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Тулаганов А.Б. – докторант PhD, Академия государственного управления при Президенте РК

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Тулаганов А.Б. докторант PhD, Академия государственного управления при Президенте РК

Усенова Ж.А. ст. преподаватель

Утепов Н. – соискатель ЕНУ им Л.Н.Гумилева

Утибаев Б.С. профессор КазУЭФМТ

Шарипов Т.С. - докторант PhD, ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева


Sadykov T.U.

In given article «The Economic theory on a new coil of the development» is considered a place of the modern economic theory in the decision of actual problems of the accelerated economic modernisation in Kazakhstan. Necessity of new methodological maintenance of the modern economic theory for a direction of information research of various kinds of the forced industrial development is shown.

Аliev U.Zh.

In the article in condensed form is given author's conception of theory and evolution entrepreneurship.

Baimagambetova L.К.

This article highlights the problems faced by the Republic of Kazakhstan in the process of integration into the global educational environment in the context of globalization.

The author presents his vision for achieving effective implementation of policies in this area

Prospects for business development in the agricultural sector.

The basic condition for effective development of entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector are the technology parks, venture funds, state and local agencies, potential customers and create a favorable legal, organizational and economic mechanism of management of innovation initiatives.
Organizational-economic mechanism of regulation of innovative initiatives largely determined by the level of development of legal framework regulating the relations arising from these transactions, the development of appropriate institutional structures of government regulation and market infrastructure, the efficient functioning of which requires constant interaction and coordination of all its elements with minimal duplication of functions, orientation as a general-purpose socio-economic policy and in the interests of businesses in this area.

Маdiyarova D.M., Кylbaev Е.

The article deals with improving methods of calculating the local content in goods, works and services in procurement of company. Development of methodology is the need for objective estimation of the share of local content of goods, works and services, where they are purchased in large volumes by company. This concerns subsoil use sphere, the State and national companies.

Objective assessment of local content in procurement is a crucial aspect in relation to the need to develop the manufacturing industry by increasing the supply of goods, works and services of Kazakh origin.

Sеidаhmetova F.S., Аbdrahmanova Zh.S., Каbylkakova Z.

The article examines the main features of HR-management in foreign companies. It is shown common methods of recruitment and given them a short description. Much attention is given to the description of the importance of staff in the context of a high competition. Also highlights a variety of advanced systems and types of HR-management, as well as methods used in market relations.

Bаbаzhаnоvа Zh.А.

His scientific work considers the problems and perspectives of the development of national transportation system in the railroad turnover market. The author gives an analysis of the structure of railroad turnover market as well as railroad turnover market development.

Bаizhоlоvа R.A.

The demand, complying with modern requirements, shapes only the labor market. Therefore, the impact of the reforms to the education system must be measured in accordance with the labor market needs.

It is necessary to admit the fact that there is no proper correspondence between education and the labor market in Kazakhstan. Thereby, it is necessary to coordinate the labor market with the education system.

The article reveals the relationship between the labor market and the educational services market, and involves regulation issues.

Bisekov А.Т.

The way of effective labor market development in the agrarian sector.

Investigation of foreign experience, study the existing system of labor in agriculture and works of a number of researchers can provide a regional system for managing labor market and employment in the form of block diagrams, where all three units form a single reproductive process, and linked. The effective operation of the labor market and the use of human resources of the republic should be linked with a rational balancing of market-based approaches and government regulation. For more effective functioning of the newly formed farm types of the agricultural sector should continue to restructure and provide state support as a corporate-type farms and private farms.
Rustembaev B.Е., Каsкатаеv N.М., Usenova Zh.А., Аbdigul G.К.

At present, the economy faces with problem of informing and consulting of agricultural enterprises. Improvement of forms and methods of information and consultation provision is based not only on achievement of scientific and technical progress, further development of  computing machineries and other technical devices, software tools and databases creation but through the fact that the Heads of farms started to participate in such a process.


Dоsмаgаnbеtоv N.S.

