Xv-xviii ғғ. жыраулар тілінің сөздігі К. Жанабаев

Summary Language dictionary of zhyrau in the XV-XVIII centuries

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Language dictionary of zhyrau in the XV-XVIII centuries
The article talks about the peculiarities of the Vocabulary of the language of the bard, about the role of Zhyrau and akyns in the formation of the Kazakh literary language, about the peculiarities of the artistic-poetic system Zhyrau and akyns, not only in connection with their various social functions, but also with their Genesis, the nature of the genre and style of their poetry. Each singer performing their social functions, the text has its purpose, identifying to him alone inherent in a poetic manner, which is manifested in a particular style and genre. This style of poetry we call poetry or verbal art aesthetics and despite nature, stylistic-semantic norms, as well as on traditional usage and idioms singers, their poetic speech is still very different from each other. The reason for the difference lies in the nature of the performance by the singers of one or another social function in a nomadic society and their social status.
Keywords: genre, meritocracy, monumental, poetic system, speech, ritual mediation, syncretism, language Dictionary of Zhyrau, text, traditional, epic style, language.

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