table with the answers below. The purpose of the research project is kind of research 1. to produce an accurate representation of persons,
events or situations
2. to study a situation or a problem in order to explain
the relationships between variables
3. to seek new insights into phenomena, to ask ques-
tions, and to assess the phenomena in a new light
4. to compare two or more different variables to de-
termine if any predictable relationships exist among
5. to conduct empirical tests while identifying and
controlling as many factors as possible that may affect
the outcome of the study
The purpose of the research project is kind of research 6. to explain or predict phenomena observed in the
laboratory or in nature 7. to carry out the empirical investigation of a particu-
lar contemporary phenomenon within its real-life con-
text, using multiple sources of evidence
a. exploratory research; b. correlational research; c. case study; d. controlled scientific experiment; e. descriptive
research; f. computer-generated modelling;g. explanatory research.
5. Match terms in column A with their definitions in column B. A B
1) research n.
a) clear, specific statements that identify
what the researcher wishes to accomplish
as a result of doing research
2) researcher
b) the appropriateness of the researcher’s
behaviour in relation to the rights of those
who become the subject of a research pro-
ject, or who are affected by it
3) research v.
c) to make a detailed systematic study of
something in order to discover new facts
4) research and development
d) general plan of how the researcher will
go about answering the research questions
5) research strategy
e) the systematic collection and interpreta-
tion of information with a clear purpose to
find things out
6) research idea
f) an unsettled question; a matter requiring
7) research objectives
g) the work that companies do when they
are developing new products, services, or
methods. It is often simply called R and D.
8) research ethics
h) initial idea that may be worked out into a
research project
9) research problem
i) someone whose job is to do scientific