In article advantages and lacks of manufacture of building materials of the country are considered and the basic perspective factors of development of manufacture of building materials by introduction cluster systems come to light.

Аbdiкаriмоvа G.А.

Creation clusters is one of progressive forms of the organization of innovative activity. In a basis of the program of creation кластеров long-term specialization of a national economy that defines wide model of creation of competitive economy with the priority branches having scientific and technical potential is laid.

The important distinctive characteristic clusters is its purposeful innovative activity. Therefore the most successful clusters are shaped and function there where it is expected or there is appreciable "break" in the field of technics, technologies and new quality of manufacture to the subsequent output on the new markets.

There are all preconditions of innovative progress: rich stocks of natural resources; availability of free capacities; developed scientifically - technical potential; availability of technological reserves on a number of technological ways; highly skilled engineering - technicians with the developed system of its preparation; favourable geographical position of the country.

Еsеngеldinоvа R.Zh., Dоsмаgаnbеtоv N.S.

In this article, "Business process reengineering-like growth factor of the economic policies of enterprises" important thing is how we want to organize the work it is today with the demands in today's market and opportunities of today's technologies. The main purpose of business process reengineering is a qualitative improvement in certain areas of the company. The company, which is not investing in change, put at stake their ability to survive in the market, but the desire for change is not a guarantee of survival in the competition. Must be skillful management of these changes.

Еgемbеrdiеvа S.М.

Improving methodology of tariff system on transporting oil by pipelines

In this article author shows improving methodology of tariff sysytem on transporting oil by pipeline ways.
Bаirbекоvа R.Т.

Currently, Kazakhstan is a growing concept of human capital. In this sense, the role of investment in human capital to increase productivity is very important, as the main reserve of economic efficiency of its operations and investments in human capital - as the most profitable investment venture. This article reveals the effectiveness of investing in human capital at the enterprise level.


Ziyadina D.А.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan are no special legislative treatment of agricultural lands, aiming at the preservation and protection of agricultural land use, development and protection of land management of agricultural forms of economic activity, economic incentives for the concentration of land from working effectively land, avoidance of excessive fragmentation and the creation of small land-use On the one hand and the creation of new large estates on the other side.

Valuation of land in the form definition standard price (base rate) and land taxation based on the appraisal, causing criticism from experts, as based on outdated data and have not been updated, so you need to develop and apply the inventory assessment and zoning of agricultural land, based on new methodological approaches (for a more accurate zoning of land on the basis of land valuation and zoning for an updated information base, ie, fresh data on crop yields, market prices of gross output and the cost of its production).
Маdiyarova D.M., Syzdykоvа G.Zh.

In the present аrticle reflects the processes of formation of the intermediate stage of innovation development of Kazakhstan. The causes and sources of innovation activity over the country and the main parameters that characterize them.

Кurмаnоv N.А.

The article investigates the current state and development of the pension system of Kazakhstan.

The study author concluded that the main development strategy of the pension sector in the country should be to intelligently manage their pension assets to perform all its obligations to pensioners who reach retirement age within 20 - 30 years.
Syzdykbаеvа B.U.

Improvement of quality of services in a transport and logistics complex of the country by application logistics technologies and claster the organization approach allows to raise competitiveness of branch.

From a position of the system approach and the management theory the essence and the maintenance of methodology of creation of uniform transport and logistisl system are opened. The Structurally functional analysis within the limits of the offered methodological approach has allowed to estimate structure formed uniform transport and logistics system consisting of five levels which are in an interdependence condition among themselves and elements of other levels of a transport and logistics infrastructure.


Bаiyrbеkоvа R.Т.

Currently, one of the major problems of modern Kazakhstan is to build an effective system of corporate governance, in implementation, which is a key stress are experts in the field of human resource management. On how effective the HR - services directly related profits. Therefore, management efforts of modern organizations should aim at increasing the efficiency of their employees through the development of appropriate measures for intervention in conflict situations and the search for effective ways to control labor, ensuring activation of the human resource. Decisive main factor in productive activity of people is their motivation.

