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17. Прочтите текст 10С и раскройте содержание рас-
сматриваемых в нем проблем 
Text 10C 
Property-Specific Approaches 
Three strategies, to start with, contribute directly to the redevelop-
ment of vacant or abandoned properties. These tools focus on the ac-
quisition and disposal of property. These include: (1) tax lien foreclo-
sure; (2) eminent domain powers and condemnation or acquisition of 
blighted properties; and (3) land banks and community land trusts. 
A key first area of state support of redevelopment involves a state's 
framework for the enforcement of property tax collection. Properties 
that become tax delinquent reduce public revenues and contribute to 
neighborhood deterioration. The failure to pay property taxes typically 
results from one of three causes: (1) property owner's inability to pay 
their annual tax during depressed economic conditions; (2) public pro-
test over property tax rates that are perceived to be too high: and (3) 
owner's efforts to maximize the income they receive from their prop-
erty by neglecting tax payments. The third cause is more typical of 
property owners who are investors and plan to eventually abandon 
their property, and more common in major urban areas. Tax delin-

quency can be viewed as an "early warning system to municipalities 
that there are market problems with particular properties". 
The tax lien foreclosure process allows cities to return tax delin-
quent vacant land and abandoned structures to productive use. Their 
ability to do so is greatly influenced at the state level by the particular 
property tax collection enforcement system that has been legally au-
thorized. These systems vary from state to state because, historically, 
states retain great autonomy to determine their individual methods of 
property tax collection and enforcement. 
State laws set the parameters for how local governments deal with 
their tax delinquent properties, either helping or hindering the process. 
Massachusetts, for example, has no specific deadlines for notifying 
owners or responding to foreclosure, and the foreclosure process can 
take years. Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, and Texas, by con-
trast, have all adopted legislative reforms in recent years that improve 
сities' ability to expedite foreclosure on properties and convert them 
back into productive use. Michigan's legislation shortens the foreclo-
sure process from what could take five years to one-half years, and 
create insurable property titles through judicial action. 
States can also be divided into three categories according to 
whether they (1) allow lien enforcement and property sale without a 
judicial process; (2) require judicial involvement at the sale or termi-
nation of the redemption period; or (3) permit enforcement of property 
tax liens through a judicial or non-judicial process. 
A judicial tax enforcement proceeding - a proceeding that relies on 
the court system - is superior for several reasons. Such a proceeding 
provides a permanent public record and provides an opportunity for a 
hearing, an opportunity currently unavailable under most tax lien en-
forcement system. In other words, the process produces a marketable 
property title that a title insurance company would be willing to in-
sure. In this way, the proceeding resolves one of the major problems 
to transferring and financing properties that cities seek to redevelop. 

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