569574 Stephen Mitchell, The Second Book of the Tao (New York: Penguin, 2009), 140.
570575 Naiman, email to the author.
571576 Robert Moss, The Secret History of Dreaming (Novato, CA: New World Library, 2009), Kindle edition. (Мосс Р. Тайная история сновидений. Значение снов в различных культурах и жизни известных личностей. – СПб.: ИГ «Весь», 2010.)
572577 Sukhavati: A Mythic Journey, directed by Joseph Campbell (2007; London: Acorn Media, 2007), DVD.
573578 Anthony Stevens, Private Myths: Dreams and Dreaming (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1997), 15.
574579 Kelly Bulkeley, Dreaming in the World's Religions: A Comparative History (New York: NYU Press, 2008), 158.
576581 Bulkeley, Dreaming in the World's Religions, 73.
577582 Jung et al., Man and His Symbols. (Первая цитата из: Юнг К. Человек и его символы. Вторая из: Юнг К. Психология переноса. Третья из: Юнг К. Архетип и символ.)
578583 Sandra Shpilberg, email to the author, August 27, 2015.
579584 Elizabeth Kirk, email to the author, August 26, 2015.
580585 David H., email to the author, August 27, 2015.
581587 Linda Jacobsen, email to the author, August 28, 2015.
582588 Ron Hulnick, email to the author, September 6, 2015.
583589 Saint Synesios, «On Dreams,» trans. Isaac Myer, The Platonist: An Exponent of the Philosophic Truth 4 (1888): 284.