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Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және ғылым министрлігі
С. Торайғыров атындағы Павлодар мемлекеттік университеті
Филология, журналистика мен өнер факультеті
Аударма теорияcы мен практикасы кафедрасы

Types of business activity and Company presentation

Аударма іс мамандықтарының студенттеріне арналған

оқу-әдістемелік құралы




ӘОЖ 81’255.4(075)

КБК 81.2Англ-9я7


Баспаға С. Торайғыров атындағы ПМУ филология, журналиситка мен өнер факультетінің оқу-әдістемелік кеңесімен ұсынылды
Пікір берушілер:

Кенжетаева Г.К. – филология ғылымдарының кандидаты.

Құрастырушылар: Ю.М. Горячих, Ө.Е.Атеева

Т43 Types of business activity and company presentation:аударма іс мамандықтарының студенттеріне арналған оқу-әдістемелік құралы / құраст. Ю.М. Горячих, Ө.Е. Атеева. – Павлодар : Кереку, 2010. – 70 б.

Оқу-әдістемелік құрал аударма іс мамандықтарының студенттеріне арналған.

ӘОЖ 81’255.4 (075)

КБК 81.2 Англ-9я7

© Горячих Ю.М., Атеева Ө., 2010

© С. Торайғыров атындағы ПМУ, 2010

Материалдық дурыс болуына, грамматикалық және орфографиялық қателерге авторлар мен құрастырушылар жауапты


One of the subjects offered as an elective course for “Bachelors of Translation and Interpretation” is Business English. Analyzing the sphere of possible activity of our graduates we may underline that our graduate should have a widely developed personality with a vast background of knowledge in different spheres of a human activity.

Business sphere is one that the professional often encounter with. So the purpose of this manual is to introduce basic notions used in business and train lexical minimum necessary for business communication on the topic Types of business and Company Рresentation.

This manual presents information about types and spheres of a business activity, the way of enlarging business and making company presentation.

It consists of 3 parts (1 Forms of business activity; 2 Takeovers and merges; 3 Company presentations) and 2 enclosures.

Only for use of students of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov

1 Forms of Business Activity
Task 1.1 Read the text paying special attention to new words and set phrases and say if these statements are true or false:

  1. Sole proprietor is liable with all his property by the obligation.

  2. Private limited companies are not allowed to announce public subscription for their shares.

  3. The equity capital of the private limited company is formed by way of receiving government subsidies.

  4. Winding up is a process of establishing a new company.


Sole Proprietorship (ағыл) Individual Proprietorship (амер.)

Жеке (меншік) кәсіпкерлік
Sole proprietors are individuals carrying out economic operations in various spheres of business activities (industrial, trade, transport, banking etc.) and concluding commercial deals on their own behalf.

The legal form is not to be indicated in the name of the firm. The hired staffs are not referred to as proprietors.

The proprietors must be registered in the trade register, obtain a licence to carry out business activities and keep the books reflecting the results of the latter. The contents of the books are a commercial secret not accessible to a third party. In case of a lawsuit the books can be open for the court and the parties concerned provided the proprietor acts either as a plaintiff or a defendant. Also, the books can be made public in case of either insolvency or inheritance.

Sole proprietors are not subject to public report therefore it is not possible to get true information of their activities.

The sole proprietor is not a legal person and is fully liable with his property by the obligations of his firm. Millions of sole proprietors in the world carry out business activities mainly in the sphere of various services and retail trade.
Unlimited Partnership (ағыл.) General Partnership (амер.)


The main feature of unlimited partnerships is equal and collective responsibility for the property for all members of the partnership. In other words, creditors can be paid either at the expense of the partnership's property or private property of the members. Besides, the agreement can not provide for the exception of property liability of any of the members before a third party.

The property of the unlimited partnership is a joint property of its members. The profit obtained is distributed proportionately to the share of participation in the property of the partnership. Concession of the share of participation can be made only with the consent of the members. The number of the members of the partnership is not limited.

The unlimited partnership can be disbanded either in case of insolvency or resignation of one of its members or by resolution of all participants. Unlimited partnerships are not subject to public report.

Limited Partnership

Жауапкершілігі шектеулі серіктестігі
The limited partnership is a contractual union of entrepreneurs participating only by way of contributions without taking direct part in the management (investors); and those who, apart from contributing, carry out direct management of the partnership and are fully liable by the partnership's obligations with their own property (full members).

