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indexation of a text (as its enumerative transformation) initiates the descriptive procedure with the determination of textual position in the attributive space

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indexation of a text (as its enumerative transformation) initiates the descriptive procedure with the determination of textual position in the attributive space and the detection of respective prototypes. In its turn indexation presupposes also the intitulation of the represented textual segment. Thus indexation & intitulation initiate the compilation (with the succeeding compression) where for each passage (paragraph) of a text a separate indexed compilation can be built in the manner of “prosaic strophes” with initial “title” preceding its disclosure. In this respect each listing procedure and the make of a text’s summary is to be regarded as a kind of interpretative procedure. The indexation of a text (with its experimental distortion), its compression (vs. expansion) in summary as well as its intitulation (as the limit of summary) – all these procedures belong to the realm of interpretation. While representing a text in listing structures one transforms it in something interpreted with the aim of summarizing, and summary becomes the interpretation of text.

It is here also to add that procedures of compilation generate a kind of metric semantic space and can always be regarded also as the scaling procedures. Each listing structure necessarily acquires the structure of a quantified scale. The spatial image gives the primarily described text at least in two levels, the first representing vertical structure of generalities (pronouns, predicates) and the second horizontal line of particulars (complements and concomitant circumstances). Such cluster - like compilations of two levels can be regarded only as a preliminary preparation for the data representation. All listing structure (both concatenations and ramifications) remain linear and one - dimensional. In spite of cluster - like structure and the existence of the mentioned two levels (inherent for syntactic tree’s ramifications) they can’t trespass the boundaries of one – dimensionality. It prevents them from displaying distant semantic references of text as well as those latent references that are to be detected. Thus one has to pass from linear structures to planar ones with two dimensions involving the construction of “a chessboard” where textual regeneration would be conducted. Thus the question arises how to pass from linear strings of listing structures to planar arrays that would meet the demands of database representation. One can say of planar space as the direct product of the coupled lexical units’ sets. The linear listing structures of primary database represent only the compilation of textual stuff. It lacks there any regulatory mechanisms that would make possible to perform textual reintegration from such compiled stuff. Such compilation can entail cumulative effect of clusters that would not however trespass the limits of linear structures. In particular such is the effect of reduplication and repetition or of zeugma that are to encounter in text in ready form when enumerative structures (of junction’s type) take place there. This transition to two-dimensional planar representation would mean also the introduction of generative rules that would in the simplest case coincide with the well known and very simplified scheme of rhetoric amplification.

Linear structures of textual description are only the transitional step to build the planar structures. The essence of the two-dimensional planar representation consists in viewing texts not only as a musical score with its multi – part structure but also as constructions opened for permutations for experimental purposes. The examination of the effects of such imaginary permutations enables detecting latent inner referential ties and implied contents. Consequently the transition to two-dimensional planar structures entails bringing forth new indices previously not foreseen so that the decomposed appositive lists (or sets of separate propositions) give place for the nets. In planar data representation textual representation can be conceived as a kind of diagonal line ensuing from the presence of two dimensions. It is here to stress that it goes also about the transition to the three-dimensional semantic space. Already the diagonal shift presupposes the existence of depth within the planar data representation. Planar space can be conceived as a kind of conic or pyramidal intersection where the vertex correlates with generalities (in ultimate case with a pronoun as the designation with zero dimensionality). Such projection of the vertex over the intersection is conceivable also as the representation of the distance of textual perspective. Therefore though stratification looks like returning towards linear (in opposite to planar) graphs’ representation, it goes in reality about the representation of textual profundity arising from motivational filament. Thus the dual model of analysis becomes supplemented with the third element originating from textual motivational filament due to the power of competence. Such third element intersects with the stratification of textual tissue in the sense of its dissociating into layers or strata.

The scale becomes centralized (with the emphasized locutions serving as the centers in compilation as well) and normalized (with the theme of semantic compatibility as a measure and semantic deviations as the meanings of separate locutions). To build a semantic net one has to find first of all central elements (opposed to periphery, for instance, as culminations or emphatic locutions) so that the database would reveal its field structure. Thus the centralized semantic space emerges where latent regulative references are to be detected and genuine latent predicate nodes can be determined573. The decisive step would be then to build the normalized semantic space. It means to reconstruct the compatibility of enunciations. To be normalized means that the semantic deviations (or the range of semantic diversity) remain within certain limits of compatibility, so that a measure of the semantic space can be given. In the same manner in statistics one can define the measure of abstract distance on the base of mean deviation. It is important to stress here that the semantic “mean value” for the judgments on the deviational limitations is to be defined from the referential connections of the given textual passage that need special description with the aid of outer descriptors involved in comments. One would prefer here to involve usual graphic means (dotting, bracketing, boxing, capitalizing, indentation, underlining) to avoid special matrices and graphs of flow-charts (blocked schemes) and to remain within the limits of habitual textual transformations. This normalized and centralized semantic space enables revealing the moving forces of textual integration. The compiled lists of database acquire central moments of emphatic locutions as well as the inner ties of detailed attributes. One can say of emphatic & idiomatic (deviational) parameters that represents textual semantic space.

