Плодородие почв
Почвоведение и агрохимия, №4, 2020
Table № 3 -Scale of the degree of stability of agricultural landscapes
In accordance with the carried out
expert evaluation of the coefficient of eco-
logical stability ameliorated agrobiocenosis
=0,51<0,66; and belongs to the catego-
ry of "medium-stable", because of the con-
stant impact of a number of factors of influ-
ence (close occurrence of mineralized gro-
undwater, the presence of pressure feed,
saline profile of soils, significant evapora-
tion of moisture against a high tempera-
ture regime, etc.), as a result, it is necessary
to constantly maintain the optimal soil rec-
lamation regime through the use of envi-
ronmentally sound agromeliorative mea-
An assessment of the dynamics of
humus content in reclaimed soils of the
massif over the period under review (30
years) showed a slight increase.Since there
was only a simple reproduction of the
humus state of the soil (ΔG=0.5%), due
only to the return of part of the
biomass.The increase in humus content
due to increasing the productivity of
agricultural crops is not significant, i.e. the
expanded reproduction of humus reserves,
and as a result, the growth of soil fertility
without the use of fertilizers is limited. Not
a significant increase in the "soil index"
indicator as a result of land reclamation
activities (washing, sowing, irrigation)
indicates the need to develop an additional
set of measures to improve soil formation
processes. The problem of extended
reproduction of soil fertility should be
solved exclusively from the standpoint of
optimizing the water-physical, physical-
chemical, agrochemical properties of the
soil and regulating the biological cycle, and
this is possible only when using complex
reclamation. They should ensure that the
disturbed balance of organic matter and
chemical elements in the soil is restored to
the required level.
(agrocenoses) are highly productive, but
low - and medium - stable ecological
systems that require constant purposeful
influence for their maintenance, without
which they cannot exist. In this regard, it is
necessary to conduct continuous soil-
reclamation monitoring of agrocenoses, i.e.
a system of regular observations, asses-
sments and forecasts of the quality of
reclaimed soils, the quality and quantity of
irrigation, drainage and ground water, as
well as the technical condition of hydro-
reclamation systems.
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