It takes at least one full member and one investor to form a limited partnership. The limited partnership is to be registered just like any unlimited partnership.

The name of the partnership includes the names of one or two full members; the including of the name of the investor into the firm's name makes the investor equally and jointly liable by the partnership's obligations.
Master Limited Partnership

Акционерлік-Командиттік серіктестігі
Master limited partnerships carry out business activities on the basis of a Charter and are to be registered. One or more full members and shareholders as investors make a partnership. Shares can either be sold to or distributed among the investors or quoted on the stock exchange. Full members ran the partnership and are liable by the partnership's obligations.

The shareholders run the risk of devaluation of their shares. A legal person can act as a full member. Thus a master limited partnership bears characteristics both of a limited partnership and a public limited company. The advantage of a master limited partnership is in 'getting additional income through an issue of securities and their subsequent sale on the securities' market.

Dividends are tax exempt, so the investors are mainly attracted by a tax regime of master limited partnerships which pay only income tax.
Private Limited Company (ағылшын) Close Corporation (американ.)

(Жауапкершілігі шектеулі акционерлік компаниясы)

Жабық акционерлік компаниясы

/Жабық тұрпатты жауапкершілігі шектеулі қоғам (ТМД)/

A private limited company has the word 'Limited' or the abbreviation 'Ltd' in its name. A private limited company should be registered under the Companies Act and act in compliance with its Charter. The company is a legal person fully liable by the company's obligations. The equity capital of the company is formed at the expense of deposits; the shareholders get a certificate of deposit which is not considered to be a security and as a rule can not be assigned to third persons without the consent of other shareholders of the company, that provides for the close character of the company. There are private limited companies with a single shareholder.

There is one more circumstance that limits the financial rights and hence production opportunities of the private limited companies: they are not allowed to issue debentures and announce public subscription for their shares.

Private limited companies keep statutory books which are not subject to public report. The number of members of the company is not large, usually consisting of close relatives or people knowing each other well, who united for business.

Public Limited Company (ағылшын) Corporation (американ.)

Ашық акционерлік компаниясы/корпорациясы

/Ашық тұрпатты акционерлік қоғамы (ТМД)
Public limited company is the main legal form of large firms. A pubic limited company is a union of investors called shareholders. It carries out business activities on the basis of the Articles of Association and is to be registered under the Companies Act. Any legal person or an individual can be a founder of the company. The shareholders are not liable by the company's obligations.

The public limited company is the most stable kind of unification of capitals as the resignation of any of its investors does not involve the liquidation of the company. The investor has a right to sell his shares without consent of other shareholders.

The initial share capital is formed by way of selling shares. During that period the initial share capital is the only source of financing of its activities. The means obtained from the sale of shares are used for the purchase of plots of land, industrial premises and offices, equipment, basic commodities (raw materials) to launch manufacturing activities. Therefore the company receives an income and also can be financed by way of issuing debentures and securing bank loans.

Thus a number of advantages make a pubic limited company the most effective means of concentration and centralization of capital goods and capital. The shareholders can return their capital only by way of selling shares at the price currently quoted on the stock exchange.

The shareholders have property and personal rights. Property rights are realised in case of liquidation of a company and in case of getting dividends. Personal rights mean the right to vote; normally a share gives a right for one vote. The decisions are to be taken by a large majority, hence the person or a legal person holding the majority interest is the one who makes resolutions. Public limited companies' names must have the abbreviation 'plc' in their name.

Task 1.2 Working in groups of three with one monitor answer the following questions:

  1. What is a sole proprietorship?

  2. Are people hired to work in the sole proprietorships considered to be proprietors?

  3. In what cases can the books of the sole proprietorships be made public?

  4. Why is it not possible to get true information of the activities of the sole proprietorships?

  5. What is the main feature of an unlimited partnership?

  6. In what way is the profit obtained distributed in the unlimited partnership?

  7. In what case can the unlimited partnership be disbanded?

  8. What is a limited partnership?

  9. Why do master limited partnerships bear the features both of the limited partnership and a joint-stock company?

  10. What is the advantage of a master limited partnership?

  11. What is a private limited company?

  12. What kind of abbreviation must private limited companies have in their names?

  13. How is the equity capital of the private limited companies formed?

  14. What factor provides for the close character of the private limited companies?

  15. What is the public limited company?

  16. Are the shareholders liable by the company's obligations?

  17. Does the investor to the public limited company need to get a special permit to sell his shares?

  18. What are the rights of the shareholders in a public limited company?

  19. How many votes one share is equal to?

  20. What kind of abbreviation must public limited companies have in their names?

  21. What is the difference between the private limited company and the public limited company?

Task 1.3 Give English equivalents to words and word-combinations. And check them with your partner

    • іскерлік белсенділіктің әр түрлі салалары.

