ISSN – 2617-6319 ҚӘӘИ ХАБАРШЫСЫ №3 (51), 2022
required, competent to perform functions in development of innovative products,
maintenance of complex computer and engineering systems, control of
autonomous systems.
Industry personnel need to adapt to new tasks in a new work environment,
which require analytical and communication skills, knowledge of production,
knowledge of foreign languages, programming skills, the use of IT technologies,
flexibility, knowledge of the market for manufactured products. Personnel is one of
the main elements of transformation, a key resource of the digital economy,
representing a multifunctional complex subject of development, production and
commercialization of products, a source of generating competitive ideas.
A modern highly qualified engineer must have an up-to-date set of digital
competencies that are essential for successful professional activity in the era of
digitalization. One of the characteristic features of digitalization is the integration
of sciences, which is especially evident in the application of digital technologies,
the development of digital competence of students, using the potential of
interdisciplinary and interprofessional integration.
Today, digital technologies are changing the operating model of production
management, increasing profitability and identifying new market opportunities.
Robotization and artificial intelligence of labor are gradually becoming a cost-
effective alternative to human labor in an expanding range of industries.
Automation and artificial intelligence make it possible to abandon human
labor where routine adherence to algorithms or mediation between systems is
required. However, job cuts are not the only consequence of the development of
technology that companies face in their personnel policy. As part of traditional
professions, the set of tasks related to the realities of the digital world is rapidly
expanding: working with big data, online communication, programming, website
and application development.
The World Economic Forum's The Future of Jobs 2020 report states that the
rapid development of technology and the automation of business operations are
driving up to the loss of 85 million jobs in 26 significant countries by 2025. At the
same time, about 97 million jobs could arise over the same period, more adapted to
the new division of groups between people, machines and algorithms.
Allur is a group of automotive companies engaged in the production and sale
of cars, components and spare parts, as well as car service in Kazakhstan [1].
As a result, the gap between business needs and the qualifications of the
available workforce is becoming a key challenge for Allur Group.
Allur Group, like other companies, is interested in technological
developments using artificial intelligence, which will optimize costs, use an
individual approach to customers, and minimize the risks and costs of the
One of the tasks of Allur Group of Companies is the training and
development of employees, the training of highly qualified personnel, students.
In 2013, a base was created for vocational training of existing employees in
the skills necessary for working in production and launching new production
projects, introducing new technologies.