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D) Garden Route and Floral Kingdom

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D) Garden Route and Floral Kingdom

14.Two friends are talking about

A) travelling

B) climate change

C) hot tempertures

D) levels of rainfall

15.Southern part of the country closer to Capetown is really a nice place to live because of

A) continental climate, high temperature a lot of plants

B) mild climate, a lot of fruits and nextreme temperatures

C) mild climate., a lot of animals and extreme temperatures

D) a lot of fruits., wine and low extreme temperatures

16.The….. is a place that scientists from all over the world come to study and many tourists come to see.

A) North Africa

B) Floral Kingdom

C) Capetown

D) Garden Route

Лексико-грамматические тесты
17.Can you see … tall man over there?

A) those

B) this

C) these

D) that

18.I ……here for the past three decades.

A) am living

B) have lived

C) lived

D) was living

19.Choose the right variant Too much .... is taught in schools

A) mathematician

B) mathematicise

C) mathematics

D) mathematic

20.The baby is due to be born .. Christmas Eve

A) -

B) on

C) at

D) in

21.Saltanat advised me…. a new apartment.

A) to find

B) finding

C) to finding

D) find

22.You.. look very well.

A) doesn't

B) don’t

C) haven’t

D) hasn’t

23.It…. reported that more than 2 million people have visited EXPO 2017.

A) is

B) had

C) are

D) will

24.I put only a little ….and …… in my tea

A) sugar, milk

B) sugar, milks

C) sugars, milk

D) sugars, milks

25.The issue is not worth ....

A) discussed

B) being discussed

C) discussing

D) having discussed

26.The bag is heavy but the suitcase is…..

A) heavy

B) most heavy

C) more heavy

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