All these analytical implementations entail consequences concerning the possibility of the existence of elementariness at the phenomena of language. The seemingly elementary units (such as conventional lexical units in opposite to genuine words) can be found only in indices (listing structures) as being artificially separated, and they cease to look so while returning to a text. The mask of elementariness results from a sign’s being fixed within an index (listing structure). In other words such elementariness is only relative being used as descriptive means accompanying a text as its satellites, and actually and absolutely it is not so. Text denies the quality of being elementary in revealing the variability of the limits of each its segment (or sign), so that the principles of identity and extent of the logical calculus of classes cease to be valid here574. Text removes the fixation of a sign in detecting its potential for growth and evolvement. Barren sand of a indices transforms into growing grains of a text!

Moreover within the database of textual compilation the existence of a separated sign looks out very doubtful. No unit of a semantic net can be conceived without at least a pair of other units. Each fact presupposes pro et contra for its existence to be taken into account. The plainest rule of definition that demands to delineate genus proximus et differentia specifica presupposes the names of the class that the defined object belongs to and of another object of the class that it discerns from. Thus the ubiquitous presence of Trinity (or triad if you please) reveals itself in the procedure of compilation as the obligatory property. Actually semantic net gets an outlook of triangulation. It is Trinitarian (triadic) principle that builds up the foundation of interpretative procedure of textual description. It concerns especially the structure of a plot’s summary where at least three persons must be at hand to excite textual perturbation. Moreover one regards triads as the basic elements of calculation enabling to remove essential obstacles in data representations as a whole575. Thus instead of units one could say of triads that represent “elements” of compilation and therefore can’t be elementary! In other words semantic net deals with triadic clusters and not with single entries.

In compiling text and transforming it into indices (registers, glossaries) it is to be taken into account this Trinitarian or triadic nature of such listing structures. Each “element” here presupposes the existence of at least a couple of others so that (as it has already been remarked in regard to the triangulation as the core of data representational procedures) semantic net consists of triads. In particular it goes about the triple structure of idiomatic contents (with direct – derivative – intentional meanings). Together with the problem of triadic clusters the question of the lowest limit for such entries arises. It seems naturally that such a limit would coincide with that of lexical unit but such reservation remains valid only for the languages that know the notion of word. It becomes much more complicated already in the Chinese and other languages of the isolated type where the limits of a lexical unit are too disputable to be set up with such simplicity.

It is obvious that indexation generates taxonomic classes as the paradigmatic classes of language and as such it becomes the device of the transformation of syntagmatic textual structures into paradigmatic taxonomical classes. Each list (an enumerative structure, an array, a series) previously implied within the text and latently included in it arises as the set of elements and therefore can be minimized to a binary combination of two paired words and ultimately to a separate lexical or phrase unit that also must be regarded not as an element as such but as a set of signs consisting of a single element! It is those minimal sets of a pair (couple) and of singleton creating the basis for listing structures that give grounds to regard them as taxonomical classes (sets) and not as separate elements. In its turn as the minimal volume for such entries a triad must be taken because already a couple would entail the existence of some concluding or uniting notion so that the whole clusters represent the entries of compilation to be regarded as taxonomic divisions. Respectively the problem arises as to the interrelationship between taxonomic nest & textual nod. This problem seems to find plausible solution with taking into account that the nods are to be conceived as the intersections of classes and not as a mere union of sets or of lexical elements. The simplest locution is not just a couple of words but the intersection of classes these words belong to (as far as there are generally no “separate” words but the representatives of classes). Moreover such couple can be conceived even as the creolization of dialects or poetic idiolects. Thus nods arise from nests’ interaction within the textual tissue (both distant and contact) as well as nests represent explorative results achieved in texts’ generation.

