Пособие по английскому языку для студентов

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Good, big, important, beautiful, little, far, many, bad, easy, com-
plicated, friendly, nice, fine, difficult, interesting, high. 
11. Раскройте скобки, употребляя имена прилагательные в 
соответствующей степени сравнения: 
1. A record in the cadastral book had usually been the (good) proof 
of property rights. 2. (Late) descriptions of the XYII th century dem-
onstrate distinguished and complicated feudal tax cadastre. 3. The ar-
able lands measured in a very (accurate) way. 4. The (good) the ser-

vice, the (easy) the life. 5. This is the (magnificent) project on the for-
est cadastre I have ever seen. 
12. Образуйте однокоренные слова от следующих слов: 
Manage, regular, collect, implement, work, operate, publish, 
change, press, satisfy. 
13. Укажите исходную форму прилагательных и составь-
те предложения: 
Less, many, better, worst, more, interesting, more difficult, beauti-
ful, the most different, farther, the most. 
14.Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту: 
1. What is this text devoted to? 2. What kind of cadastres were the 
Russian medieval ones? 3. What did Pomestnyi Prikaz undertake at 
the end of the XY th century? 4. What did description of land include? 
5. How were land taxes and vassal obligations serve? 6. Did the state 
carry out any important economic projects? 7. What did the Russian 
medieval cadastre deal to? 8. Is the similarity of the medieval Russian 
land cadastre and continental cadastral system proved by any docu-
ments of that time? 
15. Перескажите текст 7А "Review of the Russian medieval 

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