Доклад Фонда за Закон Времени

Оперативное Спасение Земли

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Оперативное Спасение Земли задумано как центр сбора средств и информации, который будет выявлять существующие группы и организации, занятые благотворительностью и оказанием помощи в чрезвычайных ситуациях, а также индивидов, “обладающих влиянием в мирских делах,” чтобы информировать их и привлекать к осуществлению Мирного Плана спасения Земли через календарь 13 Лун. Располагая таким центром – при том, что происходит достаточно природных катаклизмов, требующих наличия плана доставки помощи в различные зоны бедствия – мы могли бы создать планомерную конструктивную программу, основанную на принципе целостных систем. Эта программа включала бы: восстановление населённых пунктов, восстановление лесов, обучение новым приёмам сельского хозяйства, использованию альтернативных источников энергии и тому, как образ жизни влияет на экологию, новым системам времени и мышления, а также информирование о природе биосферы и о мировой ситуации в целом – всё это с целью способствовать изменению определённых укоренившихся привычек, например, переходу от потребления мяса к вегетарианству, от промышленности к садовому хозяйству и домашним ремёслам.
Вторая задача Операции Спасение Земли – создать глобальную сеть производителей и распространителей альтернативной энергии. Это можно сделать в контексте сбора информации о фактах, связанных с глобальным потеплением и его влиянием на береговую линию и климатической ситуацией на 2008 год. Затем, чтобы реализовать программы помощи тем, где это потребуется, нам потребуется создание Команд по Спасению Земли, действующих под Знаменем Мира и предлагающих помощь в зонах стихийных бедствий или даже в разорённых войной населённых пунктах, или же Корпуса восстановления лесов, не говоря уж о Садоводческих Общинах Особого Назначения. Иными словами, нам необходим глобальный эквивалент первичного Корпуса Мира, Миссия по Спасению Земли через календарь 13 Лун. Это потребует подготовки к осмысленной деятельности множества молодых людей, которые сейчас исполнены чувства бесцельности и отчаяния перед будущим.
Чтобы придать разнородным инициативам Миссии Спасения Земли 2012 связную форму самоуправляющегося порядка, который носил бы биорегиональный, а не националистический характер, вторая комиссия заложит основы для создания Планетарного Биосферного Конгресса. Это необходимо, поскольку механизмы национального государства ставят национальные интересы превыше биосферных, а мы достигли такой стадии, когда биосферные интересы должны вытеснить интересы национальные. Существующие системы организации привели нас к этому кризису. Земля больше не может допустить что-либо кроме унитарной системы самоуправления в соответствии с универсальными законами и принципами, по которым живёт вся природа.
В действительности вся вселенная управляется и функционирует согласно предустановленным законам, синхронизируемым временем. Только человечество нарушает вселенский порядок, настаивая на том, чтобы жить по законам, которые согласуются с низшим я и поддерживают его, но противоречат законам природы. Как следствие, человечество, находясь в состоянии космического забытья, стремительно продвигается навстречу собственной гибели. При взгляде из космоса Земля не имеет никаких национальных границ. Идея национальны границ – это галлюцинация, произрастающая из политического хаоса человеческого ума, конечный продукт вавилонско-григорианской истории. В этом смысле национальное государство является одним из величайших препятствий к достижению биосферной целостности и ноосферного единства.

