентированного и личностно-деятельностного подходов.

- разработана модель готовности будущих экскурсоводов к использованию материалов казахской этнопедагогики в экскурсионном процессе, определены ее критерии,показатели и уровни сформированости.

- Определены пути подготовки экскурсоводов,способных квалифицировано организовать процесс экскурсии к казахскому этнопеагогическому материалу с целью формирования этнографических знании субьектов туризма.

Перспективы исследования.

Полученные результаты исследования показывает, что в профессиональной подготовке будущих экускурсоводов к использованию материалов казахской этнопедагогики в процессе экскурсии практически неразработана.

Дальнейшая теоретическая и практическая разработка исследуемой проблемы может быть продолжена в рассмотрении преемственности формирования этнопедагогической идентичности на всех уровнях системы туризма,

Alshymbekov Sayakhat Kanagatovich


13.00.08 – Theory and methodology of professional education

Actuality of research. The actuality of given problem is arouse due to the necessity of improvement of contents and forms of professional and methodological training of future tour guides at the conditions of reformation of institutes of higher education, introduction of valuable pedagogical experience of using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogics into the process of excursion.

Availability of accumulated huge theoretical and practical materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogics on the one hand, and less demand for them at the practice of tour guides in an effort to familiarize the subjects of tourism with the history, national traditions, customs and ceremonies of Kazakh people and people of Kazakhstan, insufficient readiness of methodology of using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogics at the process of excursions for foreign and domestic tourists at the other hand, have caused the selection of the subject of research.

Analysis of available scientific and special literature show that in spite of huge informative, educational and educative necessitites of subjects of tourism for the materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogics in tourism activity, in professional training of future tour guides the methodological training of tour guides for using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogics at the process of excursion and the contents of enthographic excursions are not developed.

Object of research: Process of professional training of future specialists of tourism at the institutes of higher education.

Subject of research: Formation of methodological readiness of future tour guides for using materials of Kazakh enthpedagogics at excursion process.

Aim of research: Theoretical and scientific-methodological provision of methodological training of future specialists, tour guides for using materials of Kazakh enthopedagogy in professional activity.

Goals of research:

  1. Discovery of theoretical and scientific-methodological bases of methodological training of future specialists, tour guides for using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogy.

  2. Development of model of readiness of future tour guides for using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogy at the excursion process, identification of its criteria, indicators and levels of formation.

  3. Development of methodology of training of future tour guides for using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogy at the excursion process and checking experimentally its efficiency.

  4. Development of contents of system of ethnographical excursions by using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogy (for domestic and foreign tourists).

Scientific novelty and theoretical importance of research:

  1. Discovery of theoretical and scientific-methodological bases of methodological training of future specialists, tour guides for using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogy.

  2. Development of model of readiness of future tour guides for using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogy at the excursion process, identification of its criteria, indicators and levels of formation.

  3. Development of methodology of training of future tour guides for using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogy at the excursion process and checking experimentally its efficiency.

  4. Development of contents of system of ethnographical excursions by using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogy (for domestic and foreign tourists).

Practical importance of research: Followings were developed during research:

    • Teaching aids “Basics of Excursion Study” for students of specialty tourism at the institutes of higer education;

    • Special courses “Basics of Excursion Study”, Ethnopedagogical basics of Excurison Study”;

    • Methodological course books of ethnoexcursions “Customs of Kazakh people”, “Traditions of Kazakh people”, “National cuisine of Kazakh people”, “National manual art of Kazakh People” for foreign and national tourists;

Results of research can be used in training of future tour guides in higher education institutions and in courses on training, retraining and improvement of skills of tourism personnel.
Main provisions for defence:

- revealing of theoretical and scientific-methodological bases of methodological training of future specialists, tour guides for using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogy.

- development of model of readiness of future tour guides for using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogy at the excursion process, identification of its criteria, indicators and levels of formation.

- development of methodology of training of future tour guides for using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogy at the excursion process and checking experimentally its efficiency.

- development of contents of system of ethnographical excursions by using materials of Kazakh ethnopedagogy (for domestic and foreign tourists).

Authenticity and validity of main provisions and conclusions of research are stipulated by precision of methodological position and by using the methods of research complying with its tasks and stages of research.

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