Пособие состоит из 16 уроков и трех дополнительных разделов. Каждый урок рассчитан на работу в течение 4-5 часов аудиторных занятий

parts of Asia, however, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar (Burma)

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Geography-Kozlova (1)

parts of Asia, however, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar (Burma) 
have very low standards of living. Between these two extremes lie Russia and some 
of the Central Asian nations that once formed part of the USSR. The economies of 
most Asian countries are not fully industrialized. The economies of most Southwest 
Asia countries are based largely on traditional agriculture and the production and 
export of petroleum; the manufacturing sector is limited in large part to traditional 
artisanship and petrochemical industries. Southwest Asia exports rice and cash crops 
such as rubber, copra, and kapok; most manufacturing industries centre on processing 
domestic raw materials and assembling consumer goods. 
10.10 Make up all possible types of questions to the text 10.9 
10.11 Speak on: 
1. geographical position of Asia 
2. its flora and fauna 
3. population 
4. agriculture and industry 
10.12 Get ready to speak about any Asian country you like. Make use the following: 
1. Geographical position (be located, lie off, longitude, latitude, size, be separated 
from, be washed by, etc.) 
2. Climate and relief (damp, humid, mild, continental, temperature, volcano, plateau, 
mountain, etc.) 
3. Economy (branches of industry, produce, manufacturing, be rich in, agriculture, 
4. State system (constitutional monarchy, empire, parliament, federation, election, 
consist of, etc.) 

11 Lesson 11 Africa 
11 .1 Words and word combinations to the text
to embrace – охватывать
confluence – слияние 
to crack – раскалывать(ся), давать трещину 
shift – сдвиг, смещение 
fault – разлом 
trench – узкая продольная длина, впадина 
lava – лава 
to pour out – извергаться 
freshwater lake – пресноводное озеро 
hydrology – гидрология 
to affect – влиять, воздействовать 
astride – по обе стороны 
to modify – изменять(ся) 
big-game – крупный зверь 
to roam – бродить 
savanna – саванна 
reserve – заповедник 
suppler – поставщик 
diamonds – алмазы 
cobalt – кобальт 
copper – медь 
chromium – хром 
platinum – платина 
bauxite – боксит 
manganese – марганец 
tin – олово 
processing plants – перерабатывающие заводы 
developing nations – развивающиеся страны 
11.2 Practise reading the following words
Cape of Good Hope, Madagascar, Sahara, Sub-Saharan Africa, Mountain Kenya, 
Mountain Kilimanjaro, Syria, Mozambique, Nyasa, Tanganyika, Nile, Congo, 
Benguela Current, Mozambique Current, Uganda, Tansania, South Africa, Zaire, 
11.3 Read and translate this text 


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