Line and staff positions (линейньіе и управленческие должности)

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Lesson 2




In business organization structure means the relationship between positions and people who hold the positions. Organization struc­ture is very important because it provides an efficient work system as well as a system of communication.

Historically, line structure is the oldest type of organization struc­ture. The main idea of it is direct vertical relationship between the po­sitions and tasks of each level, and the positions and tasks above and bellow each level. For example, a sales manager may be in a line position between a vice-president of marketing and a salesman. Thus a vice-president of marketing has direct authority over a salesman. This chain of command simplifies the problems of giving and taking orders.

When a business grows in size and becomes more complex, there is a need for specialists. In such a case administrators may organize staff departments and add staff specialists to do specific work. These people are usually busy with services, they are not tied in with the company product. The activities of the staff departments include an accounting, personnel, credit and advertising. Generally, they do not give orders to other departments.


relationship — взаимоотноше-

ние to hold a position — занимать должность organization structure — op-

ганизационная структура

level — уровень

sales manager —управляющий

по торговле, маркетингу salesman — продавец, торговец to have direct authority over

smb. — иметь прямую власть

над кем-либо

to give orders — отдавать при-


to take orders — принимать


complex — сложный

staff — штат; управление

staff department — управлен-

ческий отдел (не имеющий

прямого отношения к произ-

водству, но его обслужи-


line department — линейный to be tied in with the company

отдел (имеющий непосред- product — иметь отношен

ственное отношение к ко-

к конечному продукту

нечному продукту)

  1. What does the organization structure mean?

  2. What does the organization structure provide?

  3. What is historically the oldest type of organization structure?

  1. In what position is a sales manager in attitude to a vice-presidenl о marketing and a salesman?

  1. What is the difference between line and staff departments?

  1. Why is an advertising department or a credit department considered staff structure rather than line structure?


Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence (relationships, to hold a position, authority, complex, task, a line department, a staff department).

  1. Organization structure shows ... between each position and po­sitions above and below.

  2. A sales manager has direct ...over a salesman.

  3. As a rule a ... usually does not give orders to other departments.

  4. When the business gets more ... there is a need for staff de­partments.

  5. My friend … … of sales manager.

  6. The ... of staff departments is to do different services.

  7. My friend works in a … …he is responsible for the company pro­duct.


(Peggy Forman is talking with Jaff Downing, another administrative assistant in her company.)

Jaff How are you today, Peggy?

Peggy Oh, fine, thanks.

Jaff Glad to hear that. By the way, are you familiar with the or-

ganizational chart for the company?

Peggy No, I am not. What is it like actually?

Jaff Well, the chart shows how the employees are devided into

groups. It gives one an overview of the chain of command in

the company.

Peggy I see. The positions can be line and staff ones.

Jaff Yes. The subject is not new to you. What else do you know

about it?

Peggy As far as I know a worker in a line position receives or­ders

from his immediate subordinate.

Jaff Exactly, that's the line chain of command.

Peggy A worker in a staff position reports directly to a line worker but

he neither gives nor receives orders for line workers. Am I right?

Jaff Yes, you are. But someone may have line authority over

people in his department and not be considered a line ad­


Peggy How can it be?

Jaff That's possible when a whole department is a staff de-

partment. For example, in our company the head of the credit

department or the personnel department can hardly ever be

president of the company.

Peggy And what do the people in staff departments do, how is their

work different?

Jaff Well, they are usually busy with services and they could do

the same service for any company. So they are not in the line.

Peggy It seems to be rather complicated.
Jaff It only seems so. I think the chart should help.

Peggy Oh, sure. But, Jaff, would you explain me what span of

control is?
Jaff Oh, span of control refers to the number of people whom

one manages directly.

Peggy Can you give me an example?
Jaff Well. The President of our company directly manages the

Vice-President of Production, the Vice-President of

Marketing and the Controller. Thus, his span of control

includes three people.

