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taxis becomes evident.

These ideas were further developed by V.M. Rusanivsky who has paid attention to the motivational interconnections arising between the words that provide their role of mediating means in text. It is important that such mediating ties can be caused with etymological reasons as in the case with the Slavonic suppletive variants exemplified in Ukrainian <іти / ходити>259. It is essential that such mediating resources disclose both denominatives and “primary” verbs so that here are reasons for a suggestion about the existence of mediums promoting mediation and as a result the coherence of text. Then taxis would be adaptable for rendering a textual perspective as the integrative foundation.

Textual organization presumes the application of such concepts as perspective and distance that reach far beyond pure verbal stuff but at the same time enable generalizing purely linguistic facts. Distance as opposed to participation as intentional attitude is in particular to be taken as a normal point for narration that makes a zero point for textual generation. The concept of distance concerns both the author’s viewpoint and the inner referential textual net where the relations between elements without immediate contact or neighborhood arise.

The generalizing role of predication (both potential and actual) gives grounds to confront textual perspective with specializing details. One can say of the perspective of generalizing predication as opposed to the horizon of special particulars. The origins of the notion of horizon come back to scholasticism where it was conceived as the human faculty to perceive reality or as the border of perceptibility (finitor visus nostri). Further the conception of the threshold of discernibleness was developed by G. Leibnitz, and it has become the definitive feature in the comprehension of horizon as textual property. Together with the horizon of perceptive discernibleness the idea of the horizon of expectations was suggested by E. Husserl so that experience and expectations have become the powers for its dynamic changes. In particular it concerns the dynamics of textual comprehension260. One can easily tie perspective with predicative relations and horizon with circumstances. With the introduction of horizon the transition to actualities becomes possible. As far as actual predicates can be selected from the concomitant circumstances that become textual centers in view of the drifting communicative conditions it is from the horizon that the details turn into the elements of perspective with turning into rheme. The flow of communication exerts constant impact upon the drift of perspective & horizon that are now taken dynamically.

Then the third force arises that provides textual coherence with motivation and that can be seen in attributive-objective relations determining the axes of semantic space. It is here that the mediating action takes place. This mediating mission is also to be involved on the grounds of the inferential nature of textual integration. Respectively the compatibility as the measure for textual coherence yields to the more flexible deictic filament of text. This prevalence of motivation enables also supplementing the concepts of perspective and horizon implying relations between center and periphery with less rigid ideas of axial and lateral structures independent from centralizing attachments. As the widely conceived motivation replaces the centralizing subordination, so the motivational filament as the linear string of locutions reveals itself through periphrastic reinterpretation. Accordingly it is the motivational filament instead of centralizing subordination that is represented in textual axis. Lateral lines represent in their turn those referential ties that are not manifested in overt referential net and are still to be detected.

No need to say that within such approach the concepts of scheme, perspective and horizon are independent from verbal connotations. They provide grounds for the viewpoint on text as the object of general tectonic analysis suggested by I.F. Vardul who proclaimed the task of analyzing text as a system void of referential semiotic properties261. Moreover he has put the statement on the priority of tectonic analysis un regard to semantic interpretation262. Further these suggestions have been developed in the doctrine of multilevel textual structure where, in particular, the distance between lexical and propositional levels was suggested to be filled263. Speech registers will then be represented within such levels that ensues reevaluation of such textual parameters as informational deficit vs. excess (pleonasm vs. ellipsis) as well randomness vs. redundancy, the last being also conceived as a particular verbal problem of commonplaces vs. singularities (toposes vs. hapaxes, loci communi vs. loci raritati). It is here that the formation of new lexical units and phrases takes place so that textual integration becomes effective force of a language’s development264. One can discern respectively the known stratification of high vs. low styles or expository vs. developmental textual segments that are to be reconceived in accordance to their functional destination within the whole. In particular it is here to stress that it is not frequentation or rarity of expressions per se but their integrative role that determines their role as commonplaces or singularities within the given textual entirety. Moreover it is often the very rarity that paradoxically makes the locution produce derivative meanings265 and thus transforms it into a potential commonplace beyond the textual borders as, say, a catchword. At the same time such objections shouldn’t prevent from taking into consideration the obvious meaningfulness of statistical data266.

