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жание рассматриваемых в нем проблем: 
Text 9C 
The key success factors when implementing an urban cadastre 
Experience resulted from many investigations and observations 
suggests main key success factors when implementing an urban cadas-
tre: clarification of the legal framework, strengthening of the social 
assessment and participation and use of new technologies. To solve 
these old problems a land use planner should take them into account. 
It is necessary to clarify the legal framework which is often in-
complete or inadequate. It should provide a clear typology of land te-
nure and ownership and occupant rights, a good definition of claims 
hierarchy and conflict resolution mechanisms. This should be done in 
respect of overriding interests including customary and indigenous 
rights. The process implemented must be based on equity and fairness 
and respect the de facto use and occupancy rights of the poorest popu-
lation who is mainly living in urban fringes and shanty towns. The re-
view of the legal framework should also be performed in with respect 
to a sustainable environmental development. This includes identifica-
tion and demarcation of protected and buffer areas. 

The legal framework should provide a clear distribution of respon-
sibilities between land and real estate agencies. As cadastral and regis-
try integration is often a key issue, legal arrangements should be set 
up to guarantee a long term consistency between cadastral and regis-
tral information. This includes a clear definition of roles and responsi-
bilities of cadastral and registral services as well as private surveyors 
and notaries. All stakeholders should feel the ownership of the re-
forms and follow the rules in their future day to day activities. 
When preparing a cadastre you have to survey and visit each piece 
of land and each building where people are living. In this process, so-
cial assessment and participation that encourage population participa-
tion appear essential. All along the project it is important to focus on 
this issue. Prior to the implementation of the project, a specific social 
assessment will allow to identify main project beneficiaries and key 
social issues. At the beginning of the implementation, a national, mu-
nicipal and local information campaign will facilitate population un-
derstanding and consequently ownership of the project by the popula-
tion. During the project, the field data acquisition process will be gov-
erned by population participation and efficient conflict resolution 
mechanisms. A few years after the project, it is important to carry out 
studies to assess the social impact of the project on beneficiaries. 
Strengthening the social assessment and participation requires in-
novative approaches. For instance there is a special need for flexible 
solutions in urban fringes with high rate of spontaneous urbanization 
and informal sprawling settlements. In most of the cases, the social ac-
tivities must be based on bottom up approaches rather than top down 
traditional approaches. It is essential to get a large consensus among 
the final beneficiaries whether they are legal owners or simply de fac-
to occupants. 
It's also necessary to use new technologies to solve old problems. 
There are three technical steps for which rapid technological evolution 
is determinant: the acquisition of information, the management and 
maintenance of the information and the exchange and distribution of 
the information. 

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