Международный научный журнал №7(100), часть «Научный Фокус» ноября, 2023 Международный современный научно-практический журнал Научный Фокус

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Журнал «Научный Фокус» №7 часть 2

R.Z.Djumayev, D.I.Madaminova, X.I.Mustapova, B.S.Suyunova”SIYOSIY 
Muqimjon Qirg’izboyev “Siyosatshunoslik”o’quv qo’llanma 
X.T.Odilqoriyev,D.X.Razzoqov “Siyosatshunoslik”o’quv qo’llanma 

Международный научный журнал № 7(100), часть 2 
«Научный Фокус» ноября, 2023 
Mamadaliyeva Zahro Shuhratjon qizi 
Fergana State University 
Zokirova Dilfuzaxon Umidjon qizi 
Philology and language acquisition, 
English language course student 
Annotation: this article provides information on the use of modern interactive 
techniques in teaching English. 
Keywords: English teaching methodology,modern methods, interactivity, 
information technology,innovative technologies. 
English is a language in the Germanic group of the Indo-European family. The 
language of the English people. The official language of Australia, the United States, the 
United Kingdom, India, Ireland, JAR, Canada, Liberia, Malta and New Zealand. English is 
the 3rd most widely spoken language in the world (after Spanish and Mandarin 
Chinese). The main language of the European Union. 
After the independence of our country, the demand for the study of foreign 
languages has increased dramatically, wide opportunities for language learning are 
being created by our state. Today, schools offer modern computers, electronic 
resources, Internet access. The use of information technology is possible not only at 
different stages of classes of schoolchildren, but also in typical English lessons. The 
introduction of computer technologies in the scheme of the traditional lesson allows 
the teacher to work part of the educational process on the computer, the educational 
process is more interesting, colorful, intense. The computer cannot replace, but only 
fills teachers.Engaging a computer allows you to make any lesson attractive and really 
modern. Completing any task, using a computer, makes it possible to increase the 
intensity of the lesson using the lesson. The use of changing materials and operational 
plans will help to individualize reading. It can be used at all stages of computer 
training: new materials, unification, repetition, knowledge management, can be used in 
explaining skills and abilities. At the same time, for the child, it performs various 
functions: teachers, working tools, educational tools, reading object, collaboration 
group, game environment, entertainment. It helps to introduce new pedagogical 
technologies, for example: data and communicative, computer and multimedia 
technologies are closely related. Implementation information technology creates the 
necessary conditions for activating the educational process of the school. Computer 
technology helps to disclose, preserve and develop the personal qualities of students. 
In schools, each subject in the course of the lesson, at the same time English-speaking 
in their activities, has always used information technology(means of storing, 
processing and transmitting information); their improvement helps to improve 

Международный научный журнал № 7(100), часть 2 
«Научный Фокус» ноября, 2023 
efficiency. Therefore, the use of a computer as the most perfect source of information, 
using a book, fountain, TV, calculator, video recorder, etc. Naturally, it leads to the 
improvement of the educational process. The development of computers and software 
led to the simplicity of mastering their underdeveloped users, including preschool 
children. In recent years, the question of the use of innovative technologies in schools 
has been increasingly raised. This is not only new technical means, but also 
educational processes and teaching methods, a new approach to the educational 
process. The introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process is 
associated with the improvement of educational and educational methods in the 
process of learning foreign languages in relation to the needs of foreign languages. The 
main goal of teaching in foreign languages is the formation and development of the 
communicator culture of schoolchildren, the study of practical skills in a foreign 
language.The task of the teacher is to create a practical skill with the language for each 
student, to choose such teaching methods that allow you to show the activity, 
creativity of each student. Cooperation, methodology of the project, modern 
pedagogical technologies using new information technologies, the use of new 
information technologies, taking into account the abilities of children of internet 
resources, their level of education, their individualization will help to increase the level 
of knowledge. A relational approach is a strategy that evokes communication, aimed at 
a conscious understanding of the material and methods of communication with them. 
It is not so difficult for the user to implement a communicative approach on the 
Internet. The municipal task should be a question for the problem or discussion, and 
the readers can not only share information, but also evaluate it. The main criterion of 
this approach, which allows you to distinguish it from other types of activities, is that 
students choose a unit of language to express their opinion. In an internationalist 
approach, it is not better to use the Internet: its purpose is to learn a foreign language 
and be interested in learning a foreign language by expanding their knowledge and 
experience. One of the main requirements for learning foreign languages using 
Internet resources is the creation of interaction in a lesson, which is called typical in 
the method of interactivity. Interactivity is to organize, coordinate and complement 
the" achievement of a mutual goal and the result of speech funds". Training with a real 
language, the Internet helps in the formation of skills and skills, as well as a real 
interest in the study of vocabulary and grammar and, therefore, is considered effective. 
Interactivity not only creates real situations from life, but also forces students to 
respond adequately through foreign languages. One of the technologies that offer 
personal tutoring is the method of projects is the way to develop creativity, cognitive 
activity, independence. Projects are diverse. In real practice, it should be engaged in a 
variety of R & D, creative, practical-oriented and mixed projects in which there are 
signs of information. The work of the project is a multi-level approach to learning 
reading, auditing, speech and grammar. The method of the project contributes 
significantly to the development of active independent thoughts in students. It seems 

Международный научный журнал № 7(100), часть 2 
«Научный Фокус» ноября, 2023 
to me that the preparation of projects raises mutual assistance and creative abilities to 
train children to cooperate and prepare cooperation. At the same time, the essence of 
innovative education in the study of English is that the involvement of almost all 
students in the cognitive process increases the quality of the lesson with the use of 
new ped technologies.For example, if we look at the pedagogical technologies below. 
"Carousel" technology. Like many innovative technologies, the carousel is borrowed. 
Children have such work, usually a lot. Two rings are formed: inner and outer. 
Immobile students towards the outside of the inner ring, from the outside, which 
rotates every 30 seconds. So they have time to talk for a few minutes and try to 
convince the interlocutor to the right of themselves. Dialogues of a lauretic nature are 
perfectly valid, the topic is acquaintance, nationality, conversation in a public place, 
etc. The guys speak with excitement, the profession passes dynamically and 
efficiently.Technology "sociological survey". It involves moving through the account to 
collect information on the proposed topic during the movement of children. Each 
participant receives a list with a list of tasks. The teacher helps to formulate questions 
and answers, ensuring that the interaction begins with English."Unfinished proposal" 
technology. Children are invited to read an unfinished proposal and continue it with 
any word, this is the first thought that came to mind. The offers start very vaguely, so 
the guys have almost unlimited opportunities to complete it. They relate to different 
places of life and can cover any topics. When spoken in the context of the grammatical 
difficulties found in teaching English in high schools, it is permissible to say that 
students face many difficulties. When a person knows all the words in his language, 
but does not know the connections between sentences, words, he has a hard time 
understanding the content of speech. Therefore, it is important to teach grammar to 
students in high schools. If the student does not have good grammar skills, he will not 
be able to correctly state his opinion. He has difficulty speaking, writing and 
translating. Language grammar is a complex system of its own. That is why it is not 
easy to master it. Schoolchildren are usually faced with the following difficulties: the 
problem of articulation. This can be said to be the biggest problem in learning 
grammar. When we talk to most English learners, almost all of them find it difficult to 
master English grammar, mainly because of articles and tenses. Indeed, since the 
Uzbek language does not have exactly an articular word category, they have difficulty 
applying it and translating it. 

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