Naturally such integrative approach to text again involves functionalism as the doctrine on the mutual interdependences of parts and their relations to entirety that reaches far beyond the borders of purely verbal stuff. In particular it is due to motivation that the functions can be manifested. In its turn functionalism ensues also from such universal textual property as interpretability that in its turn trespasses the purely linguistic borders. One can attract attention to some obvious musicological parallels. Within the potential static viewpoint the representation of textual perspective and horizon turns out to be comparable to the musicological devices of the so-called reduction. It is similar to the relationship between the chords and ornamental embellishments. As far as it goes already about the stratification into levels of generalities (predicates) and circumstances within the textual perspective or tectonics together with horizon one can easily confront and compare such strata with construction vs. decoration in the most general sense. The same takes place in music where chords are covered with the overlay of melodic ornament. Meanwhile the meaning of the circumstances can’t be restricted with such decorative embellishing use. It is with the transition to actual structure that these embellishments become constructive elements of predicative net.

In its turn this question concerns the problem of rhythm as textual self-organization in its segments as well as of harmony as such self-organization of the entirety provided with the latent grammar. In particular it will go about the representation of textual field structure with its centre – periphery stratification where the relation of a ‘mean value – deviation’ appears. Then meter would correspond to such virtual mean level for the semantic differentials’ measurement. One could also say of semantic rhythm and harmony of a text that would designate respectively interconnections between places (parts) of a text or these places and the entirety respectively. In particular in the last attempts of applying the category of harmony towards the tasks of textual analysis the coherence as textual property and the continuity of verbal tissue are marked267. In other words it goes about integration of verbal stuff resulting in the formation of the thorough filament of the entire text. The transition to actualities makes the very function variable and dynamic, and it marks still one common point with musicology. The concepts of tonality and modality can thus be extended from the musicology. There aren’t to be discussed here numerous musicological implications of the functional approach and textual stratification.

One can compare text and glossary with rhythm & meter or harmony & measure. It is not only centralized and normalized semantic space that makes textual structure integral: listing structures also have such properties but they only describe, reproduce and represent the pattern of text without having their own integral criterion, so they remain fully dependent upon the reproduced (described) original as frames and tags do. In particular one can notice the similitude of the concepts of intention in language and that of the “gravitation” in musicology. The ideas of textual rhythm and harmony as the consequences of the broadly conceived functionalism give also grounds to introduce the purely musicological concept of modulation redefined as the semantic process. It is already the transformation of the preceding rheme into the succeeding theme that obviously is to be compared to the reevaluation of a chord in musical modulation. One can say of semantic modulation (bearing in mind also the mentioned Yu.S. Martemyanov’s idea) as the shift of meanings inherent to textual progress. The justification of the idea of semantic modulation ensues from the principles of harmony applied to verbal text. The functional distribution of meanings within the lexical stuff of a poetical text exemplifies the dependence from the whole as in the tonal structure of music268. Modulation represents then the motivation of text. It is easily to notice the common traits of such conceived semantic modulation with periphrastic transformations as the consequence of the inferential foundation of text: the both are based upon mediation as textual fundamental property.

At last, it is to notice that textual stratification indispensably entails the process of codification generating thus the taxonomy of textual entity. Strata betray a system behind them so that their elements display the properties of signs integrated in a code. In particular speech registers with their functional load attest already the presence of codified hierarchy. Stratification is already the decisive step to codification. Stratified text approaches an outlook of taxonomic order of a code in disclosing textual hierarchy. In particular generitive register as one of the textual strata can be interpreted as that of direct speech as it usually presupposes quotation of idiomatic commonplaces repeated and reproduced as the general conclusions. These quotations are as a rule ascribed to an impersonal entity of a supposed oracle. Therefore these insertions of commonplaces represent intentions of outer power beyond the immediate participants of a textual communicative space.

1.2.6. Interpretative Basis of Textual Integration
The make up of a text is not only incapable of being foreseen with a paradigm and taken as a ready entity. It is not also explicit and must therefore be obtained as the result of special interpretative efforts. The described functional structure of text and its stratification aren’t only the properties of non-verbal origin. They are also implicit properties that need these efforts to be disclosed. It is in particular the case with plot and composition as well as with characters’ and author’s images that must be detected and reproduced in interpretative procedures. Textual coherence presupposes permanent interpretative activity to be disclosed as the consequence of the inherent textual properties of heterogeneity and incompleteness. A text still must be comprehended and interpreted to become integrated. Its entirety isn’t given as such within a text’s verbal tissue as something predestinated: it can only be “reborn” anew with each textual lection. Then the question arises on what has been defined as “mental integration”. The most obvious result of such integration would be a plot as an indispensable premise for textual entirety.

