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 Перескажите текст 11A "Town planning"

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15. Перескажите текст 11A "Town planning". 
16. Прочтите и переведите текст 11B и сформулируйте 
его основную мысль: 
Text 11B 
The configuration and undulation of the town site and direc-
tion of main radial and circumferential avenues and boulevards 
The beautiful sites which the Great Architect of the Universe has 
provided for many of our cities have been wantonly spoilt by the 
worst form of vandalism and the lack of a proper planning system in-
stead of providing a setting and vista by which the beauty of monu-
mental and public buildings may be shown. 
The first essential preparatory to the drawing up of a town plan-
ning scheme is to make a contour map of the site with contours show-
ing the rise or fall of the ground every five to ten feet. In addition the 
map should show existing trees, places of historic or local interest, 
railways, existing public and industrial buildings, waterways, etc. 
This map will enable the town planner to lay down the main ave-
nues with the easiest possible grades, to preserve places of beauty; to 
establish the sites of the most important buildings so as to be in com-
manding position; to design his storm and sanitary sewers so as to ob-
tain the maximum amount of gravity flow, and to arrange his water 
supply in the most suitable zones so that the whole system of public 
utilities can be built up of units which will ultimately become parts of 
a completed whole. 
Directions of main radial and circumferential avenues and boule-
vards should be taken into account by all means. It is necessary there-
fore in the planning of a city to exercise the greatest care and judg-
ment in fixing the position and direction of main avenues. If possible, 
they should radiate from the centre towards the principal outlying dis-
tricts north, south, east and west of the city, and be connected and 
linked up with inner and outer circumferential avenues. By this means 
traffic desirous of crossing from one side of the City to the other can 

avoid the centre and more heavily trafficked streets, and in so doing 
prevent the congestion which so often occurs in the centre of old cit-
These circumferential routes which connect up the various parks 
and open spaces are largely used by residents, motorists and cyclists 
as circular drives. 

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