НҰрымбетова кенжекүЛ Қалдыбекқызы тәуелсіз Қазақстандағы репатриация мәселелері мен болашағы: тарихи талдау

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Цель и задачи исследования. Целью данной диссертации является комплексное изучение процесса репатриации в Республике Казахстан в 1991-2008 гг. Для достижения цели были поставлены следующие конкретные задачи:

  • определить особенности процесса репатриации в советский период;

  • проанализировать значение Всемирного Курултая казахов и его роли в процессе и формировании правовых основ репатриации;

  • рассмотреть ход процесса репатриации в современном Казахстане;

  • исследовать основы социально-экономическое положение оралман;

  • определить расселение оралманов по областям Казахстана;

  • показать особенности и достижения процесса репатриации в РК и его влияние на социально-экономические процессы.

Научная новизна исследования.

Исследуя процесс репатриации в современном Казахстане, были достигнуты следующие конкретные научные выводы и результаты:

  • Проанализированы ход и особенности репатриации советского периода по архивным материалам.

  • Включены в научный оборот новые архивные данные, выявленные в Архиве Президента РК, ЦГА РК и ГААО.

  • Показаны ход и особенности процесса репатриации в 1990-х гг.

  • Проанализированы особенности процесса репатриации 2000-х гг.

  • Систематически проанализированы данные о расселений оралманов по областям.

  • На основе сопоставительного анализа рассмотрены особенности репатриации и ее влияние на социально-экономические процессы.

Положения, выносимые на защиту:

– Миграционные процессы были под строгим контролем государственных органов, так как всегда затрогивались интересы соседних стран. Репатриантам оказывалась посильная помощь в расселении в советский период.

– Основанная во время проведения Первого Всемирного Курултая Всемирная Ассоциация казахов, расширяя культурные, духовные связи с казахами, проживающими за рубежом, оказывает влияние на сохранение казахской самобытной культуры и в соответствии с принятыми законами помогает в возвращении соотечественников на историческую родину.

  • Правильное расселение репатриантов и умелое использование национальных традиции и знание языка принесли много положительного. Однако существуют и негатианые моменты.

– Увеличение квоты и количества возвращающихся соотечественников приумножит численность казахского населения

  • Будущее развитие Казахстана и увеличение безопасности в какой-то степени зависит и от возвращающихся казахов.

Структура диссертации. Диссертационная работа состоит из введения, списка сокращенных слов, двух разделов, заключения, списка использованных источников и литературы.

Problems and Perspectives of Repatriation in Sovereign Kazakhstan: Historical Aspect (1991-2008)
07.00.02 – Native history (History of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

Thesis for the Candidate’s Academic Degree of History

General characteristic of the thesis. The thesis is devoted to historical and contemporary issues concerning to repatriation in Kazakhstan. Returning of compatriots to the historical native land both the process and politics towards them were initiated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan H.E. Mr. Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The timely question of research. Since the Republic of Kazakhstan gained its independence, the process of repatriation of ethnic Kazakhs was the main priority in significant ethno-political measures. The thesis is devoted to repatriation problems in sovereign Kazakhstan which has huge influence on cultural-historical, social, political, demographic development and security of the country.

At the beginning of 1990s only three states in the World – Israel, Germany and Kazakhstan – spent repatriation’s actions. At that moment only Kazakhstan and Israel continue repatriation of compatriots, and Germany any more doesn't spend them.

The Law «About Immigration», accepted on 26th June 1992 became one of the first legal certificates for regulating a legal status of compatriots on the historical native land.

In 1997 the Law “About Migration of Population” has been approved in which a definition Oralman was given for the first time. In 2003 in modified and additional Law “About Migration of Population”, the definition Oralman was changed, such as: “Oralman – the foreign citizen of the Kazakh nationality, without citizenship arrived on a permanent residence in РК the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Repatriation stabilizes a demographic situation and changes an ethnic balance, filling of migratory losses and ethno-demographic disproportions of last decades; promotes restoration of historical justice. Also Oralmans have a wide experience on adaptation and survival in conditions untraditional environment and market economy, which could be a good affect of modernization of Kazakhstan’s economy. The Kazakhs living abroad are carriers of some knowledge of original Kazakh culture and language that is the essential contribution to spiritual development of the people. Repatriation is frequently presented as a component of a National idea. Research of process of repatriation which will be always directed on the decision of these problems, is significant for both sides.

The purpose and goals of the thesis. The main purpose of research is complex studying of process of repatriation in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1991-2008. For achievement of the purpose have been put the following particular goals, such as:

- to define features of process of repatriation during the Soviet period;

- to analyze the value of the World Kurultai of Kazakhs and its role in repat-riation’s process and creation of lawful bases of it;

- to consider a course of process of repatriation in contemporary Kazakhstan;

- to examine bases of the Oralman’s economic and social situation;

- to define resettling of Oralmans by regions and oblasts;

- to show features and achievements of process of repatriation in the Republic of Kazakhstan and its influence on social and economic processes.

Methodological and theoretical background of the thesis comprised of conceptual ideas of contemporary thinkers, as well as theories and approaches developed by international and Kazakhstani organizations and scholars. As far as scientific methods are concerned, the following methods were used for obtaining objective results: systemic, comparative, factual and content-analyses.

The Scientific novelty of the thesis based on the broad interconnection between theoretical and practical issues relating to repatriation process in modern Kazakhstan. Following concrete scientific conclusions and results have been reached, such as:

– On the base of new archival materials, a course and features of repatriation during the Soviet period were analysed;

– New documentary records found in the Archive of President the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Archive of Almaty oblast are included in a scientific circle;

– The specifics of repatriation in 1990s are shown at the thesis;

– Features of repatriation in 2000s are analysed also;

– The regular analysis of distribution of Oralman by oblasts of Kazakhstan is given at the thesis;

– Features of repatriation are considered on the base of the comparative analysis; influence of repatriation on social and economic processes is shown.

The main issues submitted for the defense of the thesis are the follows:

  1. Migratory processes were under firm control of the state institutions. Interests of close located countries have been infringed. There was a feasible help to repatriates in their moving to Kazakhstan.

  2. Created within the First World Kurultai of Kazakhs the World Association of Kazakhs expanding cultural and spiritual communications with Kazakhs living abroad influences to preservation of the Kazakh original culture and according to the accepted laws helps to returning of compatriots to the historical native land;

  3. Correct resettlement of repatriates and skilful using their national traditions and knowledge of language has brought a lot of the positive.

  4. The increase in a quota for returning compatriots will increase number of the Kazakh population;

  5. The future development of Kazakhstan and its security in some cases could be depending on coming back Kazakhs.

The structure of the thesis consists of the list of definitions, reductions and abbreviations, the introduction, two chapters, the conclusion, the list of used sources and literature.


Тәуелсіз Қазақстандағы репатриация мәселелері мен жетістіктері: тарихи талдау (1991-2008 жж.)

07.00.02 – Отан тарихы

(Қазақстан Республикасының тарихы)

07.09.2010 ж. басуға қол қойылды. Пішімі 60х84 1/16.

«MASTER» қағазы. Гарнитурасы «Times New Roman». Көлемі 1.5 ш.б.т.

Таралымы 100 дана. Тапсырыс № 80.
«Тарих тағылымы» баспасы.

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