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Ш. Retell the text.
IV. Translate the sentence into Russians.
1. Considerable part of business circles insists on discrimination rules 
in trade being abolished.
2. They promised not to undertake any actions without consulting their 
3. We have been trading with the firm for a very long time.
4. After learning that the company has sold his invention without 
speaking to him, the scientist was shocked.
5. Having arrived two days before the opening of the conference I had 
enough time to go sight-seeing.
6. Having got the necessary information the delegation left the bank.
7. They spent last Friday listening to the Minister telling the trade union 
leaders that it is right for workers to hold back on wage claims.
I l l

8. The main feature of the nation’s economy is the consolidation of 
capital at an unprecedented level, with profits going up, wages going 
down and inflation accelerating.
9. The article published in the yesterday’s issue of “Financial Times” 
pays particular attention to the measures aimed at further increasing 
the interest rates.
Read the text
The Open Market
In addition to being a means of exchange, money is also means of 
measuring the value of men’s Labor, in economic theory, is any work 
undertaken in return for a fixed payment. A mother may work very hard in 
caring for her children, but she receive no fixed wages for this work. It is 
not therefore labor in the strict economic sense. Economists are interested 
in measuring the services which people render to each other. Although 
aware of the services which people provide for nothing, they are not 
concerned with such services. In economics, money is the standard by 
which the value of things is judged. This is an objective, scientific standard 
and not in any way related to standards of a religious, ethical or subjective 
Human labor producers both goods and services. The activities of a farm 
worker and a nurse are very different, but each is measurable in terms of 
payment received. If however a farmer is self-employed and does not 
receive a fixed wage from anyone else, he is in a different category from 
the nurse and from his own farm workers. His activities are not wholly 
labor. His workers receive their wages, but he receives whatever surplus 
(large or small) emerges from his farming. This surplus, like any surplus in 
industry or commerce, is what we usually call profit.
Employers obtain their net profits only after they have paid all expenses 
arising out of their business activities: interest, rentals, payments for 
machinery, wages and overheads generally. The surplus is not usually 
available for employs and their families. Normally part of it goes to those 
who have provided the initial capital needed to start a business. There is 
always an element of risk in providing capital for new businesses. Such 
businesses may fail. Both those who provide die capital and those who run 
the businesses agree to bear the risk, but employs of such businesses are 
not expected to bear any risk. If the business is

Successful, the risk-taking has been justified, and invested capital earns 

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