ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №1(72), 2022 г. 151
the mistakes and miscalculations made. In the process of transferring the Kazakh peasantry to settled life, the
plight of nomadic and semi-nomadic regions in comparison with agricultural regions was not taken into account,
and the principle of voluntariness was also ignored. Plans for the settlement of peasant farms were formed and
carried out by administrative way, violently - without the consent of the population. As the sources show, it was
the violent actions of the Soviet government to settle the nomads that became the main reasons for the mass
migration and flight of Kazakhs from the republic.
By 1932, the catastrophic situation of the population and the spread of famine on the territory of Kazakhstan
caused alarm among the leading workers of the republic. Invaluable sources in this regard can be considered
documents that arose in the daily activities of the Council of People’s Commissars of the KASSR. Among them,
the reports stand out for their significance. A large number of memoranda were collected in the fund of the
Council of People’s Commissars, comprehensively covering the process of mass migrations of Kazakhs. In their
external form, the considered report consist of the following elements: the name of the document type, the
heading indicates the institution where they are sent, then it is indicated whose request this document was
prepared, the date of its preparation and the addressee.
So, in the memo of the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the KASSR, O.Isaev and the
People's Commissar of Finance of the KASSR M.Orumbayev in the Council of People's Commissars of the
Union to Molotov and the RSFSR Sulimov, as well as the People's Commissar of Finance of the USSR
G.F.Grinko and the RSFSR V.N.Yakovleva of May 11, 1932, the following information is given: "in 60 districts
of Kazakhstan out of 117, the number of farms decreased from 629287 (tax accounting data — June 1931) to
456876 farms (as of February 1, 1932) or by 27.4%. If this percentage is extended to the whole of Kazakhstan,
then the reduction in the number of farms due to relocations and migrations will amount to more than 300
thousand farms [14]. This note was one of the first official appeals to these high authorities from Kazakhstan,
objectively covering the situation in the Kazakh village.
Of great interest are also the memos that were sent to the Council of People's Commissars from the chairmen
and authorized regional executive committees.
The commissioner of the Regional Committee and the SNK U. reports on the plight of nomads in Aulie -Ata
in his note .Dzhandosov that the migration in the Talas district comes from grain and livestock villages. In total,
from February 1932 to January 15, 1933, 2,242 farms left the Talas district, 3762 farms were in place. It is also
noted about the reduction in the number of livestock, 1353 out of 3770 horses remained, 151 out of 2118 camels,
51 out of 76 heads. The commissioner of the regional committee of the CPSU (b) Kozhamuratov also gives
information about this area. If the first note is dated January 22-23, 1933, then the second is dated February 15,
1933. According to the data of the district party committee and the district executive committee, as of February 1,
1932, there were 6684 farms in the Talas district, as of June 1, 1932 - 6122 farms, as of January 1, 1933, 3958
farms remained in the district, that is, 2926 farms migrated during the year. In connection with the migration and
food difficulties over the last two months (January - February), there has been a large mortality rate in the area.
So, 63 people died in the collective farm of Zhailma, in the collective farm of them. Karl Marx - 49 people, 29
people died in the collective farm "Zhana Talab". A total of 141 people died on these collective farms
(Baykadamsky site). In connection with food difficulties, there were also cases of cannibalism. In aul No. 7
(Baykadamsky site) Sarysu nomads ate 8 corpses [15].
Of great interest is also the memorandum of the pres. Of the West Kazakhstan Regional Executive
Committee of Koshanbayev to the Council of People's Commissars of the KASSR Kulumbetov from December
1933. At the beginning of the memo, it is indicated that it was carried out on request No. 464. And it reports that
during the period 1930 - 1931, 35578 farms that migrated outside the West Kazakhstan region were identified,
including a small number of Bay farms, but there is no exact accounting.
The memorandum of the Chairman of the Alma-Ata Regional Executive Committee Moldazhanov to the
Council of People's Commissars of the KASSR gives the following information on incomplete data from 14
districts of the Alma-Ata region migrated: to the Kyrgyz Republic - 7312 farms, to China - 11530 farms, within
the region, inter-district migrations 17204; to other regions of the KASSR - 923 farms. In total, 36969 farms
migrated, and there are no data from seven districts, namely from Talykurgansokgo, Urdzharsky, Konradsky,
Chetsky, Alakulsky, Lepsinsky and Oktyabrsky districts. And as of 07/28/1932, 686 farms returned from the
Kyrgyz Republic, 306 farms from China, and 3,527 farms from other districts of the interior regions to their
former places of residence. Thus, the number of returnees is 4,519 households [16].
However, it should be noted that the return of these farms took place spontaneously, without organized
planned leadership from regional and district organizations, as a result of which these farms were in poverty in
many areas.