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arakin v d prakticheskiy kurs angliyskogo yazyka 1 kurs

44. Fill in the blanks with it is 
it is 
it is 
it is 
it is or there is
there is
there is
there is
there is:
1. ... warm in the room. 2. ... a theatre in our street. 3. ... easy
to understand this rule. 4. ... five o’clock in the afternoon. 5. ... so
nice seeing you again. 6. ... nothing to be done about this. 7. ...
often a rainbow after rain. 8. ... too late to go there now. 9. ... a
lot of snow this year. 10. ... a mistake in your dictation. 11. ... far
from my house to the Institute. 12. ... difficult to say what’s
wrong about it. 13. ... very strange that he hasn’t come. 14. ... still
very early and ... nobody to be seen in the street. 15. ... usually
a stamp on the envelope. 16. ... so cold outofdoors today.
17. ... electricity in all the houses of the town.

45. Use the proper article:
1. Come to ... blackboard and write... Exercise 12. 2. You
have ... spelling mistake in ... word “nursery”. 3. He is ... old
friend of mine. 4. There came ... tap at ... door and in another
moment we saw ... small girl enter ... room. 5. He is ... young
artist and, I should say, rather talented. 6. He gave her ...
cigarette and lighted it. 7. I don’t feel ... sympathy towards this
man. 8. They are going to build ... new house. 9. Are ... rooms in
your flat large or small? 10. ... hour is a long time. In ... hour you
can read ... newspaper, or write ... letter. 11. What ... beautiful
music he is playing! 12. In every remark he found ... meaning
but not always the true meaning. 13. There is ... curiosity in her
look. 14. ... Sandfords have ... nice house. ... house isn’t large but
46. Translate into English:
1. В семье есть другие дети? — Нет, я единственный ребенок.
2. Твой брат студент, и ему 19 лет, не так ли? — Да, он студент, но
ему 18 лет, а не 19. 3. На улице много народу. 4. В кувшине нет
молока. 5. У них двое детей — мальчик и девочка. 6. Такие люди
есть, не правда ли? 7. За вашей школой есть сад? — Да. 8. В вашем
городе есть парки? — Да, но немного, два или три. 9. У вас есть
вопросы? 10. На столе около окна стоят часы. 11. Твои книги и
тетради на полке. 12. На полке есть тетради? — Да, это мои тетра
ди. 13. Что там на столе? — Там чайник и чашка. 14. Кто в сосед
ней комнате? 15. Есть ктонибудь в соседней комнате? 16. Есть
в вашей аудитории книжные шкафы? 17. На столе есть сахар,
но мало. 18. У Бенни много игрушек. 19. У Тома игрушек мало.
20. Времени у нас мало, уже половина второго.

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