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The main focus of this research is on

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The main focus of this research is on:
-determination of the reasons for the sacralization of objects, forms of sacralization and the existence of 
ideas associated with sacred objects;
-determination of the role and place of the institution of watchmen – Shyrakshy in the functioning of 
sacred objects;
-determination of the attitude of the local community and pilgrims to sacred objects;
Sacral travel at the world level is associated with the spread of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, 
Hinduism, etc.
Historiography of the research problem. Due to the relevance of the sacred geography project, 
as well as the elevation of this project to the rank of national projects, it would be worth to review in detail 
the Soviet, Western and Kazakh historiographies on this issue.
1. Soviet historiography:
Classical works include the works of Soviet and Russian philosophers and culturologists A.F. Loseva, 
Yu.M. Lotman, as well as the Romanian cultural philosopher M. Eliade, dedicated to the socio-cultural 
phenomenon of sacredness, inherent in the nature of myth. Mircea Eliade reproduced in his reasoning 
about the essence of religion the logic of dividing the world into the sacred and the opposing secular.
Russian scientists Yu. Vedenin, E. Okladnikova in their works distinguish between historical, cultural, 
sacral landscapes. A cultural landscape is understood as “an integral and territorially localized aggregate 
of matter, energy and information, formed as a result of spontaneous natural processes, transformative and 
intellectual-creative activities of people” (Vedenin Yu.A., 1990: 5-17). The sacred landscape “is a special 
part of the cultural landscape, formed by spiritual human experience, i.e. spiritualized, imaginary space” 
(Okladnikova, 2014: 25). 
2. Western historiography:

ISSN 1814 - 6961 E-ISSN: 2788-9718
Отан тарихы №1 (97) 2022
Considering the historiography of the problem of sacralization of spaces in relation to the current 
situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, role of British researchers should be noted, as they conducted 
a classification of sacred objects and considered the features of religious tourism.For example, the 
classification put forward by British scientists reveals the essence of religious sites that are still relevant 
− Natural phenomena (sacred lakes, mountains, islands, groves);
− Buildings and sites originally built for religious purposes;
− Religious buildings;
− Special events of religious significance held at non-religious sites;
− Sacralized secular landmarks associated with tragedies or politically significant events (Razaq Raj, 
Kevin Griffin, 2015: 161). 
The consumer of pilgrimage tourism has his own motives and this forms consumer behavior. In this 
regard, for specialists of the tourist market, it is necessary to clearly highlight the correct presentation of 
the pilgrimage journey and the purpose of the pilgrimage. Motives and needs will help to identify customer 
expectations in relation to tourism products and target market.
According to researcher R. Blackwell, there are five characteristics of religious tourism:
− Voluntary temporary and unpaid travel;
− Motivation is religion, faith;
− Complemented by other motives;
Destination is religious sites, area (local, regional or international);
− Traveling to your destination is not a religious practice (Blackwell, 2007: 35-47). 
3. Kazakhstan historiography:
- With the implementation of programs for the modernization of public and historical consciousness in 
the Republic of Kazakhstan, the problems of sacred geography and memory practices have become one of 
the actively studied in Kazakhstani humanities. So, in the article by K.A. Medeuova “On the question of 
the typology of memory practice in Kazakhstan” author considered the criteria for the typology of actual 
memory practices. The author noted that the actors of commemoration processes are state and public 
institutions, local communities and business structures (Medeuova, 2016: 450-458). 
In the work of K. Medeuova in collaboration with W.M. Sandybaeva “Sacred geography in Kazakhstan: 
commemorative policy of the state and local practices in public spaces” especially revered objects of 
western and northern Kazakhstan are considered as loci of sacralization. One of the most active social 
spaces with multilevel memory practices is the Otpan-Tau memorial complex in Mangystau. The authors 
note that in just a few years this complex has become the most recognizable sacred place and acquired 
national significance as a symbol of unity (Medeuova, Sandybaeva, 2018: 436-445). 

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