Thus a “prosaic strophe” can be transformed in a kind of clausal structure (R. Kovalski) or hypotaxis and zeugma, on one side, and in a set of indices of indices or enumerations in the manner of “reported verse”, on another side. In particular graphically lines of text can become columns of index. The description acquires an outlook resembling the mentioned musical score due to columns that impart to transformed text the extraneous element of implied metasystem. Graphically it can approach that of “staircase verse” (or a flow - chart). In this visual form the alternative ways of making entries (lines vs. columns) represent the presence of an external observer’s metasystem. The both approaches (clausal and enumerative) will coincide when clauses are replaced with nominative sentences. In other words one can transform a text in a zeugma to disclose its inferential ties or in an enumeration to represent its particulars. But in both cases it is the interpretative corollary that must precede all quotations with respective metamorphoses (as well as all excluded places, all cuts marked in description with titles). Accordingly it is to suppose the summary already to exist and the summarized text to be one of the possible versions of the reverse interpretation of this preexistent summary. The task of data representation of the original text would be then to fit and match the text as one of the possible expansions of the supposed summary as if this summary were already compiled. Such virtual convolution would be seen as the germ for textual expansion and growth that would already be at hand. In practice it is only textual insertions in an observer’s own account that are to be selected for inclusion vs. exclusion in the description.

A special question concerns the degree of exactitude of a description. E. Auerbach gives the whole quotations of the studied passages to supply them with ensuing comments applying thus the traditional “Quotation + Comment” model of static excerptions. Meanwhile we have already seen that an observer’s own judgment on the plot and composition must precede such purely reproductive way of description. To take notice of the described object and to pay attention to it the observer must have the preliminary comprehension of it. Obviously to rewrite the whole text in columns with the respective marks would give the ultimate degree of exactitude but it would add very little to the exploration of this artistic phenomenon. Therefore it is to bear in mind that only the explorative task can determine the degree of scrutiny to select the appropriate description.

The most important corollary initiating the descriptive procedure would then become the very act of singling out separate collocations and ascribing numbers to them. It is obvious that there are no numbers in any text, and it is numbers that an observer brings together with the description of plot and composition. Indexation & intitulation presuppose numeric representation of text and subsequently introduce the disclosure of its taxonomy and as such it confronts verbal text with its numeric image. Thus one can conclude about the existence of a permanent virtual epiphenomenon accompanying each text as its taxonomic numeric representation. As well as in the case with paradigmatic aspect of language description (and semantic nets in particular) presupposes the introduction of numerical procedures. If the primary corollaries of plot and composition together with titles and subtitles (whether taken in propositional form or as nominative sentences) are given by an observer, then with the narrowing of the described fragment the contents will approach not only reciprocally but also the proper textual devices. It is to stress here that while being detected with an observer’s interpretation the theme remains the inherent textual property though latent and implicit and void of explicit devices of designation576. Within the ultimately minimal scope of the described passage all the observer’s titles and subtitles designating plot and composition coincide with the proper textual locutions and can be taken as quotations.

While making the intitulation and respective numeration of textual passages the observer detects the functional scheme of the integral text so that the dependences of the parts upon the whole are demonstrated. In this respect functions of parts become local plots of respective textual passages. For instance, the 20-th Chapter of the 2-d book of Ch. Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities” entitled as “A Plea” introduces Sydney Carton as the personality that will play the decisive role in rescuing the chief hero, so that the contents of the plot designated with this title are disclosed in a very singular plea of him to be permitted to visit his friend’s home. While narrowing the scope of the chapter, one attains the point where the title coincides with the locution used in the described text. In its turn the collocations the are to be selected from the text and inserted into an observer’s own account are none other than the expanded key words (vocabulae). Thus it goes about collecting such key words endowed with numbers that mark their affiliation to respective titles.

The suggested approach to textual descriptive problem could be called apophatic. Text must be “repelled” to a distance to be comprehended. One can say thus of kataphatic & apophatic methods of analysis if one indulges in involving the theological terms. Apophatic approach in wider sense would presuppose together with exclusion (elimination as the part and parcel of any selection) also the negation (rejection, refutation) of direct statements and the respective replacement of textual units with their antonyms. The description must disclose contrasts, collisions and conflicts contained in the selected “prosaic strophe” with the terms of alternatives and reciprocal negations. The description has to give respective antithesis (with the used antonyms) so that the possible alternatives to textual statements would become disclosed. Be a plot the representation of an irretrievable transition from one state to another as the result of conflict, so the inner narrative anisotropy must be represented with these devices of alternatives. In particular it concerns the examination of details with their experimental removal. Text is thus represented with the dotted lines in the places of the supposed key-words. Such experimental exclusion of the most significant elements of the textual tissue has to detect the referential net of the described textual fragment. It goes especially about actual predicates (rhemes) so that a puzzle arises whether the rest would be sufficient for comprehension. It allows detecting the indispensable details that can’t be removed without abusing the whole. It is on the way of successive exclusions that one attains the indispensable residuum, therefore one could say of the residual method (comparable to that of phenomenological reduction).

