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Text 13A 
Land market 
Land markets provide a mechanism for the allocation of ownership 
and use rights that is typically for the most valuable single class of as-
set in an economy. At the same time land use and sometimes land 
ownership frequently have influences on other aspects of society's 
economic and non-economic interests. The general trend towards 
market economies, for example, often adversely affects men who do 
not get equal opportunities to use land and property as a commodity. 
There is therefore a need for regulations based on environment, social, 
cultural and political considerations that provide a framework for the 
activities of the land market. 
Land markets are made up of a constantly developing portfolio of 
legal interests and transaction types. This portfolio of transaction types 
includes sale, rental, sharecropping, and licenses, together with asso-
ciated derivative transactions including mortgages and mortgage mar-
kets, and other real estate interests. Some of these transaction types 
are typically registrable in those jurisdictions that have formal regis-
tration institutions, including sales, mortgages, some leases, and some 
third party interests. Many are not, including particularly those "less" 
formal interests such as shorter term of leases or rental agreements, 
sharecropping agreements and licenses, derivative interests operating 
"upstream" of the registrable interests such as secondary mortgage 
market, and some customary rights. 
The general rationale for land markets is that, under appropriate in-
stitutional frameworks, they will tend systematically to move land to-

wards the most economically efficient ownership and use. This is 
broadly accepted as a desirable function, particularly given that land is 
typically the most valuable single class of asset in an economy. 

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