The distance learning format is currently one of the main trends in the dynamic development
of the higher education system. However, the introduction of the technology and content of distance
learning into the education system has caused many difficulties, one of which is the provision of
remote control of exams. The key tool used in the successful solution of the problem is the proctoring
The article discusses various methods of biometric identification of the student's personality
used during remote control activities. The analysis of priorities and vulnerabilities of methods of
biometric identification of the person is carried out, the conclusion on expediency of their application
when carrying out proctoring is presented. It is noted that when using a user authentication system,
rather than identification, the accuracy of all methods increases significantly and the system is tasked
with determining the probability of a particular person's non-compliance with his biometric standard.
This approach, as well as the multimodality of the system, allow us to confirm the identity of the
student with high accuracy without financial damage and convenience, while having different
opportunities for interaction and control of activities on the exam.
The theoretical analysis led to conclusions about the prospects of a multimodal system for the
identification of a person in the conditions of distance education. The article also presents the
possibility of identification by the structure of the face, keyboard handwriting, ECG, as well as the
features of the iris and voice, which are the most promising for use in a wide educational practice.
Түйін сөздер: қашықтықтан оқыту, прокторинг, биометриялық сәйкестендіру,
статикалық сәйкестендіру тәсілдері, динамикалық сәйкестендіру тәсілдері.