The core of implicit textual contents to be disclosed in interpretation is made up of the so called presupposition as the reticent information supposed to be included in the experience. Besides, it is a whole metasystem and not only separate “bits” of experience that is to be brought to existence in interpretation. In particular it goes about those “covert categories” (B. Whorf) that are to be detected behind the textual surface that always give the monomial scope of information269. This metasystem includes most immediately lexical compatibility that builds up the basis of text. Meanwhile the main part goes from observer’s experience and is evaluated as comments and objections270. It is to stress specially that the critical attitude always accompanies each perceptive and reproductive act. Negation can be said to make up the basis of interpretation. This critical attitude entails the analytical approach to text as the premise for detecting plot as its integrative premise. I.P. Sevbo has here wittily compared the relationship of plot & text as that of algorithm & data and analytical interpretation with the scanning procedure of a foreign language’s text271. To continue this simile of plot and program one could point out collision & transition as the decisive features of plot272. It is collision that entails transition: new state is the negation of the previous situation. Thus the negative basis of each plot comes to existence. It brings the irretrievability of the flow of events and therefore the anisotropy of narrative space.

The inevitable textual anisotropy as the generalization of its inherent transitiveness represents the necessity of inner collisions and contradictoriness for textual coherence. That anisotropy presupposes contradiction becomes apparent already from the irretrievability as the contrast of the antecedent and consequent. Transition as the nucleus of plot refers to some “adventure” as another name for collision, and it is due to the opportunity of “being taken in negative” that textual integration becomes possible. Remarkable contradiction (as something anomalous or even supernatural, as a miracle or paradox, as a deviational heterogeneity) preconditions textual integration. The anomalous can be said to become the premise for the normal narration. It is this fabulous scheme that makes text integral. In its turn inversely taken any narration gives a description of some latent phantom or cryptotype where this contradiction is condensed. Narration gives some metamorphoses of the circumscriptions of this phantom that is represented as a plot’s scheme. Obviously one deals here with the problem to be solved (that represents the mentioned contradiction) and not with the ready information. Therefore it is the problem that stands behind textual integration. Transition as the essence of narration is the consequence of collision. The antithesis grasped in a problem (a plot’s “adventure”) in its turn must be worth being observed and therefore must be distinguished from other problems conceived as alien. All forms and scopes of negation become then the prerequisites for textual integration as the solution of the explored problem. Alternatives & inversions are inherently present in each act of nomination as the simple ‘blue sky’ implies the alternative ‘red sky of sunset’. Each name implies antonyms. It negates already in the sense of restricting the volume of a possible notion. The harmony of textual integrity is based upon the interplay of identity and distinction, equality and negation building up its measure. Therefore transition as the textual narrative basis can be generalized also with the concept of collision. The existence of intention followed in a plot presupposes the non-existence of the intended (as the Latin proverb ignoto non cupido instructs).

Each narrated event as the foundation of textual integration is a transition from the preceding state to the succeeding one so that the mentioned scheme of i:m:t (initial – medial –terminal moments) remains. In this respect narrated event seems to coincide with an element of rites of passage, especially those of initiation. Theretofore the nucleus of event is adventure as a perturbation of the previous state273. For instance in the plot “the Sleeping Beauty” there can be discerned the initial phase where the Beauty is enthralled with a witch, the terminal phase where the Beauty is awakened by a hero fallen in love to Her, and the adventure in proper sense that’s the searches for the Beauty and the respective remedy. It is here to complain that the English terminology is too impoverished in opposite to the Continental tradition where one discerns Fr. sujet vs. affabulation, Germ. Inhalt vs. Gehalt, Slav. сюжет vs. фабула. Therefore there are no other ways out of this difficulty as to the say of fabulous schemes. This scheme is absent within textual stuff, it must be found and designated with an observer’s proper words. In this sense plot is phantom, so that one can say of phantom prerequisites of textual integration. Such phantoms build up textual presupposition that’s the implicit knowledge, and this knowledge belongs to textual metasystem disclosed by an observer. The experience of this latent & implicit information becomes the principle and the initial point of each interpretative procedure. In particular plot being depicted with actual predicates (rendering news as the indispensable part of transition) needs such experience274.

