Вестник казнпу им. Абая, серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №1(72), 2022 г


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Хабаршы ҚазҰПУ 22.04.2022

The purpose of the research work is to determine the level and features of the development of the education 
system in the city of Turkestan during the period of the Russian Empire. To analyze the provisions of educationin 
the areawith all its inherent changes during the period, on a solid source base, the state of public education is 
traced, the structure and study programs of Muslim educational institutions (maktabs and madrassas) before 
colonization of the areaand modifications in the educational system during the years of the colonial regime as 
exemplified by Turkestan. 
The value of the study arises in the fact that the level of preservation of traditional education system, the 
transformation process in the system of public education in the colonial period in the specific example of 
Turkestan was revealed, the importance of new-methodical schools and the state of public education in the region 
were shown.
The value of the study is seen in the fact that revealed the level of preservation of the traditional education 
system, studied the transformation process in the public education system in the colonial period with a specific 
example of Turkestan city, shown the importance of new method schools the importance of new method schools 
and the state of public education in the edge.

ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №1(72), 2022 г. 
Research results prove that the issue of educational policy in relation to the Kazakh population, despite some 
transformations in the Turkestan GeneralGovernorship, was considered through the prism of the Muslim issue as 
one of the methods of integration of the region into the general imperial space. 
Keywords: Turkestan, education, muslim educational institutions, mektebs, madrasas, colleges, jadidism.
This research has been is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan 
(BR10164179 «Complex research of socio-economic and cultural history of the town Turkestan middle19-th - 
beginning 21-th сentury») 

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