Учебно-методическое пособие для аспирантов

List of Expressions for Writing Abstracts

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List of Expressions for Writing Abstracts

It is alleged

говорят, считают, что ...

It is announced

объявлено, что...

It is appropriate

целесообразно, что ...

It is believed

полагают, считают, что ...

It is the case

дело обстоит так, это имеет место

It is certain

несомненно, что

It is considered

считают, считается, что

It is expected

ожидают, ожидается, что

It is felt

считают, что

It follows

отсюда (следует)

It goes without saying

само собой разумеется

It is high time

давно пора

It is known

известно, что

It is a matter of common(general) observation, knowledge


It is a matter of experience

это дело практики

It is a matter of principle

это принципиальный вопрос

It is necessary


It is no wonder


It is to be noted

необходимо заметить

It is reported

сообщается, что

It is said

говорят, что

Finish up the following sentences with the information on your research project.

  1. The purpose/aim/intention of this paper is …

  2. This paper deals with …

  3. This paper/report contains/outlines/examines/assesses …

  4. The methods used for … are discussed …

  5. The results of … are presented …

  6. The results indicate the dominant role of …

  7. Data on … are discussed

  8. It is (therefore) felt/believed/apparent/obvious that …

  9. The author concludes by saying …

  10. To conclude/to sum up/in conclusion/on the whole attention is drawn to the fact …

  11. Our recommendation is that … should be …

Essay Writing
There are various types of argumentative compositions such as: outlining the advantages and disadvantages of a certain question, giving your opinion on a subject, providing solutions to problems and discursive essays.
Here are useful tips for argumentative essays

  1. Before writing your composition, first make a plan. Plans for argumentative essays are given below.

Paragraph Plans for Argumentative Essays


Main Body



Paragraph 1

state topic

Paragraph 2


arguments for

Paragraph 3


arguments against

Final Paragraph

Give a balanced consideration or your opinion without using personal words or expression

Expressing opinions

Paragraph 1

state opinion

Paragraph 2

argument 1 & reason

Paragraph 3

argument 2 & reason

Final Paragraph

restate opinion using different words

* When writing an argumentative essay expressing opinion, you may include the opposite point of view (other people’s opinion) in a separate paragraph before the conclusion.

Providing solutions

Paragraph 1

state the problem

Paragraph 2

suggestion 1 & reason

Paragraph 3

suggestion 2 & reason

Final Paragraph

summarise opinion or give best suggestion and reason

Discursive essays

Paragraph 1

state topic

Paragraph 2

one point of view (e.g. political)

Paragraph 3

another point of view (e.g. economic)

Final Paragraph

give your own opinion based the points already mentioned

  1. organize your thoughts before beginning writing and organize your paragraphs well;

  2. start a new paragraph for each new point you make. Each paragraph should start with a key sentence (a key sentence is a sentence which summarises the paragraph). You should provide examples and reasons to justify your points of view;

  3. use formal style – do not include colloquial English;

  4. do not use short forms;

  5. use correct grammar, vocabulary, and spelling. Use vocabulary and grammatical constructions that you are sure of. It is better to write simply and correctly than to try to write eloquently but make errors;

  6. avoid strong feelings (don’t say: everybody hates…, or it is absurd to believe…);

  7. use generalisations (e.g. children assume/regard), but do not use overgeneralisations (e.g. all children assume that…);

  8. do not use strong personal expressions (e.g. I know) – use milder language (e.g. In my view, it seems to me that, in my opinion, I tend to believe, etc.);

  9. use linking words (e.g. even though, on the other hand, yet, etc.)

  10. use sequencing (e.g. first, then, finally, etc.)

  11. make reference to other sources (e.g. Police officials believe that …)

  12. give examples – not personal thoughts (e.g. excessive intake of alcohol can damage the liver);

  13. do not refer blindly to statistics unless you are certain of a source (don’t say: “According to statistics, my statement about students is precise.” Which statistics?);

  14. use quotations or paraphrasing of quotations;

  15. keep your essays to no more than 200 or 300 words;

Read the two models of essays and give reasons why model A is good and model B is bad. Then, re-read the good model and underline the linking words (consult the Supplement p. 184).
Model A

Competition – Productive or Destructive?

