ISSN 2305-9397. Ғылым және білім. 2022. № 3-3 (68)____ _
can be harvested in the optimal phase and used to prepare a specific feed in accordance with its
technological properties.
At the same time, the corresponding gap in the technological process is
eliminated, when the cultivation of crops is not sufficiently linked to the preparation of fodder. One of
the elements of the intensive fodder production system is the expansion
of the range of highly
productive fodder crops, the use of
non-traditional fodder plants, such as eastern goat's rue,
Transbaikal mountaineer,
chickpea astragalus, dyer's woad, Jerusalem artichoke and sunflower
artichoke, etc. Excellent fodder properties throughout the growing season, manufacturability for the
preparation of hay, haylage, silage, pellets, briquettes make feed from these crops well eaten (78-90%)
by sheep and cattle.
Түйін сөздер: егістік мал азығы өндірісі, бір жылдық мал азықтық дақылдары, көп
жылдық шөптер, көк жайылымдық конвейер, шикізаттық конвейер.
Key words: field fodder production, annual forage crops, perennial grasses, green pasture
conveyor, raw material conveyor
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