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Ключевые слова: сакральная география Казахстана, туризм, паломничество, мотивация туристов, 
историко-культурное наследие, святые места.
Іntrоduсtіоn. One of the large-scale projects in the field of preservation and popularization of historical 
and cultural heritage is a project “Sacred Geography of Kazakhstan”. To date, the national register of sacred 
sites has more than 100 nationwide sacred sites, which, in turn, have been classified in the following areas:
1. Especially revered monuments of natural heritage. Natural heritage monuments, some of which 
are already under state protection, are considered by both the population and tourists as sacred site. 
Their legendary stories are harmoniously woven into the mythological fabric of the sacred geography of the 
world and local spaces (Konyr aulie Cave, Pavlodar region);
2. Archaeological sites and large medieval urban centers. Archaeological and architectural monuments as 
places of worship (Historical and archaeological complexes Berel, Shilikti, East Kazakhstan region);
3. Religious and cult sites as worship places. This group of sacred sites is associated with the phenomenon 
of Aulie – saints (Mausoleum of Khorosan ata, Kyzylorda region);
4. Sacred places associated with historical figures. The group of sacred sites includes objects of a memorial 
nature associated with legendary and historical figures. Among them: khans-rulers, famous batyrs, state and 
political leaders, poets, scientists, educators, who made an important contribution to gaining independence 
of Kazakhstan, to the development of its science, education and culture (Residence of Zhangir khan 
Bukeiorda complex, West Kazakhstan region);
5. Sacred places associated with historical and political events. The sacred objects included in this 
section tell about heroic battles, the unity of the Kazakh people and milestones in the history of the 
Kazakh steppe. Modern monuments symbolize a qualitatively new understanding of the history and culture 
of Kazakhstan, its heroic and epic past (Republic Square – Independence Monument, Almaty).
The main goal of the project “Sacred Geography of Kazakhstan” is not only the preservation of 
national and cultural identity as the foundation of historical consciousness, the project is also aimed at 
developing a cultural and tourist cluster of the area using cultural and natural resources, as well as promoting 
the image of Kazakhstan at the international level, where the main emphasis is on the rich culture and 
geography of the country’s sights (Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 2017: Looking into the future: modernization 
of public consciousness).

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