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Комиссия по Планетарному Биосферному Конгрессу определит, каким образом лучше всего организовать общую ассамблею представителей биорегионов мира, а затем, среди прочего, установить ответственность за уравнение богатства и справедливые беспристрастные принципы коммерции и торговли, находящиеся в согласии с принципами деятельности биосферы. Здесь речь идёт о принципах, основанных на логически последовательных, космически научных законах, совершенным образцом коих является гармонический стандарт 13 лун по 28 дней. Второстепенным аспектом деятельности Планетарного Биосферного Конгресса будет разработка рабочего соглашения с существующим международным органом – ООН, а также с организациями типа Всемирного Банка, с тем чтобы дух сотрудничества между прежним порядком и новым мог развиться в истинную готовность изменяться в согласии с моральным и этическим пониманием, предполагающим терпимость, сострадание и прощение, особенно перед лицом грандиозного преображения, предстоящего в 2012 году, не последним аспектом которого является приход ноосферы.
Готовясь к приходу ноосферы, мы должны постичь смысл биосферно-ноосферного перехода и проявить Новое среди хаоса старого. Следуя принципам созыва Планетарного Биосферного Конгресса, третья комиссия будет работать над созданием Планетарной Биосферной Ассамблеи. К счастью, уже проделана основная часть работы по созданию управляющего органа (см. ниже, d., Всемирная Ноосферная Ассамблея). Всемирная Ноосферная Ассамблея будет высшим руководящим советом по вопросам духовной мудрости и анализу научных целостных систем, а также поиску решений мирового кризиса. Кроме того, необходимо поддержать и вынести на первый план признание проекта CREST по установлению телепатической сети для активации ноосферы, основанного на новой космической науке, так как он обладает самым важным ключом к изменению парадигмы мира. Нам необходима информация о последствиях перехода к ноосфере для человеческого самовосприятия и сознания. Решения, к которым мы стремимся, должны быть найдены прежде всего в изменениях в нашем духовном сознании, так как мы становимся такими, как мы мыслим.
На заключительной сессии Второго планетарного конгресса за биосферные права комиссии, организованные с целью создания Группы Спасения Земли, Биосферного Конгресса и Всемирной Биосферной Ассамблеи, а также Совета Исцеления Планеты, Планетарного Совета Мира через Культуру и Планетарной Сети Альтернативной Энергии представят свои разработки и рекомендации для практического осуществления.
d. Всемирная Ноосферная Ассамблея.

В ходе специальной церемонии в Муниципалитете Москвы, когда представители Фонда находились в России в год Спектрального Волшебника (2003), Директору по исследовательской работе, наряду с несколькими другими известными гражданами России, был вручён мандат, удостоверяющий его членство во Всемирной ноосферной Духовно-экологической Ассамблее (NSEWA). Основным инициатором этого события была Любовь Гордина, Президент NSEWA. Любовь Гордина, Доктор технических наук, была членом Госдумы России, работавшей в Высшем Экологическом Совете. При участии Михаила Лимонада, Вице-президента NSEWA, она явилась инициатором первопроходческого форума за наступающий новый век. См. http://www.newhumanity.org.ru