Competition has long been the driving force behind improvements in areas such as world trade and sports performance. However, much can be said against the desire to come first. As Bernard Hunt, a British journalist said, “Winning is a drug. Once you have experienced it, you cannot do without it.”

The main disadvantage of competition is that it can encourage dishonesty. This is illustrated by the large numbers of athletes who are disqualified from events every year for having taken harmful drugs to improve their performance. Politicians have also been known to be untruthful when they want to win an election so much that they will lie to get votes. In industry, the competition to produce more goods at cheaper prices is so great that it can lead companies to open factories in poor countries where they can exploit employees by making them work long hours for low wages.

On the other hand, competition in sport means that athletes have to make the greatest effort they can, which is an exciting thing to watch. Because of competition in the political arena, politicians are encouraged to make visible improvements to the country in an effort to gain voters’ support, which in the end benefits everyone. Finally, competition in industry tends to lead to lower prices, which is undoubtedly beneficial for consumers.

To conclude, competition has both good and bad points. Although it can result in dishonesty and exploitation, its benefits outweigh its drawbacks and have a positive effect on many aspects of our lives. Moreover, the competitive spirit is always with us, and is difficult to control, however hard one tries.
Model B

Competition – Productive or Destructive?
In some ways competition is good. In some ways competition is bad. It’s good when it makes things better, such as business and sports. It’s bad when it hurts people.

Competition is bad if it makes people not tell the truth, e.g. politicians. I hate politicians that don’t tell the truth! I hate them! All athletes who are too competitive take drugs to make them run faster, etc. Someone I know was thrown off the track team at school for taking such drugs. The whole world knows that this is bad for their bodies. Factories try to compete too much when they pay lousy wages to poor people in poor countries.

Competition is good because athletes want to get better at sports and politicians try to make their countries better and factory products get cheaper.

So you see, competition has its good and its bad sides but statistics prove that competition is more beneficial than harmful.

In writing essays one is sure to use linking elements to make the narration better structured. Read and translate the sentences which illustrate the use of linking elements in context, underline them.

  1. It is my firm belief, that these experimental data do not agree with the preliminary observations.

  2. Last but not least, could (can) you interpret these findings?

  3. Your choice of career is both a fundamental decision and something that will influence the rest of your life.

  4. According to the latest findings the use of mobile phones can be damaging to one’s health in the long run.

  5. To some extent this is true but computers will always need human input.

  6. Needless to say, the scheme/project was bound to fail due to insufficient funds.

  7. It is a well-known fact that this assumption is reasonable.

  8. The fact that a great number of university graduates cannot find employment contradicts the belief that a university education is the key to a successful career.

  9. He had collected every edition of the magazine but for one.

  10. To put it another way, this approach is useful.

  11. I would like to make two comments. First, to obtain accurate data one cannot use subjective techniques. Second(ly), the facts should be taken from reliable sources.

Write an essay on the fundamental issues of your area of studies. Use as many linking words as possible.
In Focus

Expressing that information is wrong










There are solid arguments in Section A, but conclusions in Section B show that the author is mistaken and lacks hard evidence.

I’m afraid the results of the experiment are incorrect and they need redoing.

Current responses to the global energy crisis are inadequate, scientists warn.

I don’t think the two different analyses are compatible, it is not surprising that you had problems matching the two results, which could be viewed almost contradictory.

We will only know the answer when we gather a lot more data otherwise some of the conclusions may be invalid.

The search for a unified theory of the human mind is misguided, says a psychologist.

Conclusions drawn on limited data can be misleading.

Grammar Review: Participle I and Participle Constructions
Step 1: Translation tips:

  1. Difficulties occurring during the research are inevitable.

Трудности, возникающие во время исследования, неизбежны.

  1. Here is example showing the peculiarities of this process.

Приводится пример, показывающий особенности этого процесса.

