Семинар: 45 сағат Тараз 2017 «Шетел тілі»

Answer the following questions

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«Шетел тілі» пәнінен практикалық сабақтарының жоспары

3. Answer the following questions:

  1. How many seasons are there in a year?

  2. How long does each month last?

  3. What is the hottest season?

  4. What are the autumn months?

  5. What are the winter months?

  6. What is the weather like in each season?

4. Write the verbs in the correct part of the table. Then write irregular verbs in the Past Simple:

Turn, have, play, watch, go, stay, put, cook, ask, phone, save, make, fall, take, give, wake, rain, break, leave, use.

5.Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets using Past Simple:

1. I (to have) a bicycle accident when I was thirteen. 2. I (to take) risk in those days. 3. I (to play) tennis yesterday but (not to win). 4. That’s a nice shirt. Where you (to buy) it? 5. She (to see) me but (not to speak) to me. 6. It (to rain) yesterday? – No, it was a nice day. 7. That was a stupid thing to do. Why you (to do) it?

6. Are the underlined words right or wrong. Correct the sentences that are wrong.

1. I phone you tomorrow, OK? X (I’ll phone) 2. I phone my sister every Friday. 3. I haven’t done the shopping yet. I do it later. 4. I don’t want to drive. – OK, I drive. 5. How do you usually go to work? – I drive. 6. I haven’t got any money. – I lend you.

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