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«Who is the cleverest in English» Биболетова

Marvelous! That’s enough for this part of the competition. Thank you for your quickwit. You are so talented and intelligent students. Jury, will you count the stars?

Жюри считает жетоны, полученные каждым участником за правильные ответы, подводит итоги данного тура. Учитель записывает фамилии участников и баллы на доске. По итогам в следующий тур проходят только два участника.

According to our results only two students are left and we’ll see who is the cleverest in English. The last part of our competition is to answer as many questions as you can one by one for 2 minutes. Let’s start.

Участникам предлагается ответить на вопросы за 2 минуты по очереди. Кто больше даст правильных ответов, тот и выиграл. Учитель читает вопросы. Жюри фиксирует правильные ответы.

What country celebrates its Independence Day on the 4th of July? (the USA)
What country lies to the south of Canada? (the USA)
In the capital of this country there is a place where the Queen lives. (England, the UK)
Which is the biggest country in the world? (Russia)
The capital of the UK is situated in this country. (England)
Which was the year of the Great Fire in London? (1666)
What is the home of the Queen in Great Britain? (Buckingham Palace)
What is the largest lake in Russia? (Baikal)
It was built in the 11th century by William the Conqueror as a fortress and a royal palace. Later it was a prison. Now it is a museum, (The tower of London)
What is the famous airport in London? (Heathrow)
Who was the 1st President of America? (G. Washington)
Who lives at 10 Downing Street in London? (Prime Minister)
Call the name of the king of rock-n-roll. (Elvis Presley)
How many states are there in the USA? (50)
Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in this month. (November)
He made Mickey Mouse. (Walt Disney)
In this country the national clothes are the skirts. (Scotland)
What is America’s largest state? (Alaska)
Who is the President of Russia nowadays? (Putin)
It is over the river Thames. (Tower Bridge)
Who is the most popular hero of English Ballads? (Robin Hood)
Who is the present Prime Minister of Great Britain? (Tony Blair)
What are the oldest Universities in the UK? (Oxford, Cambridge)
What is the centre of the cinema production in the USA? (Hollywood)
What city stands on the river Neva? (St. Petersburg)
He invented the telephone (Alexander Bell)
English people prefer to drink tea with milk. What about Russian people? (with lemon)
Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)
This is the place where the Nelson Column stands. (Trafalgar Square)
What is the main square in Moscow? (Red Square)

Thank you very much. You know Great Britain, America and Russia very well. And now let’s listen to our jury, it says the results of the competition. Our congratulations to everybody, who took part in this contest. We’ll be glad to see you for the next time. Now our game has finished. Thank you for your participation.

Жюри вручает подарки победителю и сертификаты всем ученикам за участие в конкурсе.

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