№ 3 (106) 2015
to build relationships allow all participants of the educational process on the basis of respect for their rights
and features. All this provides further humane education, and the formation of a new type professional
teaching community.
Inclusive (fr. Inclusif - includes, from Lat. Include - conclude turn) or the inclusion of education - a
term is used to describe the process of teaching children with special needs in general education (mass)
schools. In the framework of inclusive education is put ideology that excludes any discrimination against
children, which ensures equal treatment of all people, but creates special conditions for children with spe-
cial educational needs.
What is inclusive education? Inclusive education is the development of general education, which in-
cludes access to education for all, in terms of adaptation to the different needs of all children, which pro-
vides access to education for children with special needs [1].
Democratic transformations, what is taking place in Kazakhstan, the process of entering into the world
economy changed the attitude of the society to the problems of people with disabilities, led to recognition
of the need for their integration into the broader society.
The State Program on the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 first
identified mechanisms of inclusion of children with disabilities in the educational process, ensuring an
accessible environment for them.
Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, in close collaboration with the UN Children’s Fund
UNESCO conducted a study on the inclusion of children with disabilities into the educational environment
and provide recommendations that are included in the State program of education development for 2011-
The approach “school for everybody” was presented in the Salamanca Declaration, adopted in 1994
by 92 countries, including Kazakhstan. In this document, the priority education policy was announced the
creation including education.
Nowadays , the global educational practice instead of the term “integration” - the union into a single
whole, comes the term “inclusion”, that is the inclusion (D. Agnes, T. Booth, M. King-Sears, T. Mittler,
D. Rose and others). Integration involves the adaptation of the child to the requirements of the system,
whereas inclusion is to adapt to the system of the child needs. On this basis, under the inclusive education
we understand the wider integration process that involves access to education for all and the development
of general education in terms of adapting to the different needs of all children.
Inclusive education is a process involving all children in the educational process and social adaptation,
regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, economic status and features in development. The solution of this
problem will provide access to quality education, will help to eliminate obstacles its relationship with the
world and integration into society as a whole.
In Kazakhstan, is carried out the research in the field of inclusive education. Many questions need
further authorization and significant development. However, spread ideas of inclusive education and en-
sure their gradual regulatory and methodical documentation, give reason to hope that the new stage of the
development of education, families raising children with special educational needs, will be able to freely
choose the organization to educate the child.
After all, no matter what education organization will choose parents - mass or special-significant needs
of child must be satisfied in full.
Global trend in social policy the end of XX century was to promote integration in education and to fight
against various forms of segregation. In school education is embodied in the conceptual provisions that
create conditions to ensure effective equality in the development of children with disabilities at various
levels of the educational standard.
One of the main problems of inclusive education is the lack of training and lack of specialists, in partic-
ular, clinical psychologists and educators. Their role in inclusive education is significant depends on them
to ensure the integrity of the system of support that unites all subjects of educational space, which placed
emphasis on the possibilities rather than limitations on children.
In Kazakhstan education of children with disabilities is still provided by boarding schools, which leads
to social exclusion of children and the elimination of parents from their upbringing. However, many school
psychologists are not prepared to work with children with various disabilities.
It should be noted that the lack of a systematic approach to solving the problem of the future education-
al psychologists readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions in terms of universities leads to a