Вступительное заявление “Меморандум Всемирной ноосферной Духовно-экологической Ассамблеи о созыве Глобального Ноосферного Гражданского Форума Земли за принятие Вселенской Конституции Человечества” гласит:
Народы мира!
Mankind and its planet named earth are approaching the brink of irreversible depletion of the natural resources necessary for the conservation and development of civilization. The existing approaches to the organization of human life activity of mankind bring us to the systemic crisis. It is urgently necessary to appeal to our common intellect and to rebuild our life upon the laws of scientifically-managed noosphere world order.
The Foundation is fully in support of the work of the NSEWA. In 2002 this organization participated in the UN sponsored Johannesburg Summit of 2002, where the Noosphere Constitution was first begun. In 2005 the NSEWA participated in the World Exhibition EXPO 2005 held in Nagoya, Japan.
In preparation for this last event, the NSEWA sent an address to the astronauts of the International Orbiting Station (IOS), appealing for the crew to make a video address for the EXPO 2005. Included was a request for the astronauts to give “expressed support of the World Assembly initiative to celebrate yearly on the 25th of July the World Day of the Earth Dwellers ...” This, of course, we know as the Day Out of Time, Green Day, or Peace through Culture Day. Now it is also given the name “World Day of the Earth Dwellers.”
Here is the response of the International Orbiting Station Crew to this request:
“We are happy to greet participants of the World Exhibition “EXPO-2005”. We express our solidarity with the World Assembly initiatives and projects aimed at prosperity of our planet. Yearly celebration of the World Day of the Earth Dwellers on the 25th of July initiated by the Assembly is not only a beautiful idea, but a conscious necessity. While looking at our planet from outer space it is becoming obvious that: The Home of Humanity Planet Earth may perish if all people do not unite themselves around the one idea of CONSERVATION OF LIFE ON EARTH ... We appeal to all Earth Dwellers to creatively participate in development and implementation of this foundation-laying document: the ETHICAL CODE OF THE NEW HUMANITY that reflects the modern realities of the development of human civilization ...”
The document is signed by members of the IOS crew, Team Leader, Sergei Krikalev and Board Engineer, John Phillips.
It is encouraging to realize that the Day Out of Time as Earth Dwellers World Day is being supported by the International Orbiting Station crew, who, among all humans, may be said to have the best view of the whole Earth and her needs. By broadcasting this message from their orbiting satellite, the mission and purpose of one of the Foundation’s key goals was being firmly placed in the noosphere. This is an exemplary manifestation of the spirit of cooperation which is being called for at this time of planetary emergency.
At the Nagoya EXPO-2005 (August 25, 2005 – Lunar Kali 4, 13 Warrior), Lyubov Gordina gave a major address, “On the Sphere of Consciousness (Noosphere),” where she states that the principle aims and targets of the Organization (NSEWA) are to “substantiate necessity for unification of mankind’s efforts for saving and changing life on Earth.” This is a key point: not only saving but changing life on earth. We cannot expect to be having shopping malls and cosmic consciousness at the same time. The NSEWA, Gordina asserts, “emerged as a necessity realized by its leaders who understood that urgent measures were needed for the salvation and harmonic development of civilization, and who realize that the mankind is being gradually swept away by the global systemic crisis – spiritual, political, economic and ecological.” This speaks precisely to the point of calling for the Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights.
The thrust of the NSEWA is the restoration of the ethical foundation of mankind. A noted navigator, Fyodor Koniukhov, who went around the Earth fourteen times on a solitary sailing vessel, remarked upon seeing the dolphins and whales who accompanied his boat: “their existence does not bring any harm to their environment ... Why then man who is supposed to be the clever creature is constantly cutting the branch he is sitting on? Why Man behaves as if he is persistently trying to destroy the place of his own habitat, put an end to it as soon as possible? I could not find the answer neither with whales, with dolphins nor with man.”
Through the Law of Time, and through recognition of the NSEWA, we intend to not only find the answer, but to create the solution, the spiritual ecological transformation of the biosphere into the noosphere – by 2012. The “Brief Abstract of the Concept of Universal Noosphere Spiritual-Ecological Constitution for Mankind,” will be placed on the agenda of the Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights. It sets a standard of the direction we need to be going and an example of what can be done when we cooperate. The crux of what the Law of Time offers is the reformulation of the human mind through establishing a new timing standard, 13 Moons/28-days. This is the key to lasting universal peace, and the transformation of the dynamic of the dying civilization into a new cosmic order of reality:

Pax Cultura Pax Biospherica.

Only the emergence of a new planetary culture of peace can restore stability to the biosphere. This is predicated on a new time and a new calendar which reformulates the human mind into a perpetual harmony, establishing a new life mission – time is art, to replace the old, time is money. The new time values will assist in the conversion of existing wealth and institutions according to renewed artistic and cultural priorities that reintegrate the human back into the biosphere. A consequent abandonment of the concepts of nationalism and privatization of wealth will aid in converting to the new cultural-artistic social goals. We must further empower the Banner of Peace as the standard under which we may effect change through existing governments by having them recognize the Banner and the Day Out of Time/Peace through Culture/Earth Dwellers World Day as a universally recognized day of world peace. This will be the first step toward fulfillment of the new vision: “Art Now, War No More – That Beauty May Prevail On Earth.” From these considerations and deliberations at the Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights, a Planetary Peace Through Culture Council will be formed. This Council will be part of the Earth Rescue Operation.
e. Operation Earth Rescue.

How long is the present system going to last? The handwriting is on the wall. The increase in natural disasters this past year (2005) alone has left many humans numb and frightened. By the time of the third major event, the Pakistan earthquake, the world had run out of emergency relief funding and capacity to respond. This only underscored the need for a new type of unified whole system Earth Rescue Operation whose focus is solely on emergency rescue, long term rehabilitation and restoration of community and environment, and cultural and biospheric regeneration. We must see in the catastrophes the opportunity to rebuild and direct ourselves in a new way.