As an example of such experimental exploration of the described text one can cite the episode of Jude encountering Arabella (his former legal wife after her return to England) in Th. Hardy’s “Jude the Obscure”: the barmaid” served the adjacent “compartment” – “was invisible to Jude’s direct glance” / “a reflection of her back in the glass” has been shown / it was “caught by his eyes … he observed it listlessly”; then “she turned her face … to the glass to set her hair tidy” – resulting in his “amazement” to recognize her without her having noticed him; she remains “visible to him only in the mirror behind her”>. No need to say that the details of this scene concerning glass / mirror and back / behind very clearly refer to the symbolic meaning of apparition in this fatal scene. Thus one can disclose the functional invariant of [meeting an apparition] that corresponds with the given typical situation of [fatal omen of the turning point]. As the prototype one can here call [face in the mirror] that gives more vivid idiomatic detail [MIRRORED HAITDRESSING]. Here the mirror represents Arabella not only as the apparition from the past and warns Jude about danger: this person refers to the image of seducing Siren that will bring him to destruction. The “tidiness of hair” gives him the chance of remaining unobserved and of avoiding the encounter and at te same time attracts irresistibly. Meanwhile all these connotations aren’t given explicitly in the text; they remain lacunas to be disclosed supplemented and by the reader.

Another case can be exemplified with the episode of Robinson Crusoe’s having found a footstep’s vestige (being itself enigmatic as a single footprint) built up as the author’s tirade: about noon” – “a naked foot” / “print on the shore” is noticed; impression of “thunderstruck” / “seen an apparition”; Robinson “went up to a rising ground to look farther” / “it was all one”; there appeared “innumerable fluttering thoughts” / “strange unaccountable whimsies”>. It is worth noticing that such locutions depicting the affect become here the unique names unrepeatable in other places of the book. One deals here with the situation of [meaningful vestige]. One can find the functional destination of the hero’s “whimsy” as the [despair & hesitation]. It is the prototype of [whimsies] that enables disclosing the main motif of [ASTONISHMENT] and [STUPEFACTION], the last term’s applicability justified with the behavior where the initial immobility is followed with feverish activity.

The contrast of personality and landscape is to be found in Ch. Dickens’ “Barnaby Rudge” (Ch. 29) where Chester’s departure is depicted: <“fresh and gay as if the world were but that morning made”; “warm and genial weather” + “the trees were budding to leaf”; “the morning dew sparkled” / “diamond drops yet glistened brightly, as in unwillingness to leavebrief existence” vs. Chester “with no greater thought … than that he was fortunate … dressed”; “smiled as if he was satisfied with himself”; “less sensitive to the many cheerful influences” than “his own horse … as pleasant to look upon”>. The contrast of portrait and landscape is here still to be conceived with the references to wider context: the words of “brief existence” remind the fate of the Gypsy girl seduced by him and further condemned to capital punishment. The functional invariant of prototypical “diamond drops” (a common metaphor of tears) can be deciphered as [the nature’s complaint] circumscribed here with the recognizable image. The key idiomatic prototype is here to be found in [INSENSIBILITY] of the only human being of the scenery compared to more sensible horse and conceived therefore as a morbid corpse. It is still to add that in all three cases the actualities of the stressed motifs (mirrored toilet, stupefaction, insensibility) as the central elements of the respective situations can be examined with the alternatives taken in negative: thus in the first situation one could suppose the possibility of the lack of a mirror with another possible consequences; in the case of Robinson one could examine the opportunity of a pair of footprints instead of a single vestige; there are the possibilities of cloudy weather for the demonstration of Chester’s character. At last, all situations remain the vast opportunities of converting the narrative affirmative statements into interrogative mood. What’s about Arabella turning her face to the mirror? How could it happen? Or why did Robinson notice the footprint? Whether was it impossible for him to do it in the previous years? And was dress the singular objective of Chester’s intentions that he rode for? What’s about his purposes of this early departure? Such transformations belong already to the experimental study of text that necessarily ensues from its description.

To sum up one can say that instead of primary narration with its propositional vs. appositive structures one obtains a concatenation of locutions (with ramifications represented as bracketing of clausal structure) inserted in an observer’s own index of titles. It is important to stress that elements of such concatenation are usually complements of predicates. Thus the “observer - author” (or “reader - writer”) discussion (dialogue) arises, the voices of the both being separated with quotation marks of inverted commas. Observer retells the narration with the aid of own titles where concatenation of quotations is distributed as the insertions. It is with the detection of

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