Peggy Yes, now I see. Thank you for your help.
Jaff Not at all. Why don't we go to the coffee stall and have a

snack together?


immediate subordinate — не-

посредственный подчиненный

line chain of command — ли- нейная структура подчинения
organizational chart — органи-

зационная схема

line position — линейная долж-

span of control — сфера непо- средственного подчинения

vice-president of production — вице-президент по производству

vice-president of marketing — вице-президент по сбыту

controller — главный финансист

immediate superior — непо-средственньїй начальник

staff position — управленче-ская должность

to reportзд. подчиняться;


credit department — кредит­ный



Exercise 1. Give affirmative and negative answers to the questions.

Model: Have you examined the organizational structure of the

company yet?

Yes, I have already examined it. No, I haven't examined it yet.

  1. Have you reported to the controller yet?

  2. Have you settled this problem with the manager yet?

  3. Have you learned line and staff positions of the company yet?

  4. Have you got acquainted with your immediate superior yet?

  5. Have you heard about his span of control yet?

  6. Have you met your immediate subordinates yet?

  7. Have you passed your report to the credit department yet?

Exercise 2. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: A staff employee doesn't give orders.

A staff employee doesn't receive orders.

A staff employee neither gives, nor receives orders.

  1. He isn't a Controller. He isn't a sales manager.

  2. The head of the credit department doesn't advise the President. The head of the credit department doesn't report to controller.

  3. He doesn't want to hold a position of vice-president of marketing. He doesn't want to hold a position of general manager.

  4. A credit department doesn't have direct authority over a line de­partment. A personnel department doesn't have direct authority over a line department.

5.I don't want to talk with the Boss. I don't want to talk with the Con­troller.

  1. She doesn't like to give orders. She doesn't like to receive orders.

  2. Jecky doesn't want to attend annual meetings of shareholders. Susan doesn't want to attend annual meetings of shareholders either.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

  1. What is your relationship with your immediate superior?

  2. What position in your company do you want to hold?

  1. Do you want to be a sales-manager or a vice-president of mar­keting? Give your reasons.

  1. Over what positions do you have direct authority in your company?

  2. What do you like more: to give orders or to receive orders?

  1. Do you want to work in a staff department or in a line department?

Give your reasons.

Exercise 4. Have a look at the organizational chart

of the company.

What line and staff positions can you discern? Speak about the or­ganizational structure of this enterprise.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

  1. Мои взаимоотношения с начальником очень хорошие.

  2. Мой друг занимает должность главного финансиста.

  3. Я не знаком с организационной структурой нашего предприятия.

  4. Он больше любит отдавать приказания, чем получать их.

  5. Я предпочитаю работать в линейном отделе.

  6. Управленческие отделы не связаны с конечним продуктом.

  7. Структура нашего предприятия сложна.

  8. Я больше подхожу к управленческой должности, чем к линейной.

  9. Мой непосредственный начальник очень пунктуален.

  1. В сферу моего непосредственного подчинения входят три ководителя групп.

  2. Главный финансист несет очень большую ответственность.

  3. Я уволю моего непосредственного подчиненного. Он ленив.


Exercise 1. Transfer the sentences from Active into Passive.
Model: The manager examines organizational structure of the firm. Organizational structure of the firm is examined by the manager.

  1. Vice-president gives orders to his employees.

  2. I receive orders from the sales manager.

  3. My friend holds a position of general manager.

  4. Personnel office receives resumes from prospective candidates.

  5. Staff departments do different services to line departments.

  6. Usually he takes the orders and fulfils the tasks very quickly.

Model: My friend is examining the organizational chart.

The organizational chart is being examined by my friend.

  1. I am sending my annual report to my immediate superior.

  2. The foreman is firing his immediate subordinate.

  3. Controller is giving the orders to his employees.

  4. We are changing the organizational structure of our company.

  5. The board of directors is enlarging the staff of the company.

Model: I have invested my money in real estate. My money has been invested in real estate.

  1. We have considered advantages and disadvantages of partnership.

  2. I have bought the shares of IBM company.

  3. This business has involved big financial resources.

  4. We have elected the board of directors.

  5. The board of directors have chosen the company officers.

Exercise 2. Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.

  1. I'm sorry to say we are not satisfied ... the quality of your goods.

  2. Model A is ... great demand ... the world market.

  3. We look forward ... establishing business relations with your com­pany.

  4. Your prices are not acceptable ... us. We find them too high.

  5. ... what price do you sell your machines? We quote $ 1,000 ... unit.