  1. The son following his father devoted his life to science.

Сын вслед за отцом посвятил свою жизнь науке.

  1. Having written the article the postgraduate student showed it to his supervisor.

Написав статью, аспирант показал ее научному руководителю.

  1. When carrying out the experiment the scientist was sure that he was on the right way.

Проводя эксперимент, ученый был уверен, что он на правильном пути.

  1. My supervisor being away, I had nobody to ask for advice.

Так как мой научный руководитель отсутствовал, мне не к кому было обратиться за советом.

  1. Other conditions being equal, the purity of the experiment is guaranteed.

При прочих равных условиях чистота эксперимента гарантирована.

  1. We continued our experiment, with several postgraduate students helping us.

Мы продолжали наш эксперимент, причем несколько аспирантов помогали нам.

  1. This question is rather complicated, belonging as it does to the field which has not been investigated yet.

Этот вопрос довольно сложный, поскольку он относится к области, которая пока не изучена.

  1. The microscope having been repaired, the researcher proceeded with his observation.

Исследователь продолжал свои наблюдения после того, как микроскоп починили.

  1. They watched his interest gradually increasing.

Они следили (за тем), как его интерес постепенно возрастал.

  1. The results were found attracting many scientists.

Оказалось, что результаты привлекают многих ученых.
Step 2. Translate into Russian.

  1. They are all private institutions receiving direct grants from central government.

  2. An abstract or summary is published together with a research article giving the reader a “preview” of what is to come.

  3. It is evident that the notion of an “ideal” supervisor changes depending on the state the student has reached.

  4. Seven completely new universities were founded in addition, all of them establishing campuses on the edges of historic towns without industry.

  5. When undertaking such a degree students will be trained in research methods and given a high level study of a subject or problem.

  6. Other factors being excluded, the prediction seems to come true.

  7. Subsequent stages might find the supervisor operating more like a coach building up skills and confidence, and then finally acting more like a colleague and equal.

  8. Writing the paper the student realized how difficult it was for him to express his ideas.

  9. Having finished his report the student answered numerous questions.

  10. Objections to the plan, supposing there are any, should be reported to the committee.

  11. Following the discussion, the committee is to study the report and put forward its proposals.

  12. Good working relationship should exist between supervisors and students, with the supervisors providing encouragement, personal support and guidance at all stages.

  13. When planning to attend a conference, there are steps you can take to make you sure your conference experience is just what you need.

  14. A C.V. is often required for those applying to graduate or professional programmes, being employed with international firms, or when promoting oneself within professional or academic fields.

  15. Each questionnaire item asked respondents to choose one out of six options, with the two extremes being “very dissatisfied” and “completely satisfied”.

  16. While taking part in conferences he got acquainted with many researchers.

  17. Having looked through a lot of journals and papers the student began to write the report.

Step 3. Translate into English.

  1. Трудности, возникающие в процессе исследования, следует тщательно проанализировать.

  2. Оставив доклад на столе научного руководителя, Майкл вышел из кабинета.

  3. Получив конкретные данные, мы можем приступить к их интерпретации.

  4. Проводя опыт, ученый осознал, что не все было предусмотрено.

  5. Так как в конференц-зале было много народу, мы не могли найти свободные места.

  6. После того, как научный руководитель присоединился к группе, аспиранты продолжили эксперимент.

  7. Обращаясь к главной задаче исследования, следует сказать, что она не была полностью решена.

  8. Обучаясь в аспирантуре, мы должны помнить о том, что время летит очень быстро и сроки завершения работы близки.

  9. Всем аспирантам, ведущим исследования, назначаются научные руководители из числа специалистов соответствующей области знаний.

  10. Завершив свой доклад, он принял участие в дискуссии.

  11. Так как многие вопросы были тщательно подготовлены, заседание кафедры длилось недолго.

  12. Университеты, желающие конкурировать со всемирно признанными вузами, были вынуждены совершенствовать свои учебные программы.

  13. Определяя степень успеха исследовательской работы, научному руководителю важно оценить новизну и актуальность полученных результатов.

