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L.A. Morozova

FSEI HEI Kurgan state agricultural academy of T.S. Maltsev
It was found that the process of yield milk of the cows on the concentrates riched with premix on the basis of the clay exercises influence on digestion and employment of nutritives of rationing rises milk productivity and also improves phisico-chemical properties of milk.
It is known that imbalance of a mineral and vitamin food cows in the period of lactation can be the critical factor in realization of their productive potential. Both the lack and surplus of a diet of mineral substances and vitamins leads to gross infringements in a metabolism and as a result to efficiency decrease, and also substantially influences a physiological condition, health, reproductive functions, viability of an issue and biological full value of milk, as population foodstuff [1, 2]. For balancing of diets on macro-and to microcells various mineral additives both of industrial production and natural sources of mineral substances are used.

There upon the special urgency is represented by researches on studying bentonite clay as filling of mineral and vitamin premixes for horned livestock of black-motley breed.

The research objective is to study of mineral and vitamin premix on a basis of benonite on the efficiency and a physiological condition of cows during the period of the beginning of milking.

Technique. For achievement of the aim of researches scientifically-economic and physiological experiences have been held on cows of black-motley breed in the period of the beginning of milking on the basis of Open Society «Kurgan» on breeding work of Kurgan area. Cows were selected to groups on a principle of analogues taking into account their age, live weight, breed, date of calving and efficiency.

The basic diet and the maintenance of animal in control and skilled groups were identical. Distinction consists that animals of the control group received premix on the basis of bran (П 60-6М), analogues from the 1 skilled group premix №1, filling with bentonite and bran (50/50 %), and contemporaries from the 2 skilled group received premix №2 on a basis of bentonite (100 %) which was entered into a diet in number of 1 % on weight of the concentrated forages. Recipes of premixes for cows during the period of the beginning of milking are presented in table 1.

Tab. 1. Recipes of premixes for cows during the period of the beginning of milking






Мn, g




Cu, g




Zn, g




Co, g




I, g




А, млн. ME




D, млн. ME




Е, g




Bran, kg

до 1000

до 500

Bentonite, kg

до 500

до 1000

For the preparation of premix were used such components as salts of microcells and concentrates of vitamins A, D and Е, and as a filling were bentonite and wheaten bran. Doses of input of salts of microcells in the experimental premixes №1 and №2 were established on a difference between norms of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences (2003) and the actual maintenance of microcells in investigated premix. The lack of microcells is filled for the account of benonite.

At the end of scientifically-economic experience physiological experience for the purpose of definition of digestion and usage of nutrients of diets by the methods [3].

Results and discussion. The usage of premix on a basis of bentonite possessing sorbtional properties promoted fuller digestion of nutrients that was reflected on the factors of digestion.

It is established that factors of digestion of forage nutrients of animals in the 2 skilled group were more in comparison with cows of the control and the 1 skilled group: on a solid – on 5,46 (Р<0,05) and 2,31% (Р<0,01); to organic substance – on 2,46 and 1,32; to a crude protein – on 3,56 and 1,96 (Р<0,01); crude cellulose – on 3,36 (Р<0,01) both 1,34 and to crude fat – on 5,00 (Р<0,05) and 2,46%; БЭВ – on 1,66 and 1,07 accordingly.

On the basis of data of physiological experience and a chemical compound of forages, their rests, excrements and urine the balance of nitrogen has been studied.

Analyzing the obtained data, it is necessary to notice, that the balance of nitrogen of animals of all groups was positive. The usage of premix on a basis of bentonite has lowered the deducing of nitrogen with excrements. So animals of the 2 skilled group have allocated nitrogen with excrements for 1,97% less than analogues from control group and on 0,88%, in comparison with the 1 skilled group. Allocation of nitrogen with urine at animal of all groups was practically at one level and has averaged 122,74g. Allocation of nitrogen with milk was more of animals from the 2 skilled group on 3,73%, in comparison with control and on 2,31% with 1 skilled group.

The highest indicator of exchange energy is noted in the 2 skilled group of cows and has made 192,24 МДж that is on 6,51% more than in the control group. Animals in 2 skilled group used exchange energy the most effectively on 2,14 and 0,79%, than the analogues control and the 1 skilled groups accordingly.

In physiological experience cows of all groups had positive balance of calcium and phosphorus that testifies to full security of animals these macrocells. Cows of the 2 skilled group with calcium milk on 11,50; 4,85% and phosphorus on 14,83; 7,65% (Р<0,05) more than contemporaries control and 1 skilled groups. Cows of the 2 skilled group used calcium and phosphorus better on 2,67 and 4,57% accordingly, in comparison with the control group. Usage of calcium and phosphoruson milk advantage of animals in the 2 skilled group is also noted. So, if cows of control and 1 skilled groups used on the average 27,44% of calcium and 32,61% of phosphorus in the 2 skilled group the given indicators were more on 1,97 and 3,43% accordingly.

The carried out researches have shown that cows of the 2 skilled group receiving premix enriched with bentonite, used diet nutrients on synthesis of milk (tab. 2) more effectively.

The carried out researches have shown that cows of the 2 skilled group receiving premix enriched with bentonite, used diet nutrients on synthesis of milk (tab. 2) more effectively.

Tab. 2. Dairy efficiency of experimental animals,




1 skilled

2 skilled

Milk yield of milk during 100 days of a lactation, kg:

At natural fat content




At 4 % of th fat content




Fat content of milk, %




The maintenance of fiber, %




Dairy fat, kg




Dairy fiber, kg




Milk yield of milk at natural fat content during 100 days of a lactation was more in the 2 skilled group on 127,6 kg (5,30%), in comparison with the 1 skilled group and on 291,0 kg (13,00 %) (Р<0,05), than in the control group. The maintenance of dairy fat and fiber was more in milk of cows the 2 skilled group on 11,91 kg (14,89 %) and on 10,05 kg (14,86 %) in comparison with the control accordingly.

Higher power value of milk is noted at cows of the 2 skilled group. Its indicator exceeds the 1 skilled group on 0,63%, and the control on 0,94 %. Introduction of mineral and vitamin premix №2 into a diet of cows of the 2 skilled group has raised the calcium maintenance in milk on 7,58%, in comparison with the control and on 5,97 % with 1 skilled group. Animals of the 2 skilled group have allocated phosphorus with milk more for 5,32% (Р<0,05), than in the control group. Thus magnesium level has increased in the given group on 7,89%. The iron maintenance in milk of cows in the 2 skilled group has made 0,73 mg/kg that on 12,31 (Р<0,05) and on 4,29%more accordingly , similar indicators control and 1 skilled group.

Thus inclusion of mineral and vitamin premix into diets of cows on a basis of bentonite makes positive impact on digestion and usage of nutrients of a diet, raises dairy efficiency and improves physical and chemical properties of milk.

The literature.

1. Smiths Of this year // Zооtechnique. – 2002. – №2.

2. Podobed L.I. // Zооtechnique. – 2002. – № 4.

3. Tomme M.F. A definition technique of digestion forages and diets. – М: ВИЖ, 1969.

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