If we also consider that many of these disasters are the result of the effects of our own greed and thoughtlessness upon the environment, then might we not want to do something about changing ourselves? If we really understood the fundamental change the Law of Time offers the human mental and social organization, then wouldn’t we want to see all of the resources of the Earth placed in alignment with the Law of Time on behalf of an Operation Earth Rescue? For this is what is required – a whole system effort to rescue and rebuild the planet from too many centuries of sheer mismanagement and ignorance of the biospheric .
The NSEWA has also envisioned a similar style program, the Living Earth Foundation “...to render real effective assistance to the Planet in order to allow it to survive despite the aggressive attitude and behavior of the People towards it. The principle aim of such a Foundation is rendering assistance in mitigating the consequences of natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunami, earthquakes etc. at the expense of the funds that we propose to deduct in the amount of at least 1% from military budgets of all countries.” 1% of current US military would amount to 400 million dollars. Pakistan could raise hardly that much for immediate emergency relief following its devastating earthquake.
In addition to being a primary commission of the forthcoming Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights (see above, b. Biospheric Congress), the Operation Earth Rescue represents a Foundation for the Law of Time project now in the process of being designed and organized and in need of major funding and support. The first step is setting up an information hub and team to gather and map information regarding existing relief agencies and world trouble spots.
In all troubled areas and disaster zones we must envision garden communities and a garden economy and begin to implement this vision with renewed vigor. We must take health into our own hands and realize that by taking complete responsibility for and changing our life style to a simpler, more vegetarian approach, alternative therapies and healing methods would be all that we would essentially need. By cooperating with the councils of Indigenous elders we will tap into one of our greatest resources. At the Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights a Planetary Healing Council is to be formed from these considerations and deliberations. This Council will be part of the Earth Rescue Operation.
In light of global warming and the ecological disasters we face, we must also assess alternative energy solutions, create a working network, and begin to implement them in select Earth Rescue emergency areas immediately. We must further assess the components of the new lifestyle of a genuinely postindustrial Earth based civilization, and plan accordingly. At the Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights a Planetary Alternative Energy Network will be formed from these considerations and deliberations. This Network will be part of the Earth Rescue Operation.
f. CREST – Planetary Engineering Project.

CREST is the acronym for Centers for the Restitution of the Natural Mind. Never has the Foundation put out a project proposal that received such immediate and overwhelming response. However, it is due largely to the efforts of one person, Daniel Lipschits, Red Planetary Dragon (to whom the CREST acronym owes its coinage), that this project has really come to life. From the time Daniel attended the Swiss Seminar in the middle of the Magnetic Moon to the present, he has been able to steer the Planetary Engineering Project to the forefront of the Foundation’s endeavors.

Clearly the idea of a global network of self-sustaining 13:20 land bases featuring focused meditation retreats and experimentation with telepathic field exercises for the propose of establishing a planetary telepathic grid prior to 2012, is one that is deeply resonant with many people. Beginning with a parcel of land offered for Foundation use in Baja California, other lands soon after came to be made available, including: United Kingdom, Costa Rica, Spain, India, Bali, Bolivia and Brazil.
Daniel, who already has a distinguished career in the fields of culture, the performing arts, visuals arts and architecture, has crossed being a creative artist with being a producer, fundraiser, networker and lobbyist for innovative projects and productions. His approach has been geared toward the creation of whole systems, interlinking community building and visionary projects with a degree of diversity and complexity that aim to be an integral part of the global transformation. When he came across the Planetary Engineering Project on the Foundation web site, he knew it was his calling. Here was a whole systems project with unique architectural design features engaging alternative 13:20 community building to create an unprecedented vehicle for planetary transformation, a telepathic grid to anticipate the noosphere – and the circumpolar rainbow bridge.
Setting right to work, Daniel began collaborating with members of PAN Switzerland and PAN UK to create a network of support for the project which soon became known as CREST. To create a vehicle for funding the CREST, Daniel devised the ARTECOOP, a strategy for targeting eco and eso(esoteric) tourism, cultural exchange, sustainable development and environmental protection. Within a short time, Daniel made contact with an organization called the Usitawi Network, a high level Swiss-based International Service Club for Sustainable Development (www.usitawi.org). Presentation of both CREST and ARTECOOP concepts to the Usitawi group was met with great enthusiasm. As of this moment, Daniel has been able to form the ARTECOOP as a Swiss corporation, and has received the initial funding to set it up as a working operation.