Тulаgаnоv А.B.

To assess the results of the service, use the system of quality and accessibility of public services, which must meet certain requirements, provided the article, the author made no attempt to ascertain the figures and identify assessment methodologies.
Bimagambetova S.S.

One of the major problems of branch of the agriculture certain by the State agrofood programme, the export potential increase, increase of its quality and competitiveness is maintenance of dynamical development of the grain market.

Аbdrаhmаnоvа R.S.

In article the problems, braking technological and innovative development of the CIS countries, in particular the Customs union are considered. It is offered to make use of foreign experience in achievement of a sustainable development of the countries of the Customs union by a diversification of branches of economy and a withdrawal from a raw orientation, growth of innovative activity, development of hi-tech and high technology manufactures.

Syzdykova G.Zh.

The article analyzed the process of development of structural components of the market of intellectual products, including issuance of protective documents, provisional patents, patents for inventions and industrial designs, patents for utility models etc. It is noted that the inventive activity in the domestic market falls by the end of scientific and technological chain, ie remain weak following the links.
Shаripоv Т.S.

The article provides analysis of passenger transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Statistical data which reflects main production parameters brought in the article. Factors influenced processes and volume of passenger transportation as well as complex of the tasks which are necessary for rational organization of transportation from economical, technological, financial and others point of views were described.


Bekbenbetova B.

This article studies objective effects of high and stable economic growth according o state indicators and state possibilities on global market with transformation of structure of national economy.

Utibаеv B.S., Lаshkаrеvа О.V., Zhunusova R.М.

In article of consideration to 2011-2013 year of republican budget of the bases operation factors compare of budget 2010 year. Special attentions of spare overpatching of gainful sender, in particulars, explore overpatching the fiscal taking. Evaluate cutting of fiscal taking in account, structures and direction of budgetary crediting, condition of accounting costs of acquisition financial actives, required for the amplification governmental of impact of development economics.

Коdаshеvа G.S., Zhubаеv S.D.

Republic of Kazakhstan chose reforming towards socially oriented market economy. Socially oriented market economy provides efficiency of market mechanisms, strong social safety net, high standards of living and well-being of people. Generation of Revenue in the local budgets and their effective use play on important role here.

The objective of the article of development of the directions towards improvement of program for Revenue Generation in local Budgets and recommendations on expending the revenue base.

The experience of number of viloyats (regions) in the field of Revenue Generation was studied, and opportunities of application of this experience in the Revenue Generation of local budgets was analysed.

According to the general objective of this scientific research, the following tasks were completed in the article:

  • study of the specific properties of the local budget and fiscal policy under terms of transition from planned to market economy;

  • analyses of the present state of Revenue Generation in local budgets;

  • development of proposals and recommendations on Revenue Generation in local Budgets.

Berstembaeva R.К.

The equity market urged to provide a free transferring of the capital between its participants by means of application of financial tools – securities. Unfortunately, in Kazakhstan a number of factors constrains its development. The current state of the equity market of the republic doesn't correspond to an economy level of development, therefore the stock market not to the full carries out the appointment.

In article problems of development of a securities market of Kazakhstan in the conditions of postcrisis stabilization are considered. The author investigates a current state of stock market of the republic, influence of macroeconomic tendencies on it. On the basis of the spent analysis complex problems of activization of the mechanism of stock market are formulated, and also concrete recommendations about its revival are made.


Dzholdasbekova E.B., Aitahanov K.A.

Economical meaning of budget resources in developing of the budget system is considered in this article. Theoretical conceptions of common structure of budget and it’s classification is also considered by author.

Меdеtоvа Б.С.

Basic point: а substantiation of the concept and management strategy by a total external debt in the RK, principles revealing and organizational bases of internal and external loans of the state. Realization of the given result will provide effective financing the State expenditure, the payment obligations performance by the Government with a minimum risk level, loans depreciation due to effective accommodation of the involved debt capital and active management of debt.

Sмаgulоvа D. А.