    • банк ісі.

    • коммерциялық мәмілелер жасақталады.

    • жалдау шарты бойынша жұмыс істейтін қызметкерлер.

    • заң түрі.

    • сауда тізілімінде теркелген болу.

    • рұқсаттаманы сатып алу.

    • сауда кітаптарды жүргізу.

    • өз фирмасының міндеттемелірі бойынша.

    • бөлшек сауда.

    • қызмет көрсету саласында.

    • толық серіктестіктің негізгі ерекшелігі.

    • шектелмеген және ынтымақты мүліктік жауапкершілік.

    • алынған пайда.

    • жеке мүлік.

    • пайда үйлесімді бөлінеді.

    • серіктестік мүлігінде қатысу үлесі.

    • серіктестікті таратып жіберуге болады

    • төлеуге қабілетсіз болу жағдайда.

    • толық серіктестер.

    • өзінің бар мүлігімен оның міндеттемелері арқылы шектелмей жауап беру.

    • қор биржасында айналысы бар.

    • акционерлер өз акциялардың құнсыздануы тәуекелдігіне ұшырады.

    • акциялар шығару (эмиссиясы) арқылы.

    • құнды қағаз нарығында келесі сатылуымен.

    • компанияның акционерлік капиталы.

    • жарнашыларға енгізген салым үшін куәлік беріледі.

    • компанияның таратуын душар қылу.

    • капиталдардың біріктіруінің ең тұрақты түрі.

    • акциялардың бақылау пакетінің иесі.

    • дивидендерді алу.

Task 1.4

a) Cover the right side of the table to check if you know the words well.






серіктес, жарнашы, үлескер





limited liability

шектеулі жауапкершілік

limited liability company

жауакершілігі шектеулі компаниясы



to own

ие болу


ие, иеленуші, қожа


адвокат, қорғаушы


жылжымайтын мүлік

estate agent

жылжымайтын мүлікті сатып алу-сату бойынша агенті


аудитор, тексеруші


басқару, менеджмент


кеңсе бланкілер




біріктірілген, біріккен,бірлескен



joint-stock company

акционерлік қоғам


үлес, бөлік, акция


Акциялардың иесі, акционер

to divide

бөлу, үлестіру, бөлісу, бөліну





stock exchange

қор биржасы

to offer


to incorporate

корпорация түрінде тіркеу

under the law

заң бойынша





liable for debt

қарызға жауапты

to share

бөлу, қатысу


табыс, пайда

profit to

пайда алу


инвестиция, капиталды енгізу

to elect


at will

қалауынша, еркінше


state authorities (Am.)

state authorities (E)

билік, өкімет

штаттың өкіметі

мемлекеттік билік

to state



салық салу

b) Split into groups. Listen to the text, make up questions and let your opponents answer.

Task 1.5 Listen to the tape about the development of Thomas Mahoney’s business and answer the questions.

First listening

  • What did Thomas Mahoney start?

  • What stages did his business pass?

  • Did he reach everything by his own?

Second Listening


  1. Being a student Tom accepted a full-time job with the store.

  1. He thought about his own shop being at school.

  1. After graduation Thomas started his own business

  1. He dreamed to earn profit for himself being his own boss


  1. Tom inherited his first business from the man he had worked for .

  1. He took a bank loan to buy out a share in a sporting goods department store.

  1. He found out that a sole proprietorship required long hours and much decision making.

  1. He employed his wife part-time.


  1. To expand his business he invited his friends Alex and Lynda to become part owners of his business.

  1. In their partnership agreement they defined their responsibilities

  1. They set up a partnership with equal investments of $30,000 in cash.

  1. Profit and losses will be shared equally.


  1. They became liable for all the debts of their business.

  1. At the end of the year Tom’s salary came to $6,000

  1. They decided not to talk over such matters as hiring people.

  1. Buying new equipment was the only important matter to discuss with the partners.


  1. They opened a branch store in a new shopping centre.

  1. They enlarged the present store adding new sales and storage space and also lines of outdoor furniture and boats.

  1. They decided to get another partner.

  1. They wrote an application asking authorities for incorporation.

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