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participation (n.) – участие 
physical (adj.) – физический 
planning strategy – стратегия планирования 
potential (adj.) – потенциальный 
recreational (adj.) – рекреационный 
resolve (v.) – разрешать, решать 
rural (adj.) – сельский 
sectoral (adj.) – ведомственный, отраслевой 
siting (n.) – размещение 
succeed (v.) – следовать, преуспевать 
suitability matching – соответствующий подбор 
technical agencies – технические структуры 
user (n.) – пользователь 
wildlife (n.) – дикая природа, заповедник 
4. Прочтите и переведите следующие текст: 
Text 2A 
Rural and agricultural land use planning 

Land use planning can be defined as the systematic assessment of 
land and water potential, alternative systems of land use and other 
physical, social and economic conditions. The purpose is to select and 
adopt land use options which are the most beneficial to land users 
without degrading the resources or the environment, together with the 
selection of measures most likely to encourage such land uses. 
In the broadest meaning of the term, land use planning deals with 
planning for all types of land use (rural, urban, industrial, recreational, 
etc.). Land use planning involves many aspects of planning such as 
designing planning options, evaluation of feasibility (economic, envi-
ronmental, social impact assessment), providing assistance to decision 
maker, implementation and monitoring of plans. 
Rural land use planning is concerned with all (economic) activities 
in rural areas, such as agriculture, pastoralism, forestry, wildlife con-
servation and tourism. Besides evaluation of the potential of different 
activities, rural land use planning assists in resolving conflicts of in-
terests between groups of land users. 
Some of the key aspects of agricultural land use planning are phys-
ical and socio-economic ones. Physical aspects involve land evalua-
tion (mapping, analysis, suitability matching), identification of oppor-
tunities for change (improve existing land use system, suggest new 
land use systems), natural resources management (sustainable land use 
The objectives of socio-economic aspects include identification of 
target groups, weighting options and connection with other admini-
stration/planning. Such land legislation as access to land, ownership of 
resources, land reforms are also included in socio-economic aspects as 
well as training technical staff, farmers and financial framework like 
credit schemes and products marketing.
Land is a limited resource and the misuse of land can lead to such 
problem as non-sustainable land use: processes of overexploitation 
(overgrazing, deforestation, erosion hazard). 
We need to conserve land resources for future use through sustain-
able land uses. For successful land use planning it is important to de-
termine the best use of the land. It is necessary to take into considera-
tion efficiency, equity, acceptability and sustainability of the land. 

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