That it goes about the addition of lexical stuff alien to the proper textual data can be exemplified with the analysis of Larochefoucaud’s aphorisms where the situation is reverse instead of compressing an extended text into summary one has to evolve a succinct sentence into a narration. Such narration is then regarded as the evolvement of a latent presupposition275. Here the method of deductive substantiation of moral statements (in a way imitating the famous Spinoza’s demonstrations) has been preferred so that the evolvement of comments would resemble a moral conclusion of a fable276. It remains dubious whether narration can be reduced to formal demonstration.

The necessity of the disclosure of plot with the observer’s own means entails the risk of arbitrary & inadequate interpretation. It can be exemplified with the interpretation of La Rochefoucauld’s aphorism that gives to authors the pretext of developing their own theory277 having little to do with the studied text. The inadequacy of the cited interpretation ia apparent already in the fact that the very term ‘egoism’ was unknown for the commented author (it was registered only in 1755 in the Encyclopedia as an artificial neologism). Another mistake is to encounter in the interpretation of poetic lines where one of the opportunities is taken as the single one while the other are excluded. For instance, in Pushkin’s lines <я утром должен быть уверен, / что с вами днем увижусь я> only tedious monotonous action is seen while the implied promise remains unnoticed278.

Each plot as the essence of textual integration represents transition or passage from one state to another as well as the step is the fundamental brick of any program’s block or the transition from judgment to another is the mission of inferential textual background. In its turn the problem representing contradictions is the initial condition for transitional procedure. Then the relation between plot and disposition of stuff represents the functional structure of text as the dependencies of parts on the whole. Be a theme (plot) integrative power, then a disposition provides division as the result of functional distribution (the destinations of parts). This functional load in its turn represents motivation mediating the connections of parts. Plot can be said to irradiate into text through motivational ties and spread over compositional particulars. In this respect each part of composition can become an autonomous plot presupposing further disposition as the division into parts so that disposition can be said to cover plot with strata or layers of parts. Such process of divisions reaches the ultimate degree where plot and disposition coincide reciprocally at some point of textual entity that could become a kind of title.

Meanwhile text needs an observer as an interpretative agent to detect and disclose such integrative nucleus of plot so that observer becomes the existential premise for textual integration. Interpretation in its turn presupposes the existence of metasystem and promotes in its generation. Observer’s experience and competence represent this metasystem. A text is a riddle for its reader, and the solution is to be found with the aid of this metasystem of competence. It is within the terms of this metasystem that plot and disposition can be designated while it lacks explicit designations of plot within textual stuff. The “apparitional” nature of textual integration attested with the phantom of plot makes it necessary to produce the elements apt to become what could be called integrative folders or compressors. A title of a novel may exemplify such integrative folder that produces referential net to the folded textual entity.

Observer can coincide with the addressee so that text becomes message and communicative process comes into play. Interpretation itself is already always the act of communication. The very reflection presupposes the division of the members of the triad “author – addressee – observer” as the vehicles of differentiated and confronted intentions. With the intention the concept of otherness (of the alien) is introduced. As far as the act of reflection with the image of alien takes place the necessity of involving intention arises together with the concepts of interpretation, metasystem and presupposition. This communicative metasystem discloses the actual communicative conditions of text as message. Therefore together with contents the intents are to be taken into consideration as textual integrative power marked with particular and partial aspect and viewpoint. Together with plot and composition here other integrative powers come into play – the images of author and characters that become part and parcel of the interpretative metasystem. The author’s problem can then be regarded as the problem of aspect.

Obviously the interpretative (and resp. communicative) problems of textual integration came necessarily to the problems of actualities. A text becoming message, its potential structure reveals transformed and reconceived relations. Thus the interpretative disclosure of plot implicitly given in text can exemplify the actualities excavated from the latent presupposition. The involvement of actualities entails also the necessity to take into consideration the communicative aspect of text. As far as a text becomes message with actual meaning the question on its adequate comprehension is to be regarded as the indispensable condition of its representation. Actual predicates that determine this process of comprehension are marked with the communicative functions interlaced in the net of motivation (predication being its particular case).

Communication can by no means be conceived as an interpersonal exchange of information of a commercial art. It is not separate individuals that mutually replace the bits of their personal experiences. Rather it goes about the world as a whole that modifies the distribution of information among different heads and uses personal intentions as the instrument for it. One must have interest and need for the information to be communicated. There must be requirement for information initially in the form of simple

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