О. В. Фёдорова е. В. Мезина е. В. Хамис английский язык в сфере информационных технологий и коммуникаций учебное пособие

Look through the words below and practice in pronunciation. Learn them by heart

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ПОСОБИЕ ИИТиК Федорова,Мезина, Хамис 2014

Look through the words below and practice in pronunciation. Learn them by heart.

preset – заранее устанавливать, задавать

range – диапазон

two-way radio - приёмно-передающая радиоустановка

cellular radiotelephone - сотовая радиотелефонная связь

transceiver - приемопередатчик, радиопередатчик и радиоприемник в общем корпусе

amateur radio enthusiasts - радиолюбители

bounce off - отскакивать рикошетом от чего-л.


Retell the information using the words from the vocabulary.

Match the following phrases with their meanings:

very high frequency (VHF)

ultrahigh frequency (UHF)

terrestrial link


satellite dish

high-resolution picture

aspect ratio


форматное соотношение

спутниковая антенна


изображение высокого разрешения

наземная линия связи

ультравысокая частота, УВЧ (300 - 3000 МГц)


очень высокая частота, ОВЧ (30-300 МГц)


Read and translate the text. Make up the questions to the information of the text.

Television is primarily a public broadcasting medium, using point-to-multipoint technology that is broadcast to any user within range of the transmitter. Televisions transmit news and information, as well as entertainment. Commercial television is broadcast over very high frequency (VHF) and ultrahigh frequency (UHF) radio waves and can be received by any television set within range of the transmitter. Televisions have also been used for point-to-point, two-way telecommunications. Teleconferencing, in which a television picture links two physically separated parties, is a convenient way for businesspeople to meet and communicate without the expense or inconvenience of travel. Video cameras on computers now allow personal computer users to teleconference over the Internet. Videophones, which use tiny video cameras and rely on satellite technology, can also send private or public television images and have been used in news reporting in remote locations.


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