In the meantime, several other developments occurred. Oscar Tinejero, 3 Mirror, veteran Earth Wizard and inveterate Banner of Peace walker, most recently traveling through India as part of the Ahimsa Caravan, found himself taking the message of the 13 Moon calendar and the Law of time to Auroville the global community founded by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and then on to Chinai, home of the Kalki Avatar Sri Bhagavan. Here Sri Bhagavan founded the Oneness University, origin of the diksha training programs. At the Oneness University, spreading the message of the Noosphere II and its Planetary Engineering project with the Thirteen Centers for the Restitution of the Natural Mind, Oscar encountered Lucas Jimeno 10 Warrior of the Oneness University. Together with another kin, German, 2 Dog, they conceived of the idea of bringing together the Oneness University with the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement through cooperation by means of the Planetary Engineering Project. (www.onenessuniversity.org)

Since Daniel was now named the Project Manager of the CREST, he was put in touch with Oscar and Lucas Jimeno. Following the contact made between Daniel and Lucas of the Oneness University, an understanding developed, and an invitation was forwarded to Daniel to visit the temple (that is about to be inaugurated) in the Solar Moon (March, 2006) To quote from the letter sent to Daniel from Lucas:
“The main idea of this project is an integration between the 13-moons calendar, in terms of Planetary Engineering, with the Oneness University work, showing how the Shatki Stall (temple) may become the fifth vortex in which this project is taking form.
Oneness University was created in order to fulfill the different prophecies all around the globe and provide each individual the opportunity to accomplish their changes before 2012. Over the years we have been performing different activities, always guided by our beloved masters or parents Amma and Bhagavan, and always with the intention of helping people find their own divine self.
... Some of those people were the monks who have been in contact with Bhagavan since a very young age ... at the moment some of them have become what we call Cosmic Beings, beings that are now One with the Divine Presence. They live continuously meditating in order to change the morphogenetic fields of the globe, 24-hours a day. Such beings have been prepared by Amma and Bhagavan, who channel the Grace directly from Hunab Ku, the brighter world.”
Certainly, the aims and objectives of the meditation practices of the Oneness University and the Centers for the Restitution of the Natural Mind are close. But that would be natural, for at this point in Middle Time, with seven years to go to 2012, there would have to begin to be a new kind of global Harmonic Convergence. This is because the natural inhalation of the Hunab Ku, in preparation for the galactic synchronization, begins to draw together magnetic filaments vibrating at the same frequencies. The same could also be said of the intentions of NSEWA in relation to the Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights.

With the Second Planetary Biospheric Congress to occur in Brasilia, Brazil seems to be the place where the next critical phase of the Law of Time will be launched. For this reason, following the Call of the Hummingbird, Lunar Moon 26-Electric Moon 10, Flaviah 7 Star, pioneer of the 13:20 community project in Epuyen, Patagonia, went forth fully intent on finding a site for the CREST in Brazil. As it now turns out, two sites have manifested, both near Alto Paraiso, some two hours drive from Brasilia. The other site came about through Sigrid 11 Star (also veteran Earth Wizard) and her nephew Claudio. It appears that both sites will be able to be utilized: one solely for the CREST and the other for establishing 13:20 community and for intermediate training in preparation for involvement in the CREST project on the land nearby.

