О. В. Фёдорова е. В. Мезина е. В. Хамис английский язык в сфере информационных технологий и коммуникаций учебное пособие

Ask and answer more questions about inventions

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ПОСОБИЕ ИИТиК Федорова,Мезина, Хамис 2014

Ask and answer more questions about inventions.
A: When did Alexander Popov invent the first radio?

B: In 1894.

A: When did … ?

Choose the correct verbs from the brackets to complete the passage. Use the Past Simple Tense.

Brief history of the radio
Early radios run the entire power of the transmitter through a carbon microphone. While some early radios ______ 1some type of amplification through electric current or battery, until the mid 1920s the most common type of receiver ______2 the crystal set. In the 1920s, amplifying vacuum tuberadio receivers and transmitters ______3 into use.

(use, be, ran, come)
One of the first developments in the early 20th century (1900-1959) ______4 that aircraft _______5 commercial AM radio stations for navigation. This ______6 until the early 1960s when VOR systems finally ______7 widespread (though AM stations are still marked on U.S. aviation charts).

(use, be, become, continue)
In 1960, Sony ______8 its first transistorized radio, small enough to fit in a vest pocket, and able to be powered by a small battery. It ______9 durable, because there ______ 10 no tubes to burn out. Over the next 20 years, transistors ________11 tubes almost completely except for very high-power uses.

(be, introduce, replace, be)
In 1963 color television commercially ______12, and the first (radio) communication satellite, TELSTAR,_______13. In the late 1960s, the U.S. long-distance telephone network _________14 to a digital network, employing digital radios for many of its links. In the 1970s, LORAN _______15 the premier radio navigation system. Soon, the U.S. Navy _______16.withsatellite navigation, culminating in the invention and launch of the GPS constellation in 1987. Digital transmissions ________17 to be applied to broadcasting in the late 1990s.

(Begin, be converted, become, be transmitted, experiment, be launched)

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