Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің ХАБАРШЫСЫ, «Тарих және саяси-әлеуметтік ғылымдар» сериясы, №1(72), 2022 ж.
Research related to Savromat-Sarmatian Archaeology began in the XIX-XX centuries. As a result of
excavations in the regions of the northern Black Sea, the Ural region, the northern Caspian Sea and
Kazakhstan, archaeologists have differentiated the spiritual and material culture of this tribe, determined the
processes and chronology of cultural development. In particular, B. N. Grakov proposed a general four-stage
chronology of the Savromat-Sarmatian tribes, based on the specifics of their burial structures, burial
traditions and material world:
1. The savromat period or Blumenfeld - VI-IV centuries BC.
2. Savromat-Sarmatian or Prokhorov period-IV-II Centuries BC.
3. The middle Sarmatian period or Suslov - II BC - II Centuries BC.
4. The late Sarmatian period or Shipov – II – IV centuries BC [2, p.104-106].
Since this proposal is generally supported by the majority, this chronology is taken as a basis in the research
As for the excavations in the west of Kazakhstan and the works published on the
theme of Savromat-
Sarmatian, the first burial mounds in the west of the country were excavated during Russian Kingdom by
members of the "Orenburg scientific archival Commission", whose reports are published in certain issues of
the Journal "The works of Orenburg scientific archival Commission" [3, 4, 5]. These reports indicate the
diameter, height of the burial mounds, how human skeletons were laid, and what was found. However, there
are no drawings or drawings about them.
Excavations that began during Russian kingdom continued in the Soviet period. Most of the
excavations of this period were carried out mainly in the former Urals and modern West Kazakhstan region
by such scientists as P. S. Rykov [6], G. I. Bagrikov [7], G. A. Kushaev and B. F. Zhelezchikov [8].
G. A. Kushaev published brief reports of the mounds he excavated in some issues of the magazine
"archaeological discovery". However, the greatest work of G. A. Kushayev was published in 1993 as a result
of excavations carried out for twenty years under the Title "Study of the ancient history of the steppe" [9]. In
this monograph, the burial mounds excavated in the Ural region are considered
in chronological order,
providing valuable information about the early Iron Age and the Middle Ages.
One of the scientists who conducted large-scale research in the Ural region was B. F.
Zhelezchikov. Together with this scientist V. A. Kriger, in the 1970s and 1980s, he excavated many burial
grounds in such burial grounds as Kos-Oba, Belaya Gora, Kysyk-kamys, Novopavlovka, Tau, Zharsuat and
Alabastrova. During these years, research work was also carried out in the Lebedevska necropolis by M. G.
Moshkova, B. F. Zhelezchikov and V. A. Kriger. The results of the burial mounds of Kos-Oba, Belaya Gora,
Kysyk-kamys, Novopavlovka, Tau, Zharsuat and Alabastrova were published by B. F. Zhelezchikov in the
work "archaeological monuments of the Ural region" [10], and the results of the burial mounds of Lebedevka
were published by B. F. Zhelezchikov, V. M. Klepikov and I. V. Sergatskov in the work "Drevnost of
Lebedevka (VI-II centuries BC, he was appointed as the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Both
monographs include mounds dating back to the 5th - 3rd centuries BC. From these monographs, you can get
information about the features of the structure of Savromat-sarmatian tombs, their distribution and burial
In the early 70s, archaeological research was also carried out in the Aktobe region. It should be
noted that M. K. Kadyrbayev and Z.H.Kurmankulov discovered numerous Savromat-sarmatian burial
grounds on the
Left Bank of the Elek River, such as Sintas, Bes Oba, Zhalgyz Oba and Kumissai.
These mounds are attributed to savromats, some of the results of which were published in the
Journal "The past of Kazakhstan on archaeological sources" [12, p.137-156] and "the remoteness of Eurasia
in Scypho – Sarmat time" [13, p.84].In his article, M. K. Kadyrbayev compared the architecture of tombs
and objects found in the Sintas and Bes Oba burial mounds. Thus, it is noted that the characteristic structures
of these tombs are similar to those of Uygarak in the Aral Sea region and Shilikty burial ground in the East
Kazakhstan region. Therefore, these articles allow us to learn about "tombstones like roofs on Earth".
Research work in Aktobe region was carried out in 1986-2000 under the leadership of S. Y
Gutsalov and A. A. Bisembayev in such burial grounds as Zhamankargaly, Shpaki, Shygys Kuraili, Tselinny,
Tanabergen and Akzhar.
As a result of the study, S. Y. Gutsalov published many articles, as well as the
monograph "The Ancient Nomads of the Southern Ural VII – I centuries BC " [14]. In this monograph, a
typology of arrows, swords, daggers, mirrors and ceramics was developed, and a general burial tradition was
touched upon.
Although archaeological research in western Kazakhstan slowed down by the end of the Soviet
era, it began to revive after independence. In 1999, academician Z.
Samashev in Atyrau region, with the
ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №1(72), 2022 г.
support of the administration and oil companies, excavated the araltobe burial ground and published valuable
materials. These materials showed that the mound did not belong to an ordinary person, but to the Savromat-
sarmatian King. This mound was published by academician Z. Samashev in the work "Treasures of Steppe
leaders, Issyk, Berel, Shilikty, Araltobe" [15, p.160-170].
Another of the rich tombs belonging to the Sarmatian culture was excavated and studied by M. N.
Sdykov and Ya.A.Lukpanova in the Taksai necropolis, located in the Terekti District of the West Kazakhstan
region. Archaeologists have found gold ornaments made in the "animal style" in this burial site, describing it
in the work "ancient nomads of western Kazakhstan (on the example of the Taksai I burial complex) [16].
The above information not only explains the unique place of the Savromat-sarmatian tribes in the
history of Kazakhstan, but also shows the high potential of the Savromat-sarmatian tribes in the formation of
cultural and spiritual values.
From this point of view, it is important to consider the origin of these tribes.
Therefore, the author set himself the goal of writing this article. As a result, there are two different views on
the appearance of this tribe on the stage of history. After that, this topic was systematically discussed in two
chapters: "the origin of the Savromat-sarmatian tribes according to written sources" and "the origin of the
Savromat-sarmatian tribes according to archaeological sources".
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