Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ Хабаршысы
to develop their talents and gifts in various fields of life. Pedagogical culture of a person is not born in a
vacuum, is the overall development of the activity’s subject, and grows out of a common culture, as a kind
of continuation and its superstructure.
One of the leading places in the overall development of the teacher’s personality takes his moral
character, which determines the selectivity of human relations with the outside world on the basis of the
criteria of good and evil, which is manifested in humanity, concerned for the welfare of others. This posi-
tion is fully consistent with the target setting educational activities designed to support the development,
improvement of man.
The composition of the professional pedagogical culture’s structural components is allocated by dif-
ferent authors, quite diverse. Consider some of them, the most are important for the development of teacher
Methodological culture of the teacher is a fairly complicated personal formation. It includes teaching
philosophy teacher, presented in its pedagogical concept as a system of fundamental pedagogical ideas
and principles that define its pedagogical philosophy, purpose and meaning of his work. The concept of
the teacher is the system of ideas about the nature of man, his destiny, the place and role of vocational
education in its formation, the aims and objectives of pedagogical activity in general and his in particular.
The most important component of methodological culture of ownership is a teacher as the most com-
mon methods of scientific knowledge and methods, by means of pedagogical research.
The main tool of the teacher’s methodological culture formation becomes a reflection (lat. Reflecsio
- reflection) - a specific kind of human activity, aimed at understanding how processes and phenomena of
the external world (human actions, values, culture, etc.) and to reflect on their own actions, internal states,
feelings, experiences, etc.
Axiological component of professional and pedagogical culture includes a set of values, that defines
the attitude of the teacher to the activity, its objectives and means, the quality of the individual teacher
needed in professional work, to himself as a teacher, the system of knowledge, ideas, norms, traditions that
underline teaching.
Pedagogical values serve as a guide and impetus of his social and professional activity have a human-
istic nature and essence as concentrating a wide range of spiritual values of society. On the basis of the
prevailing values in the structure of vocational teacher value orientations formed value consciousness of
the teacher and develops its system of social attitudes and personal centration, determines the direction of
his teaching activities, the hierarchy of interests.
A.B. Orlov identified seven such centration [8]:
Conformal centration - the teacher focuses on the evaluation of its activities counterparts, subject is to
collect ideas, non-conflicting. However, it shows a clear predominance of the desire “to be like everyone
else”, to adapt to the general opinion.
Egotsentratsiya is focused on their interests. Characterizes teachers with a strong personality, uphold-
ing the right to unconventional work. Under favorable conditions, the teaching of these teachers often
realize their possibilities, creating pedagogical invention. At the same time focusing on it, I often lead to
the neglect and underestimation of the interests of others, and especially students.
Centration altruistic - characterizes teachers with a strong orientation toward the interests of students
in the learning process. They are distinguished by the attention and sensitivity to the pupils, the pursuit of
individual work with them, a priority interest in the development of their personality.
Bureaucratic - centration on the interests of the Administration. Characterized by teachers with unreal-
ized individual capabilities due to their diligence and reproductive activities. Manifested in their reliance
primarily on estimates of the administration. Change the style and methods of teaching, if recommended
by the “top”. When using pedagogical innovations is not adapted to the conditions of their activities.
Centration on the interests of the parents. Most of them are often characterized by the teachers of private
educational institutions, especially in situations of tuition fees.
Cognitive, methodical centration - focus on the content and methods of their activities. The teacher of
this type is different creative attitude to work, but enthusiasm for the improvement of teaching methods
sometimes leads to the fact that the students considered it as a background, which he creates “perfect”
Humanistic centration - personally and professionally the most valuable, is direct to the interests of their
being and essence of others and assumes the harmonious combination of all the above types of centration.