  6. You are to open a Letter ... Credit ... Ukrainian Bank ... Foreign Trade after you receive our Notification ... Readiness.

Exercise 3. Supply the correct tense-forms of the verbs.

  1. Last month we (to place) a trial order with Brown and Co whom we (not to do) business before.

  2. In June we (to be going) to make a transaction with Bell and Co. We (not to have) any business relations with them before.

  3. "Why you (can, not to go) to the theatre with me now?" "Well, you see, I (not finish) my work yet".

  4. "Why you (not to go) to the manufacturing plant yesterday after­noon?" "I (can, not to go) this because we (not to complete) the talks by that time".

Exercise 4. Supply modal verbs or their equivalents in the correct tense-form.

  1. We ... to go to the plant with Mr Brown this Monday, but he hasn't arrived in Kyiv yet. We ... to go to the plant next week.

  2. There is no stop near this building, you ... to get off at the next stop.

  3. These things are not duty-free. You ... to pay for them.

  4. If you don't leave now, you ... not come to the concert on time.

  5. When ... the Sellers to deliver the goods?

  6. We ... to reserve accomodations for Mr. Brown tomorrow.

  7. As the Buyer ... not provide shipping facilities the Seller... to de­liver the goods on these terms.

1.1 People in business


Vocabulary Communication skills Pronunciation

Present simple The verb be Daily activities Introductions Alphabet

A Listening

Lorella Braglia is a designer. She lives in the North of Italy between Milan and Bologna. Her company makes clothes, which sell all over the world.

1 Two journalists are talking about Lorella. Listen and write down the information.

Name Lorella Braglia..







2 Listen again. Complete these sentences.

  1. Her name Lorella Braglia.

  2. She in Reggio Emilia.

  3. She a designer.

  4. She for Dielle.

  5. Her husband the Marketing Director.

  6. They Italian.

  7. They English and Italian.

  8. They together.

1 Ask a partner these three questions. Write down the answers. Then ask other people.




2 Now tell the class about the people you talked to.

e.g. Her name is Gabrielle. She is French. She is a teacher.


The verb be

1 The verb be is irregular and is often contracted. We use it to talk about age,
nationality, job, and status.

I'm (I am) Italian. She's (she is) married.

You're (you are) my line manager. They're (they are) German.
He's (he is) thirty. We're (we are) both engineers.

2 To make a question with the verb be we invert the subject and the verb.

Are you married? Yes, I am.

Is she American? No, she isn't

What is his job and where is he from? He is a designer. He's from Greece.

C) Reading

Look at the article about Lorella Braglia. Complete the article using the verbs in the box. The first letter of each verb is given.

makes designs employs eat live works do

Lorella Braglia ..i. * the founder of Dielle, and also

the main designer. Her husband, Danilo, .#. 2 for the

company as Marketing Director. Lorella ..4. 3 two

collections every year and .p. 4 them at fashion

shows in London, Paris, and New York.
Dielle .w. 5 everything in Italy, and .Й 6

very modern equipment in its workshops. The company

.f. 7 the services of seventy workshops in and around

Reggio Emilia. It .?. 8 100,000 units per year. Lorella

and her husband J. 9 in a house in the centre of Reggio Emilia, not far

from the office. They .Й 10 not often there, because they both

.Г. u a lot. How do they relax? 'I .A..... 12 yoga and Danilo

.p. 13golf,' says Lorella. At the weekends they .p.... 14golf

together and .Z 15 out at local restaurants with their children.

produces travel presents plays uses are play

2 Listen to the first part of the passage (up to 8). How is the final s of the verbs pronounced - /s/, /z/, or /iz/ ?

/s/ as in likes

/z/ as in plays

/iz/ as in uses ,

3 Listen again and check. Read the passage aloud, paying particular attention to the pronunciation of the verb endings.


The present simple

1 When we talk about regular actions or permanent states we use the present
simple tense.

I work for Dielle. We speak English and French.

You live in London. They travel a lot.

2 We add s to the end of the verb in the third person singular (he, she, or it).

He plays golf. It takes two hours to get to work.

She works at home. She knows a lot about computers.

D) Pronunciation 1 Listen to the alphabet in English. Write the letters in the correct sound groups,

as in the examples.


















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