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14. Ответьте на следующие вопросы: 
1. Is a land cadastre a tax tool? 2. Does it have long traditions?
3. When was the legal base of a land cadastre and a land registry cre-
ated? 4. What are the basic elements of cadastral systems? 5. Does the 
cadastral system implement legal protection of landowners' rights? 6. 
Is the state liable for any damage caused by faulty registration? 7. 
Does the cadastre cover the complete territory of most countries? 8. 
Are fiscal and legal records the main purposes of cadastral systems? 
15. Перескажите текст 6А "Basic elements of cadastral sys-
16. Прочтите, переведите текст 6В и сформулируйте ос-
новную мысль каждого абзаца: 
Text 6B 
Purposes served by the cadastre 
The Cadastre serves the following purposes: legal, fiscal, facilities 
management, base mapping, value assessment, land use planning, en-
vironmental impact assessment and others. As for responsibilities of 
public and private sectors it is necessary to distinguish them. In the 
era of New Public Management, it's important to look at the separation 
of the responsibilities between the public and the private sectors. Orig-
inally the cadastral systems were very much in the hands of the state 
which held all the responsibilities and which carried out all the tasks 
that were involved. 
The experience showed that this is still the case today, although 
there have been developments going on in recent years which has led 

to some tasks being taken over by the private sector. In particular, the 
financing part of land registration and cadastral surveying has to be 
carried out also by the private sector. 
There are some strengths and weaknesses in the existing cadastral 
system. The strengths of existing cadastral systems include state guar-
antee of title, legal security; fast service for users; complete coverage, 
comprehensive, liable, secure system. System is computerized and au-
tomated, digital data; system serves other purposes (i.e. as basis for 
land information system - LIS); integration of different systems, land 
registration and cadastral mapping in one organization; legal support, 
legal basis; good base mapping; meeting local needs, flexibility in 
market adaptation; decentralized, structures/private sectors involve-
ment; cheap system to handle, involvement in economy, centralized 
The most important strengths include the state guarantee of title 
and the legal security of the system as well as a fast user service, and 
the complete data coverage. 
Weaknesses of existing cadastral systems involve limited comput-
erization; link land registration – cadastral mapping is not efficient 
enough or inappropriate. In some cases national consistency could be 
greater, administrative control over land by different organizations is 
necessary. One of the disadvantages are low budget funds and incom-
plete legal framework, little accuracy of maps and slow updating, slow 
customer service. Financing mode is unsuitable or very expensive. 
The system has low degree of coverage and high investment cost. Ri-
gid structure, little flexibility, low level of integration are also disad-
vantages of the existing cadastral system. 

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