Пособие по английскому языку для студентов

Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных

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10.Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных: 
Successful, beneficial, wide, sufficient, official, high, quick, early, 
public, accurate. 

11.Заполните пропуски предлогами: 
1. The redevelopment ... vacant and abandoned properties consists 
... five strategies. 2. Tax lien foreclosure process is greatly influenced 
... a tax collection system. 3. Vacant land problems are constantly be-
ing decided ... local authorities. 4. Land redevelopment will be de-
cided ... new approaches. 5. Land surveyors are concerned ... problems 
... vacant lands. 
12. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам: 
1. Legislative reforms have already been implemented to support 
urban land redevelopment. 2. The current set of tools remains defi-
cient. 3. Productive use requires legislative powers. 4. States can be 
divided into three categories. 5. Eminent domain has been used to es-
tablish public parts, preserve places of historic interest. 
13. Используйте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в соответст-
вующем времени и залоге и переведите предложения на рус-
ский язык: 
1. Vacant land problems (to view) as a serious concern. 2. The va-
cant land label (to give) to many different types of used or unused 
parcels. 3. Legislative power (to require) to overcome the problems 
associated with vacant properties. 4. To support urban redevelopment 
legislative reforms already (to undertake). 5. Urban land development 
will (to promote) by the legislative reforms and approaches. 
14. Ответьте на следующие вопросы: 
1. Do vacant land and abandoned structures impose economic and 
social costs on cities? 2. What does vacant land represent? 3. Does va-
cant land hold out any opportunities? 4. What kind of opportunities 

does vacant land hold out? 5. What can vacant land development gen-
erate? 6. How can vacant land help city? 7. How many per cent of a 
city's land remains vacant? 8. Why have any states successfully under-
taken legislation reforms? 

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