Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов 2 курса факультета математики и информационных технологий Уфа риц башгу 2020

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пособие для математиков II Мотина О П , Кулыева А А -4


Before you start
Read the key words:
for sake – для, ради
notably – в особенности, в частности
intimately tied – тесно связанный
distinction – разграничение
consensus – единое мнение
high-performance computing - высокопроизводительные вычисления
spawn – порождать
neural network – нейронная сеть
substantial – существенный, значительный
overlap – совпадение, наложение
make extensive use – активно, широко пользоваться

Before you read
Answer the following questions:
1) What is applied mathematics?
2) In what spheres of life do you think mathematics is useful?
3) In what fields of science is mathematics applied?

Applied mathematics
Applied mathematics concerns itself with mathematical methods that are typically used in science, engineering, business, and industry. Thus, "applied mathematics" is a mathematical science with specialized knowledge. The term applied mathematics also describes the professional specialty in which mathematicians work on practical problems; as a profession focused on practical problems, applied mathematics focuses on the "formulation, study, and use of mathematical models" in science, engineering, and other areas of mathematical practice.
In the past, practical applications have motivated the development of mathematical theories, which then became the subject of study in pure mathematics, where mathematics is developed primarily for its own sake. Thus, the activity of applied mathematics is connected with research in pure mathematics.
Historically, applied mathematics consisted principally of applied analysis, most notably differential equations, approximation theory and applied probability. These areas of mathematics were intimately tied to the development of Newtonian physics, and in fact, the distinction between mathematicians and physicists was not sharply drawn before the mid-19th century.
Today, the term "applied mathematics" is used in a broader sense. It includes the classical areas noted above as well as other areas that have become increasingly important in applications. There is no consensus as to what the various branches of applied mathematics are. Even fields such as number theory that are part of pure mathematics are now important in applications (such as cryptography).
Many mathematicians distinguish between "applied mathematics," which is concerned with mathematical methods, and the "applications of mathematics" within science and engineering. Mathematicians such as Poincaré and Arnold deny the existence of "applied mathematics" and claim that there are only "applications of mathematics." Similarly, non-mathematicians blend applied mathematics and applications of mathematics. The use and development of mathematics to solve industrial problems is also called "industrial mathematics".
The success of modern numerical mathematical methods and software has led to the emergence of computational mathematics, computational science, and computational engineering, which use high-performance computing for the solution of problems in the sciences and engineering. These are often considered interdisciplinary disciplines.
Historically, mathematics was most important in the natural sciences and engineering. However, since World War II, fields outside of the physical sciences have spawned the creation of new areas of mathematics, such as game theory and social choice theory, which grew out of economic considerations, or neural networks, which arose out of the study of the brain in neuroscience.
Applied mathematics has substantial overlap with the discipline of statistics. Statistical theorists study and improve statistical procedures with mathematics, and statistical research often raises mathematical questions. Statistical theory relies on probability and decision theory, and makes extensive use of scientific computing, analysis, and optimization; for the design of experiments, statisticians use algebra and combinatorial design.

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