  14. Каждый университет имеет свою организационную структуру, которая обычно включает ряд факультетов, причем каждый представлен несколькими кафедрами.

  15. Конференция может приобретать различный статус в зависимости от размаха и проблемного поля.

  16. После того как статья была откорректирована, она была сдана в печать.

  17. Поскольку документ не был подписан, он не имел законной силы.

  18. Так как он долго работал над диссертацией, его тема потеряла свою актуальность.

Grammar Review: Participle II and Participle Constructions
Step 1. Translation tips:

  1. The result obtained was thoroughly analysed.

Полученный результат был тщательно проанализирован.

  1. The conclusion at this stage is more valuable than that made earlier.

Вывод на этом этапе является более ценным, чем тот, который был получен ранее.

  1. Let me introduce the latest research so much spoken about.

Позвольте мне представить последнее исследование, о котором так много говорят.

  1. The report followed by a great number of questions was very topical.

Доклад, за которым последовало множество вопросов, был актуальным.

  1. Mr Warner followed by his son devoted their lives to science.

Мистер Варнер, а впоследствии и его сын посвятили себя науке.

  1. Considered from this point of view the question is worth discussing.

При рассмотрении с этой точки зрения данный вопрос стоит обсудить.

  1. Stated in a simple form the aim of the research is as follows.

Если сформулировать просто, цель исследования такова.

  1. The article, published as it was in a small journal, remained unnoticed for a long time.

Поскольку статья была напечатана в небольшом научном журнале, она оставалась незамеченной в течение долгого времени.

  1. I heard your name mentioned at the conference.

Я слышал, что ваше имя упомянули на конференции.
Step 2. Translate into Russian.

  1. Based on learning, the evolution of education is built on the evolution of species.

  2. The discussion followed contained some useful ideas.

  3. This misunderstanding, taken from an actual case study, shows that good communication is absolutely crucial to productive, successful student-supervisor relations.

  4. Usually you explain or defend your thesis with reasons and evidence gained from your own personal experience.

  5. There is a great demand for specialists with postgraduate degrees related to a specific field of professional activity such as business or administration.

  6. The theory explains certain phenomena not otherwise accounted for.

  7. The explanation given is by no means exhaustive.

  8. Many part-time students choose to follow a programme of study in collaboration with their employer, and the supervision provided both by the university and the place of work seems to be very effective.

  9. The problem appeared solved when parallel discoveries were made.

  10. The range of opportunities offered is extensive, from one- year full-time/part-time taught courses to three or more years of independent study for a research doctorate.

  11. Rutherford’s research work followed by many experiments of other scientists made a great contribution into science.

  12. When thoroughly analysed this theory cannot be contradictive.

  13. Unless otherwise stated the condition is as follows.

  14. Seen in this context, the ranges of applicability and reliability of the method may be assessed.

  15. The procedure followed by this investigator was suggested by Mr. Brown.

Step 3. Translate into English.

  1. Исследуемая проблема очень важна.

  2. Значимость рассматриваемых результатов до сих пор еще не понята.

  3. Все зависит от числа студентов, вовлеченных в эту работу.

  4. Метод, которого придерживался наш аспирант, был простым.

  5. Поскольку заявление не было подписано, его не могли рассмотреть на заседании Совета.

  6. Он получил требуемый результат, как указано выше.

  7. Статья, на которую ссылаются выше, затрагивает психологический аспект этой проблемы.

  8. Исследование, о котором много говорят, не оправдало надежды.

  9. Многочисленные вопросы, на которые отвечал докладчик, спровоцировали длительную дискуссию.

  10. Работа, выполненная молодым ученым, привлекла к себе внимание специалистов из других областей знаний.

  11. Научное руководство рассматривается как форма обучения.

  12. Виды деятельности, представленные в этой статье, развивают коммуникативные навыки студентов.

  13. Полученные результаты противоречили имеющимся данным.

  14. Данные, на которые ссылаются в этой статье, уже были опубликованы.

  15. Наше внимание будет сосредоточено на методах, используемых в различных научных исследованиях.

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