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14. Ответьте на следующие вопросы: 
1. Does the Russian Code spend most of its details on urban devel-
opment documentation? 2. What does the spatial plan describe? 3. Is 
the plan of infrastructure based on an estimation of economic calcula-

tions? 4. Can French five-year moratorium work unless the municipal-
ity is able to borrow the capital funds? 5. What requires consideration 
of the economic impact on private owners? 6. Have private property 
rights fully defined in the law? 7. Is it necessary to elaborate large area 
territorial plans and schemes? 8. Is there need for the Russian Federa-
tion to copy the "western" laws on urban development? 
15. Перескажите текст 12А. 
16. Прочтите и переведите текст 12В на русский язык и 
сформулируйте основную мысль текста: 
Text 12B 
Urban development in the USA 
By the beginning of the XXI-st century the states of North Amer-
ica have adopted laws to regulate urban development in response to 
three common needs: 
- to coordinate and accommodate the expansion of urban territories 
and urban activities with consequent damage to important environ-
mental areas and loss of good quality agricultural soils; 
- to design, build and pay for infrastructure and transport systems 
to property support new urban development; and
- to overcome the problems of re-investment in obsolete city areas, 
in particular the legal and financial difficulties of reconsolidating land 
parcels, buying out and relocating existing owners and users of land 
and buildings. 
To accomplish these urban development purposes, the "western" 
countries (or their constituent states and provinces), adopted laws that 
define systems of planning and regulation with three levels: 
- first, government administrations at national or regional levels 
elaborate large-area territorial plans and schemes of major transport 
and infrastructure systems

- second, local government administrations prepare general plans 
for whole urban areas, which combine spatial plans and land use regu-
lations with plans for infrastructure systems and other public invest-
- third, subordinate to these plans, the layouts and designs of par-
ticular blocks, tract subdivisions, individual land parcels and construc-
tion projects are all made subject to procedures of technical review 
and public review before the specific permits are issued to carry out 
The subject matter of these planning and urban development laws 
is similar, but there are different ways by which these laws are written 
and in which they fit into the overall system of legislation governing 
land relations. 

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