This article discusses the management of public debt in the RК, its dynamics over the past few years. According to the analysis, it is concluded, despite the growth of external debt in recent years, its parameters are within a reasonable debt.

Utеpоv N.

The theme of the article is: “ Feature of planning of strategic aims of bank and the set terms in the process of forming” are indicated: the set terms in forming of strategic aims of bank, and also features of planning of strategic aims of bank
Iztlеuоvа А.

In article are considered a condition of a fiscal policy of the countries introduced domestic economy in which the world economy and the fiscal policy is developed. Now the fiscal policy and the budget are inseparable from each other. This policy is the major tool of formation of the state budget. On the other hand it includes a theoretical basis and in practice defines articles of the expense of budgetary funds.

Аhmetova А.Zh.

In article it is considered the basic methods of an estimation of financial risks of bank system, their short characteristic is given. Process of efficient control by risk is presented, and also life cycle of the analysis and effective influence on risk is schematically represented.

Zhanabaeva Zh.К.

Developing agrarian sector of RK for functioning governmental management recommended following: forming normative-legal acts, stimulating development market relations and regulation control, determining economical mechanisms with pricing, taxation, financing, crediting, insurance, supporting producer’s income, stimulating applications of science and technology, solving problems of employment and etc.


Оspаnоvа E.О.

For the scientific work of the student Ospanova E.O. on a theme « Perfection of methods of management debtor debts of the organization». In modern economic conditions the majority of managing subjects’ tests deficiency investment -financial resources, therefore the questions connected with formation, optimum accommodation and their effective use are actual. And one of the leading places in management of a working capital is allocated debtor debts. In its communication consideration of problems of the organization of management debtor debts, undoubtedly, has actual, duly character. Ospanova E.O.'s scientific work represents the research having theoretical and applied value substantive provisions Containing in clause, conclusions and the received scientific results, use econometrical t analysis grow out independent research, the interrogations lead by the author in the organizations and establishments, and also. The structure of work opens sequence of an investigated subject and corresponds to the purpose and the problems, declared by the author at the general statement of a problem.

Kаirаtuly K.K.

In the article there are considered questions on a role of taxes in formation and development of small business that has an influence on social-economic improvement of the regions of Republic of Kazakhstan.

Siм D.К.

In the innovation-investment conditions the development of market economy in the agricultural sector the usage of effective methods of regulating employment impact on increasing employment, reducing unemploymt, supply and demand of labor. Complicated system of levers and instruments of various legal, financial, economic, social, organizational-institutional, motivational order must provide a full and efficient use of manpower in the agricultural sector, where systematic and effective workforce development in the countryside there is not enough, contradict to the principle proportionate and balanced quality of the labor force in agriculture.
Sмаilоv B.А.

Effective development of small and medium enterprises in the agricultural sector should contribute to the promotion of new production concepts - such as reducing the time to move raw materials from the moment of entering the process up to production, planning systems of material resources and flexibility of agricultural production. In this regard, the implementation of the proposed measures of government business in the agricultural sector will boost the performance of the agricultural sector, increasing the flexibility of the production system and its agricultural diversification, occupation Kazakhstan definite place in the system ofworld economic relations , raise living standards for rural people , development of new agricultural technology ways of life.


Surаgаnоvа S.К.

To increase the effectiveness of tourism infrastructure development is necessary to take into account experience of management of tourism infrastructure in several foreign countries and use it for development of domestic tourism, thus contributing to its emergence as an economically efficient and investment, an attractive sector of the economy. The implementation of the measures proposed in the article would, on the one hand, to increase competitiveness of Kazakhstan's tourist product, on the other hand, provide employment and enhance their professional competence and improve the overall efficiency of tourism infrastructure development in Kazakhstan

Dogalov A.N

Under the autor’s consideration are Mustafa Shokai’s two works: «» «Financial crisis in Germany» and «English crisis». The author also makes analysis and gives a tribute to M.Shokai’s contribution in the derelopment jf Kazakhstan economic sciense.

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