Хvііі ғасырдың соңғы ширегімен ХІХ ғасырдың 70 жылдарына дейінгі Қазақ-қоқан қарым-қатынастары

Теоретико-методологическая основа исследования

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Теоретико-методологическая основа исследования. Методологической основой данной работы являются общепринятые в мировой исторической науке методологические и теоретические подходы. Автор обратился к комплексному использованию формационного и цивилизационного подходов, которые применимы к анализу социально-экономической сферы жизни людей, связанных с материальным производством. Материалистическое понимание истории базируется на рассмотрении производственной деятельности как определяющего фактора всемирно-исторического процесса. Однако выявление общих тенденций развития исследуемого периода показывает наличие нескольких векторов прогресса.

Один из них заключается в том, что суть исторического прогресса состоит в накоплении духовных ценностей, которые материализуются в созданных человеком средствах производства, экономических и социальных отношениях. Второй вектор прогресса состоит в усилении общности исторических судеб разных народов, регионов и стран. Эти теоретические идеи были использованы в сравнительном изучении истории казахов, узбеков, киргизов, таджиков и других народов.

Степень внедрения. Основные положения диссертационного исследования нашли отражение в более 40-ка работах, опубликованных в международных и республиканских и областных научных изданиях, в материалах международных, республиканских и областных научно-практических конференции, посвященных актуальным проблемам Отечественной истории.

Научно-практическое значение работы. Исследованные вопросы, сформированные научные значения, содержащийся эмперический материал, а также полученные результаты и выводы могуть быть использованы при чтении лекции по новой истории Казахстана и подготовке спецкурсов по проблемам международных отношений, регионоведению, при проведении семинаров и тренингов, издании учебных и учебно-методических пособий.



Kazakh-Kokandskoe attitude last quarter XVIII - before 70 XIX age (About political and economic problems)

07.00.02.-Domestic history (History of the Republic Kazakhstan) Dissertaciya on competition degree doctor of the history sciences

The object of scientific research is social, political, trade, economic and cultural life of Kazakh and Kokand societies in the last quarter of the 18th century till 70s of the 19th century.

The significance research. The relations of Kazakh and Kokand khanates can't be regarded as one-sided, as these connections have ancient roots becoming mostly indivisible united world. There fore the relations of neighbouring countries must be examined all-round. Right evaluation of Kokand and Kazakh relations on the border line of 18-19 centuries and influence of Russian empire, aggressive measures of Kokand khanate, and also the struggle of Kazakh people against extortionate politics of khanate and their evaluation from modern point of view allowed to research "white spots" of history which are very actual for sovereign Kazakhstan from historical point of view.

The aim and tasks of research. The aim of research is to study Kazakh and Kokand social, political, trade, economic and cultural relations in the last quarter of the 18th century till 70s of the 19th century relations of specific signs of Kazakh and Kokand relations in context of development of international relations in whole. For realization of the given aim in dissertation the following tasks are put on:

  • to revel the level of research and documentary ground of historical investigations of Kazakh and Kokand social, political, trade, economic and cultural relations in the line of the end if the 18 century till the last quarter of the 19 century.

  • To disclose real reasons and aims of Kokand khanate in Kazakh steppe.

  • To show traditional Kazakh Kokand economic relations:

  • To analyze relations of Kokand authority with local powerful elite:

  • Scientifically evaluate the role and place in public life of some historical personalities.

Scientific novelty of the work:

  • methodic basis and methodological ground of the given research are shown on scientifically grounded Kazakh and Kokand relations on the line of the end if the 18th century till the last quarter of the 19th century, documentary material of sources is being analyzed:

  • in dissertation work for the first time archives materials by the given theme are all round researched and studied that gives possibility of its admission to wide circle of readers:

  • the role of relations of Tashkent and Kazakhstan on the basis of new historical geographical border is determined:

  • present-day evaluation of struggle of citizens of Syr coast, Zhetysu and South Kazakhstan against aggressive activity of Tsar Russia;

  • on the basis of documentary materials the struggle for independence of elder and middle zhuz against Kokand invaders.

Theoretical and methodological basis of research. Methodological basis of the given work are methodological and theoretical approaches generally taken in world historical science. The author addressed to complex use of structure and civilization approaches, which are applicable to analyses of social and economic sphere of people's life, in accordance with material production.

Materialistic understanding of history is based on consideration of production activity as determining factor of world wide history process. However the discovery of general tendencies of development of investigation period shows presence of several historical progress consists in accumulation of resources, economic and social relations.

The second vector of progress consists in reinforcement of entity of historical fates of different people, regions and countries. These theoretical ideas were used in comparative study of the history of Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Kirgizs, Tadjiks and other people.

The degree of introduction. The main positions of dissertation research have found the reflection in more than 40 works published in international and republican and regional scientific practical conferences denoted to actual problems of home history.

Scientific practical importance of the work. Researched questions, formed scientific importance, containing empirical material and also given results and conclusions can be used by reading lectures on new history of Kazakhstan and training of special courses on problems of international relation, by holding seminars and trainings, publishing teaching and methodical aids.

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