As can be seen, the nature of the new projects, especially the CREST and, to a lesser degree, the Operation Earth Rescue, have already elicited a global scale of activation and cooperation between the Foundation, other organizations and different bioregional PAN groups. This bodes well for a happy ending to Middle Time. The catchwords for the coming Cosmic Civilization – the Seventh Ray Age of Aquarius – are service and cooperation. These can only happen genuinely and fully when there is a liberation from slavery to the ego, and a complete awakening in the primordially pure state of non-ego, which is our essence and the essence of the order of cosmic reality as well.
g. Mystery of the Stone – 20 Tablets – Cosmic History Chronicles – Noosphere II.
Waking up in Middle Time actually refers to a spiritual awakening. This is the purpose of the latest revelation of the Law of Time, Seven Years Mystery of the Stone – Resurrection of the Soul in Time. As an interactive tool, the daily practices of the Mystery of the Stone facilitate the cultivation of an expanded vision of the human soul and consciousness. By introducing the practitioner into the imaginal realm of Middle Time, one becomes a participant in the magical exercise of waking up the fifth dimensional Lords of the Ring, the Bolontiku. The cosmic nature of this practice qualifies it as a critical step in precipitating the supermental descent of cosmic order and cosmic consciousness, the full activation of the noosphere in 2012-2013.
Accompanying the simple daily practice procedures are a set of full color maps that locate you in Middle Time and demonstrate for you the nature of the solar thought form in which we are now all participating. This is the thought form, “time shift.” This thought form began in 1989 and is concluded in 2012. It corresponds to the 223rd and last 23 -year sunspot cycle since the beginning of the 13 Baktun Count, BC 3113 (BC 3114, Julian Count). The elevating and participatory, multidimensional cosmology that the Mystery of the Stone reveals is essential for lifting you above the disastrous nature of the collapsing human world at the end of the cycle. The Mystery of the Stone is intended for anyone who is simply willing to follow the 13 Moon calendar – that and nothing more.
Where Middle Time ends Inner Time begins. Inner Time is the pure 13:20 timing frequency. It is called Inner Time because the galactic synchronization phase shift produces in our perceptions a purely mental comprehension of the nature of reality. In Inner Time, it is all natural mind. Our third-dimensional form becomes an Island of Inner time within the vast Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness. The paradigm shift occurs not because of any conceptual effort but because the galactic synchronization beam shifts its frequency. This is why we must prepare for it, if we so choose, because when it happens we will see what a grave mistake it is to mistake our thoughts for reality.
Emerging from the final Ring of Middle time is the Solar Human (Kin 152, 19 x 8). This is literal and not just figurative. The frequency of the next galactic beam is a purely solar-galactic frequency. This is the meaning of the prophecy of the Sixth Sun which emerges at the conclusion of the Fifth Sun of Movement. The Mystery of the Stone exists specifically to spiritually prepare us for this evolutionary shift point – the end of the time shift and the beginning of cosmic civilization on Earth. By the time of the launching of the Timeship, the Bolontiku as the Nine Lords of Time and Destiny will be coordinating planetary affairs from a fifth dimensional level. The New Race will emerge from among us. OMA shall return across the Bridge of Time
Through Interlink productions in Hong Kong, the Foundation for the Law of Time has just produced 10,000 Mystery of the Stone kits. These are ready made for practice and study on the spiritual journey we have all embarked upon. The Foundation still owes Interlink Productions $20,000, the second half of the balance for the production of these kits. The Foundation would like to honor its commitment to Interlink and make this payment by Resonant 20, Overtone Monkey, Chinese New Years (Year of the Dog), the time when Chinese businesses like to close their accounts debt-free. We appeal for special contributions to meet this deadline. (donations@lawoftime.org)
One the Foundation’s principle purposes in this intermediate world of Middle Time is to establish broad based education programs. The Mystery of the Stone, like its predecessors 7:7::7:7, the Telektonon, and Dreamspell, the Journey of Timeship Earth 2013, represent the interactive tools of the Law of Time. One vital tool not yet properly produced, though available since the Yellow Overtone Seed year and in need of funding is the 20 Tablets of Law of Time, Sixteen year Cube of the Law. Incorporating the practices of the Cube of the Law this interactive tool is especially critical for the activation of the Noosphere and the telepathic means of wholesomely vibrating our DNA. To properly produce 10,000 copies of this special tool in full color requires $40,000.
The Research and Development Center’s Law of Time Press will soon be making the final preparations for the Cosmic History Chronicles, Book of the Avatar, Volume II. Overall production and distribution costs will be about $20,000 This will be needed by the Planetary Moon when the book is expected to go into production. Another major project of the Research and Development Team has been the Associate Director’s compiling and crafting of the Biography of a Time Traveler, A Galactic Mayan’s Journey Down the Road to 2012. This project should be out of her hands by the end of the Rhythmic Moon when it will be given to a commercial publisher. This critical text offers a comprehensive and coherent depiction of the visionary force behind the discovery and decoding of the Law of Time.
The Noosphere II Project, of which the production of the seven volumes of the Cosmic History Chronicles is a major element, is now in its second year. While the experiment of approximating noospheric states of consciousness is attaining some minimum success, there is still a need to depressurize even more from the external world and deepen the pure contemplative retreat for prolonged phases of meditation, life-style experimentation, creative assimilation and intensive research. To attain this end, with but a brief exception, the Research and Development team will be in retreat until the Biospheric Congress in Brazil, next Electric Moon.

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