Семинар: 45 сағат Тараз 2017 «Шетел тілі»

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«Шетел тілі» пәнінен практикалық сабақтарының жоспары

3. Answer the questions:

              1. Is it an easy thing to learn a foreign language?

              2. Why do people learn a foreign language?

              3. Do you know any foreign language?

              4. Where do the native speakers of English live?

              5. What can you say about English language?

4. Fill in the gaps with articles: a (an), the or no article and pronouns: some, any where necessary

A. 1. Lomonosov, … great Russian scientist, was born in … small village, on … shore of … White Sea. 2. Chkalov was … first man to fly over … North Pole. 3. … great Russian writer Gogol was born in … Ukraine in 1809. 4. Leningrad is situated on … Neva. 5. Elbrus is … highest peak of … Caucasian Mountains. 6. … Crimea is surrounded by … Black Sea. 7. … Caucasus separates … Black Sea from … Caspian Sea. 8. … rice and … cotton grow in … Ukraine now. 9. … people who live in … Holland speak … Dutch. 10. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic Ocean. 11. … Morocco is in … North Africa. 12. They were born on … same day and in … same town. 13. I want to write … letter to my sister. Have you … fountain pen? 14. … last page of … book is torn. 15. They met at … gate of … school. 16. What … silly mistakes I have made! 17. … large steel bridge joins … two banks of … river. 18. Both … copper and … lead are found in this mine. 19. In … department store you can buy … food, … shoes, … clothing, and …other goods. 20. … view from … top of … mountain is excellent.

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