Семинар: 45 сағат Тараз 2017 «Шетел тілі»

). Make up three groups associated in meaning or area of usage

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«Шетел тілі» пәнінен практикалық сабақтарының жоспары

1). Make up three groups associated in meaning or area of usage.

a) skull b) trunk c) extremity

Use words: lower extremity, upper extremity, thigh, shoulder, pelvic, spinal column, rib, forearm, cervical vertibrae, foot and chest.

2). Make up your own question and supply the answer according to the given model.

MODEL: What do we call the organ we see with?

We call the organ we see with an eye.

Use verbs: to smell, to hear, to taste, to touch, to breathe.

4. Complete the sentences:

Castle, beach, market, museum, nature reserve, palace, art gallery

1. A castle is a very big, strong building. 2. There are paintings in an …. 3. People relax on the ….

4. A King or Quinn lives in a …. 5. People go shopping at a …. 6. There are statues and interesting objects in a …. 7. Animals live in a ….

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