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the idea of universals was developed by Jan Amos Komensky,  Roger Bacon and others

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the idea of universals was developed by Jan Amos Komensky
Roger Bacon and others.
 The term grammatica universalis 
appeared in the 13
century. When the famous book by An-
toine Arnauld and Claude Lancelot
 «Port-Royal Grammar» 
was published in 1660, the problem of universals became one 
of the principal issues in theoretical grammar (nowadays in 
this case general linguistics is meant). The logical school in 
linguistics gave primary attention to general characteristics 
in languages, not taking into account their differences. It was 
firm establishment of comparative historical method in lin-
guistics in the early 19
century that initiated the attempts 
to seek for the differences between languages, though these 
distinctions were explained by diverse ways of historical de-
velopment of particular languages, various ethnic cultures 
and national spirits, etc. The interest in linguistic universals 
awoke once again in the middle of the 20
century due to ad-
vances in structural, generative and functional linguistics.
Phraseology represents a linguistic universal: there are no 
languages without any phraseological units. «Phraseology is 
a peculiar linguistic universal: wherever there is a language 
that exists as a communicative means, its functioning cannot 
but lead to formation of steady word-complexes in it» [6, p. 
78]. Universals are formed in a phraseological corpus of any 
language. This fact is explained by universal thinking, the 
development of culture and civilization, universal attitudes 
and categories of being and cognition. Phraseological uni-
versals came to languages of many people from historical, 
mythological, eminent literary sources or originated inde-
pendently owing to the functioning of mutual mechanisms 
of human thinking, closeness to living conditions, labor ac-
tivity, the development of arts and science. The main attri-
bute of a set-phrase which acts as a language unit is uni-
versal too: «underivability of a consistent meaning of an 
idiom from the scope of lexical meanings constituting com-
ponents of a phraseological unit, from semantic compatibility 
of these components» [8, p. 57]. The pivotal categories, phe-
nomena, processes, features, etc., inherent in phraseology, 
are also universal to some extent. They predetermine the for-
mation of interlingual phraseological universality.
An independent formation of phraseological universals in 
different languages is characterized by partial or complete 
convergence of both plane of expression and plane of con-
tent. This is one of the principal ways of development of uni-
versal features in phraseology of the languages under study. 
The independent development of the given features is based 
on the same sense of the initial free word combinations and 
to a considerable degree is determined by the functioning of 
universals. The same sense of the similar free phrases in dif-
ferent languages occurs in the line of separate or total meta-
phorical or metonymical transfer and simile.
Universal features of idioms become apparent both in 
their semantics (plane of content) and structure (plane of ex-
pression). Such universal semantic categories as time, space, 
quantity, degree, intensity, quality and state of subjects and 
objects are expressed in phraseology of any language. Be-
sides, some universal cultural connotations can firmly be es-
tablished in semantics of a phraseological unit. They are con-
nected with various realiae of the outside world by means of 
which a phraseological pattern is formed.
Discussing phraseological universals, U.P. Solodub ob-
served that their presence in languages is caused by the 
functioning of universals which refer to two main classes: 
«the linguistic universals and the universals of human ex-
istence» [7, p. 35]. The functioning of universals vents in 
phraseology, first of all, in the plane of content, particularly in 
the types of semantic transfer (metaphorical and metonym-
ical), resulting in transformation of a free word combination 
to a fixed expression. The universals of human existence also 
determine general features of phraseology in different lan-
guages, since these features firmly establish the phenomena 
of objective world and define human activity as of a biological 
and social individual.
The subject of national cultural specificity in phraseology 
is fairly conventional. In researches on phraseology (espe-
cially if were conducted as part of conventional linguistics) 
it was, over the years, affirmed that idioms are national spe-
cific units of a language that accumulate the cultural poten-
tial of people. A peculiar remark by A.M. Babkin is quite ap-
5. Общее и прикладное языкознание

Актуальные проблемы филологии (II)
propriate here: idiomatic expressions are «the holy of holies 
of a national language» where the spirit and originality of the 
nation are uniquely reflected [2, p. 7].
The national cultural originality of a language is explained 
by peculiarities of lingual creative thinking and ethnic lin-
guistic specificity of interpretation of the cognizable world. It 
also accounts for the special features of the secondary con-
cept and categorization, the notions which are reflected in 
our mind about value-and-sense status of the essential ob-
jects. «The cultural national specificity of idioms» is discov-
ered in the possibility to interpret their meaning in the cate-
gories of culture, and, which, according to N.A. Berdyaev [3, 
p. 26], is recognized as national, in fact. Since it is typical 
of idioms to possess some figurative motivation,
 «that is di-
rectly connected with the world-view of a nation-bearer of a 
language», they (idioms), in fact, have cultural national con-
notation [9, p. 214–215].
As quite a large number of cultural meanings are being ac-
cumulated in our mind, there is a necessity of their stream-
lining, categorization and adequate verbalization. This ver-
balization is caused by system-notional connections which 
define the sphere concepts
 of each language. For this purpose 
lingual creative thinking uses the meanings that are already 
formed in a language, producing new, derived semantic struc-
tures. «Cultural specificity presupposes correspondence be-
tween a linguistic unit and an element of mentality or spiritual 
culture of a community, its history, religious beliefs, traditions 
and natural living conditions» [4, p. 260–261].
Meanwhile, phraseological system (like any subsystem 
of a language) possesses a special unity of the general and 
the particular and from this point of view its research in the 
light of the theory of linguistic universals presents itself quite 
pressing and offers new challenges for the linguistics of uni-
versals and phraseological theory. «Idiomatic expressions are 
universal because their components are, at the same time, a 
threshold value of quantization of continuum and a maximal 
associative figurative generalization of cultural significant el-
ements of ethnic linguistic mind» [1, p. 156].
The problem of the correlation of cultural linguistic spec-
ificity and cultural linguistic universals in phraseology finds 
various, at times, mutually exclusive, solutions. Eventually, 
the solution to this problem is found in the course of the gen-
eral approach to the issue of interrelation between language 
and culture, prioritization of diverse aspects of the given in-
teraction. It is natural that, for instance, nihilistic view on 
the acknowledgment of systematic correlation between lan-
guage and culture leads to complete negation of cultural lin-
guistic specificity of phrasemes. On the other hand, the ac-
ceptance of global dominance of ethnic cultural specificity of 
phrasemes automatically neglects the existence of linguistic 
cultural universals.
To our understanding, linguistic cultural specificity and 
linguistic cultural universals are not mutually excluded. They 
coexist. Such interpretation is entirely conformed to B. Rus-
sel’s statement that our knowledge of the world and things 
(in this case the linguistic knowledge is meant) «consists of 
the knowledge of two types – when the things are known 
as certainties and as universals» [5, p. 74]. Universal and 
ethnic cultural constituent parts are in complementary rela-
tions with each other, respectively. Reflecting upon the world 
of universals, B. Russel notes that this world is «invariable, 
motionless, exact, admirable for mathematicians, logicians, 
creators of metaphysical systems and those, who do like per-
fection more than life» [5, p. 68].
The formation of universals in phraseology is a devel-
oping process. It is closely connected with further growth 
of culture, industry, economy, and other walks of human 
life. As a result of development in society, some phraseolog-
ical universals may vanish from language; others appear in 
a new form.
The presence of linguistic cultural universals is caused by 
universal nature of our thinking, general progressive devel-
opment of human culture and civilization, the universality of 
being and cognition and their universal rules and categories, 
respectively. As of linguistic cultural specificity, it is the result 
of a peculiar linguistic coding of objects of the outside world.

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